Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 581 Uncle and Nephew Meet

Chapter 581 Uncle and Nephew Meet
" drive..."

In the middle of the night, outside Taifu's mansion, at the Lantian camp, General Wang Lin, the swordsmith, came on horseback.

At this moment, there is a curfew on the street, and there are basically no pedestrians. Therefore, galloping wildly will not affect anyone.


When he came to the gate of Taifu's mansion, Wang Lin reined in his horse, stopped, turned around, and walked straight into the mansion.

"Major General?"

In front of the gate of the mansion, the servant hurried forward to lead the war horse, and greeted him respectfully.

"Take the horse to the stable and feed it more!"

Saying that, Wang Lin went straight towards the mansion, until he came to the study of his uncle and uncle Sun Tong.

At this moment, the lights in the study room were brightly lit, reflecting Shu Suntong's back. It was obvious that although it was late, Shu Suntong hadn't rested yet.

"Lin'er pays respects to uncle!"

Wang Lin pushed open the door and walked in, bowing his hands respectfully.

"Lin'er is here! Come and sit down, uncle has something to discuss with you!"

Shu Suntong frowned, looked up and saw Wang Lin, he immediately relaxed, and said with a smile.


Wang Lin responded, came to sit down in front of Shusun Tong, and said puzzledly: "Uncle, Lin'er received the emperor's gift today, and is in charge of the Lantian camp. He is training soldiers. Uncle suddenly sent someone to summon Lin'er. I don't know why. thing?"

Hearing this, Shusun Tong sighed, and said, "Son, how many soldiers and horses are gathered in this big camp now? What Shushu asked you is not a secret, can you tell the old man?"

Wang Lin nodded, and said: "It's nothing to hide. Following Mr. Zhang's travels, he has recently summoned an army of 13, including the original manpower, a total of 30 troops. The distance from Lantian Camp, the size of [-] troops , the difference is more than half!"

Uncle Sun Tongdao: "Then you tell uncle, the soldiers of the Lantian camp estimate when they will be able to go to the battlefield, when they will be able to fight, and when they will be able to meet the requirements. Give uncle an estimate!"

Wang Lin frowned, not sure why his uncle, who had never asked about military matters, suddenly asked so many questions.

But he still said: "Returning to my uncle, the formation of a large army is definitely not something that can be done in a short period of time."

"It will take at least two months for this army to meet the requirements."

"And it will take at least three to five years to train a large army."

"Of course, if you train to be an ordinary elite and face the enemy on the battlefield, at Lin'er's speed, it will take about half a year."

"But such soldiers are far from meeting Lin'er's requirements, let alone His Majesty's requirements!"

"By the way, Uncle, what do you mean when you suddenly ask about this matter? Could it be that something major has happened and troops are urgently needed?"

While speaking, Wang Lin was puzzled and asked in doubt.

"Hey, Lin'er, you don't know, something big happened in the court!"

Shu Suntong sighed, just as Ying Shou said, at this moment, he and the officials were in a mess.

Ever since Chao Tangshang came back, Shusun Tong has been frowning.

For a while, he couldn't think of what the emperor was so angry in the court today, what was the meaning of the anger.

He couldn't help but wonder secretly, whether the emperor was still doing business for the previous matter, and now it was clearly settled after the fall, coupled with deterrence, he was going to use troops against the Xiongnu completely.

You know, if you didn't fight before, you missed an opportunity, but now, the Xiongnu soldiers are in full swing, if you start a fight, the Great Qin has insufficient soldiers and horses, and you will definitely suffer a lot.

Therefore, he called Wang Lin back and wanted to know when and how to fight this battle.

After all, the speed at which Wang Lin trains troops is directly related to the speed at which Da Qin can fight.

If the soldiers have been trained for ten or eight years, but the emperor wants to send troops in the near future, then the real big trouble will be.

"Oh, what a big deal that makes uncle so worried?"

Wang Lin asked in surprise, you know, Shu Suntong has always been calm about things, and it must be an earth-shattering event for him to treat him so seriously.

"The Xiongnu broke the covenant and came to fight. Your Majesty may send troops to suppress the Xiongnu!"

Shu Suntong sighed, looked up at the ceiling, and said in a deep voice.

"What, the Huns are so courageous, dare to tear up the covenant, can't they seek death?"

When Wang Lin heard this, he immediately stood up, furious.

"Uncle, please explain clearly, what is going on?"

After a moment of silence, Wang Lin asked again.

"Hey, just today, Generalissimo Wei Liaozi sent an urgent report. The Xiongnu arrested my Great Qin envoy Zhang Qian and General Tu Sui in the royal court, and humiliated them in every possible way."

"Then, all the property and goods sent by the businessmen to the Huns for trading this time were all detained."

"Even the weapons and spare food in the hands of the soldiers were left behind. In the end, our Daqin Mission was driven out of the royal court, and they died of exhaustion, starvation, and thirst!"

"Fortunately, Marshal Daqin rescued him properly. Otherwise, the 2-strong mission would all be buried in the Huns, what a pity."

"At the same time, the war between the Xiongnu and Donghu has ceased. The 80 Xiongnu army has turned their spearheads and aimed at us, Great Qin. A big battle may be inevitable!"

Shu Suntong had a sad look on his face. At this moment, he couldn't help but wonder if he made a mistake in his original decision.

It is undeniable that he and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are all considering the development of Daqin, and all their advice is for the good of Daqin.

But it was precisely because of their advice that a great opportunity to destroy the Huns was wasted in the end!
"What a bunch of thieves from the Huns, really don't know the heights of heaven and earth. My Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, how wise and inviolable, they dare to be so arrogant, they are looking for death!"

Wang Lin frowned, his voice was cold, and murderous intent flickered in his eyes.

But he was only angry for a moment, then he calmed down, and slowly sat down in front of Shu Suntong.

"But uncle, Lin'er has one more question to ask. Why didn't Lin'er receive the notice at the court meeting today? Lin'er shouldn't be missing for such a big event!"

Suddenly, Wang Lin raised his head to look at Shu Suntong and asked with a frown.

Doesn't it mean that Wang Lin thinks that he is so great, and that he cannot be left out in the court meeting?On the contrary, with his current status, it doesn't matter whether he goes to court or not.

But one thing, Wang Lin is very clear, if Ying Shou really wants to start a war, at this moment, he absolutely cannot be avoided.

Don't look at him as a sword-casting general, which is nothing more than a false title. However, the moment the emperor canonized him as a sword-casting general, he already knew that he was the future marshal of the Great Qin, or in other words, he is the marshal of the Great Qin now.

Because he is both the sword maker and the sword bearer.What he forged was the sword of war, and what he wielded was also the sword of war.That being the case, Daqin's war naturally cannot avoid him.

But now, the emperor didn't even notify him of the court meeting, so the meaning of this is beyond imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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