Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 583 Goodbye Little Princess

Chapter 583 Goodbye Little Princess

"I understand what Lin'er means. Your Majesty the Emperor will not intervene in this war, right?"

Shu Suntong probably understood that the current emperor is really disappointed.

"That's right, His Majesty won't interfere anymore. In fact, His Majesty not only doesn't interfere now, but a long time ago, His Majesty seldom interfered with Daqin's affairs."

"It's a pity that the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty have always been unclear. They thought that His Majesty the Emperor was greedy for pleasure and forgot his own mission."

"Actually, the entire Great Qin, in front of His Majesty the Emperor, is like a baby eagle under an eagle!"

"Whenever the right time comes, the eagle will let go of its wings and throw the young eagle off the cliff."

"It doesn't mean how fierce the eagle is, or how lazy the eagle is, but the young eagle needs a chance to hone."

"And His Majesty the Emperor's retreat behind the scenes is to give the whole Great Qin a chance to hone his skills!"

"Unfortunately, the young eagle of Daqin has disappointed His Majesty the Emperor too much. Under the protection of the Emperor, everyone has lost their blood, and even the hatred they once had has forgotten."

"All subjects, wish to forget all hatred and fear, and just want to live comfortably under the protection of the emperor!"

"Today, His Majesty the Emperor was furious, not because he was really angry, but because he hated iron for being weak and reprimanded his subjects. He hoped that with the matter of the Huns today, we could exchange the bloodiness of my Daqin subjects, so that Daqin can truly stand alone. .”

"So, the emperor will not intervene in this war. He will only encourage his subjects and let them resolve it by themselves."

"In other words, the key to this battle is not His Majesty the Emperor, but Daqin, and all the subjects in this world!"

"When everyone decides to fight, this battle will naturally break out. But as long as there are still people who are hesitant or firmly opposed, this battle will never be fought!"

Wang Lin's boastful talk, if Ying Shou was here, he would definitely be shocked in his heart, sighing secretly, Wang Lin is the one who knows me and knows me.

It has to be said that at this moment Wang Lin guessed exactly what Ying Shou was thinking.

"Hey, why didn't the old man think of this link? Lin'er, as you said, the old man is old, and the courtiers are in a daze, and they can't see through the reality. I didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor is so good-hearted. Bitter!"

At this moment, Shu Suntong understood completely, and for a moment, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

It was only at this moment that he realized that His Majesty the Emperor was facing so much helplessness.

If it were me, how much I would hate iron for not being strong.

Fortunately, I was watching the sky from a well, always thinking that I was thinking for the people of the world, but I forgot that the real overall situation is always in front of the emperor.What the emperor did was truly taking care of the overall situation.

However, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty performed their own duties, and each of them only thought about the convenience of their own duties, completely ignoring the convenience of others, and treated them as a group of courtiers who were extremely stupid.

"Uncle, I don't know if there is any problem? If not, Lin'er will leave first!"

Seeing that Shusun Tong understood, Wang Lin stopped talking nonsense, and immediately surrendered and was about to leave.

"Lin'er, could it be that the camp is so busy that you have to leave immediately after you come back this late at night?"

Shu Suntong frowned and couldn't help saying.

"Not really, it's just that Lin'er is getting more and more busy, and has less and less time to accompany the princess."

"Uncle, do you still remember what His Majesty said, if a man can't even accommodate a woman, how can he accommodate the world?"

"Although this little princess is from the Huns and has a savage nature, her character is not bad, but she just doesn't understand etiquette. I hope that when Lin'er is not at home in the future, my uncle will treat the princess well and treat the princess as if he was her own. Don't let the Huns do it because of the Huns. Misfortune will implicate the princess!"

"After all, she is just a child who is not yet sensible, and she is also a victim of the war between the two countries, and she is Lin'er's wife!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands, and while speaking, he changed the subject and asked Shu Suntong instead of Wu Ya, the little princess of the Xiongnu.

"Hehe, Lin'er, Lin'er, Uncle is relieved that you can say these words, you have grown up."

"Although my uncle hates the Xiongnu, what His Majesty said is justified. You can't put the grievances between the two countries on anyone. This is not fair to anyone!"

"Just go about your business with peace of mind. With my uncle here, I won't let anyone hurt my little princess, including my uncle!"

Shu Suntong smiled and said very kindly.

"In that case, Lin'er will replace the princess here, thank you uncle!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and said solemnly.

For Shusuntong, although he has no blood relationship with him, in his view, he is like his own parents. Therefore, Wang Lin always maintains etiquette in front of Shusuntong.

"Okay, you go down first, and it's a good thing to spend time with the little princess!"

Shu Suntong waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

"No, Lin'er resigns!"

Wang Lin stopped talking nonsense, cupped his hands, said goodbye, and left.

As soon as he walked outside the study, he saw a person standing quietly outside the study. It was none other than Wu Ya, the little princess of the Xiongnu.

At this moment, the little princess was staring at Ying Shou with twinkling eyes, with tears in her eyes.

Just now, she heard the last conversation between Shusun Tong and Wang Lin clearly. She never expected that Wang Lin would protect herself like this.


Seeing the little princess of the Xiongnu, Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help shouting.

As soon as he finished speaking, the little princess had already jumped several times, rushed to him, grabbed his neck with a sudden grab, and threw herself into his arms.

"Wang Lin!"

The little princess's heart was gushing like a spring. At this moment, it seemed that she had just found a sense of belonging in Daqin.

Although she has a savage nature, no matter how savage and willful she is, as long as she is a woman, she needs a man to protect her.

At this moment, for the little Hun princess, Wang Lin is her guardian.

"Princess, why are you doing this? Could it be that during my absence, it seems to be insulting you?"

Wang Lin frowned, instinctively stretched out his palm, and said softly to the slender waist of the little Hun princess.

"No... general, no one bullied Wu Ya, it was just because she was happy that she shed tears!"

The little princess quickly shook her head and vetoed it.

"Master Tai Tuo treated Wu Ya very well, treating Wu Ya as if she was her own, and treating her with gentleness. Similarly, all the servants in the mansion also treated Wu Ya very well, obeyed their words, and no one complained. This is enough for Wu Ya .”

"Okay, how about Wang Lin take Her Royal Highness to rest first, what's the matter, how about we talk about it another day?"

Wang Lin's voice became gentle. Looking at the girl in his arms, he didn't know what to do, so he could only comfort her softly.

As for the war between the two countries, he never placed any hope or blamed on the girl in his arms!
(End of this chapter)

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