Chapter 592
Widow Zhang's sudden action shocked everyone again.

Ying Shou was quite angry at first, but gradually, his anger dissipated and he calmed down.

But then, another wave of anger welled up in his heart.


Suddenly, Ying Shou scolded, and said angrily: "Bold woman, how dare to despise the imperial court official, and make a move on the imperial court official in front of me, and I am the Minister of Rites of the Great Qin Dynasty. She has no shame and no etiquette!"

As soon as Ying Shou scolded, the widow trembled all over and looked at Ying Shou in horror.

Just now, she was a little carried away, and for a moment, she forgot the majesty of the emperor. Now that she realized it, how dare she move a bit?

Ying Shou's eyes were cold, he glanced at Widow Zhang, then turned to look at Wu Hua, waved his hands and said, "Aiqing sit down first, I don't know about this matter, what is Aiqing going to do with it?"

Hearing this, Wu Hua secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

What he is most afraid of is that at this moment, the emperor suddenly intervenes, and it will be difficult for him, the Minister of Rites, to handle it.

Although he is the minister of the Ministry of Rites, he doesn't necessarily have to handle everything himself.And this woman, being able to startle him, is enough to show that this woman has committed a heinous crime.

This kind of thing is by no means to be let go.

The strength of the former Qin Dynasty lies in the law, but the post-Qin of Yingshou lies not only in the law, but also in the ceremony.

The so-called legislation is unbreakable, and the law is merciless.Once there is the first connivance, there will be the second, third, and even countless times. In the end, the country will be destroyed.

Therefore, the law of the Great Qin Dynasty has never been broken since Shang Yang moved to Muli to establish his faith.

Laws cannot be broken, and neither can rituals.

Otherwise, one person breaks the ritual today, and a hundred people break the ritual tomorrow. Gradually, people in the world don't pay attention to the ritual, and then break the law.

At that time, the etiquette and law will be gone, and there will be room for Daqin?

The so-called Confucianism using literature to disrupt the law and chivalry to use martial arts to violate the state are actually the result of the collapse of rituals and the destruction of the law.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Ying Shou or Wu Hua, no matter whether they like it or not, they will never allow anyone to challenge the Great Qin etiquette.

"Your Majesty, I know that this woman is His Majesty's guest at this moment. As a subordinate, it is treasonous to break into the palace and take someone like this."

"It is even possible to bear the name of forcing the palace, but no matter whether it is a big treason or a bad name for forcing the palace, I also ask your majesty not to intervene in this matter."

"Otherwise, it's not good for the minister to do things well. It's not good for the country, the family, the world, or His Majesty the emperor. Please understand me, Your Majesty!"

Wu Hua sat back on the chair, straightened his body, and said with cupped hands.

"Well, how can I not understand what Ai Qing said? Go on!"

Ying Shou nodded. He was not a conniving person, so he naturally understood how contradictory Wu Hua, as a courtier, felt at the moment.

"Since this is the case, I would like to thank Your Majesty in advance. This woman violated our Daqin etiquette time and time again, and was taken to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites not once or twice. However, she refused to change after repeated admonitions and made mistakes repeatedly. It is really irritating."

"This time, I will take action personally, and I will definitely cut off this matter on her. Otherwise, my Daqin etiquette will not be despised by others?"

Wu Hua cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"Ai Qing doesn't have to be like this, just say, how to deal with this person!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, he was not in the mood to hear Wu Hua beat around the bush here, laying so many groundwork.

"Since Your Majesty asked, I should know that I have nothing to say, and I can't say enough. According to the logic, this woman has repeatedly made mistakes and does not know how to repent. If she is taken away this time, she will definitely be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment. If not, she will be killed."

"However, even if His Majesty's face is disregarded, this woman is pregnant after all. If she does this, it will be outraged!"

"For the sake of the child in her womb, the penalty can be waived, and the death penalty can be escaped. However, it may be the most unforgivable."

"Next, please forgive me for confining this girl in the prison. When will she repent, realize her mistakes and correct her mistakes, and when will she be exempted from punishment?

Hearing this, Wu Hua didn't talk nonsense, and immediately spoke frankly.

Ying Shou frowned and shook his head slowly.

Seeing this, Wu Hua's face suddenly changed.

He asked himself, he has done everything that should be done, and avoided what should be avoided. Could it be that the emperor can't even accept the result of being imprisoned?Then what's the use of talking so much?

"Your Majesty, can't you?"

At this moment, Wu Hua's voice trembled, and there was a solemn look in his eyes.

As long as the emperor dared to veto his suggestion, even if he died here today, he would never let go.

This kind of punishment is already so light that it cannot be lightened any more. If he continues to indulge, the Great Qin's etiquette will no longer exist, and the rituals will collapse, and the world will be in chaos.

Sometimes, it is not necessarily some big and earth-shattering figure who causes chaos in the world.The so-called thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest.A small ant can destroy the entire dam, and a small person can also cause troubles in the world.

Therefore, whether you are an emperor or an official, the most important task is to prevent all possible things from happening.

"Ai Qing, I don't think so!"

Ying Shou waved his hands.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Hua stood up suddenly, and was about to say something, but Ying Shou shook his head and said: "It's too light, this method is too light, and it's not enough to show the power of my great Qin etiquette."

"Furthermore, Ai Qing has indeed considered everyone, but you have forgotten to consider the most important person!"

Wu Hua was taken aback when he heard the words, and said involuntarily, "May I ask who His Majesty the Emperor is talking about?"

Ying Shou pointed to Widow Zhang's belly and said, "The father of the child in her belly is my general, Xu Chu!"

At this moment, Widow Zhang was already sluggish to the side, not daring to move.

He thought he was the emperor's guest, the general's woman, but Wu Hua dared not do anything to him.

Unexpectedly, he actually dared to come to the palace to find the emperor's important person.

Even if this important person comes, the emperor still agrees to come. Now, he still feels that the punishment for himself is too light.

Is this going to kill yourself directly?
Although she doesn't understand the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty, she still knows one thing.

This world belongs to the emperor, whoever the emperor wants to die, no one can live.Similarly, whoever the emperor wants to live cannot die.

This is not her cognition alone, but the cognition of the world.

The cognition of the people in the world is so simple. In their view, the emperor does not need to look at anyone's face when doing things.

"General Xu Chu?"

Wu Hua frowned and said in a low voice.

"That's right, she can be regarded as half a general's wife now. As a general's woman, if she doesn't understand the etiquette, it is a serious crime. If she knows the law and breaks the law, the crime will be aggravated, so she should be punished severely!"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, he got up slowly, stood with his hands behind his back, with an indifferent expression, and said with a majestic posture,
(End of this chapter)

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