Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 586 The Widow Is Pregnant

Chapter 586 The Widow Is Pregnant
"Oh, that's it! Didn't I tell Concubine Xue that if she is bored in the future, she can go out of the palace at will?"

"As long as she wants, she can visit that little princess at any time. If not, she can also summon that little princess to live in the palace. Why does she still have such a request?"

Ying Shou smiled, a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty, please don't get me wrong. This is not the request of Concubine Xue, but the concubine deliberately proposed it because she saw that Concubine Xue forced herself to smile every day, but she was always depressed!"

"The concubine can tell that Sister Concubine Xue is a very sensible woman, and she is also very considerate to His Majesty, but sometimes, the more sensible a woman is, the harder she is, isn't it?"

Nan Yan quickly shook her head and corrected her.

"Well, well, it's best if the queen has such an idea. I can feel relieved to see that you are in harmony."

"In that case, get ready. I will take you out of the palace for a walk later. It just happens that I have nothing to do these days. I will spend more time with you in the future."

"Today, let's go to Taifu's mansion!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Nan Yan was overjoyed, hugged Ying Shou tightly and smiled.

Soon, the sky was bright, Ying Shou called all the girls together, and after having breakfast together, Ying Shou went straight to the imperial study room, reviewed and presented it, yesterday's memorial, after reading it, he took all the girls to the Taifu's mansion .

At this time, in Xianyang City, on the main street of the South Gate, a civilian woman was very nervously heading towards the South Gate.

If Ying Shou was here at this moment, he would definitely recognize this woman at a glance.

I still remember that when Yuwen got married in Chengdu, Xu Chu said that he would introduce a queen to him, and he was talking about this woman.

And this woman was the widow who was peeped by Xu Chu over and over while taking a bath.

This widow is not a beautiful woman, but she is also quite good-looking. The key point is that she has a plump figure, which suits Xu Chu's appetite.

After the emperor obviously refused and beat Xu Chu violently, Xu Chu began to flirt with this woman.

This early in the morning, this woman with a nervous expression on her face went straight to the south gate, grabbed a soldier and shouted: "Where is Xu Chu, where is Xu Chu, let that bastard come out to see me!"

The guarding soldier looked bewildered, and shouted: "Where did you come from, how dare you act wild here, go away. If you dare to call General Xu Chu's name directly, don't blame me for being rude!"

The woman was obviously taken aback, but she was not afraid of these soldiers, and immediately shouted: "You dare, tell Xu Chu to come out and see me, hurry up!"

The situation here quickly attracted countless people around to watch and point their fingers.

For a while, the soldier had a bad fit.

Daqin has strict rules and regulations. As an officer and soldier, he dare not hurt the people at will. For a while, the soldier was very embarrassed.

"what happened?"

At this moment, a scolding sound sounded.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look, and seeing the person coming, the eyes of the soldiers around them lit up.

"Young master, you are here!"

The entangled soldier rushed up to greet him and shouted.

The person who came was none other than Li Yuanba.

Because Li Yuanba and the emperor were siblings and always called the emperor's brother, in the eyes of these people, he was the son of Daqin.

Even though he and Xu Chu had guarded the city for nearly half a year, others called him General Xu Chu, but he was always called Young Master.

At this moment, Li Yuanba, the son of Qin, came, and in the eyes of the soldier, he had found a savior.

However, before Li Yuanba could open his mouth to ask what happened, at this moment, the widow suddenly came over, grabbed Li Yuanba by the collar, and shouted: "Hey, Li Yuanba, okay, tell me quickly, Xu Chu Where did you go?"

"It's been so long without seeing me, is he dead?"


Seeing this woman, Li Yuanba shuddered all over, quickly laughed and said, "Oh, so it's Xu Chu's concubine, concubine, why are you looking for Xu Chu?"

When the woman heard this, her eyes widened and she shouted, "What did you say? Say it again, who do you think is the concubine?"

While speaking, the woman was completely angry.

In Li Yuanba's view, this mistress is just a title, but anyone who knows something knows that this is absolute discrimination.

"What Xu Chu said was that he called you a concubine!"

Li Yuanba looked confused, isn't her name called Mistress?

" bastard, I'll kill you, I'll make you scream, I'll kill you!"

The widow's eyes turned red in an instant, and in a rage, she grabbed Li Yuanba and punched and kicked her.

"Hey... hey hey... my mistress, what are you doing? Although my brother won't let me hit a woman, don't go too far!"

Li Yuanba jumped up, and the very dissatisfied master shouted.

While speaking, the widow was still beating, Li Yuanba slapped her hard and pushed her away.

Maybe Li Yuanba didn't use his strength, but even if he didn't use his strength, how many people in this world could bear it?

The widow fell to the ground in an instant, wailing and crying loudly.

"Bastard, it's unreasonable...Xu Chu, you bastard, you molested my mother. Now that my mother is pregnant, you not only don't see her, but also let your people beat her. You are not human!"

For a moment, the voice of the widow crying and shouting sounded, attracting countless pointers from around.

"What, she's pregnant? Is it General Xu Chu's child?"

When the soldiers heard this, they were terrified, as if they had gotten some big gossip.

"What is pregnancy?"

Li Yuanba asked a little puzzled.

"My lord, he has General Xu Chu's child in his belly, and he has given birth to General Xu Chu's child!"

The soldiers also knew that Mr. Li Yuanba was out of his mind, so they explained.

"What, you have a baby? Hey, it's a great thing. No, I'm going to tell my brother to get Xu Chu back. Xu Chu is going to be a father, hahaha!"

Hearing this, Li Yuanba jumped up excitedly, as if it was not Xu Chu who was going to be the father, but Li Yuanba.

While speaking, Li Yuanba ran towards the palace like the wind, regardless of everything.

Before coming to the imperial city, no one dared to stop this young man with abnormal brains. If he was beaten up, it would be light. If he was beaten to death, he would deserve it.

Therefore, Li Yuanba went all the way unimpeded and directly broke into the palace compound.

He knew very well that Jingquan Palace was where the emperor always stayed, so as soon as he rushed into Jingquan Palace, he saw the Queen, Concubine Xue and Yinyue and the girls, and shouted loudly: "Where is brother, where is brother?"

A few girls were sitting together studying female celebrities, and suddenly they were startled by the sound, turning around, Nan Yan couldn't help but glared, and said: "What are you looking for His Majesty the Emperor, you are so flustered! "

(End of this chapter)

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