Chapter 595
"I... no, the woman... the woman knows!"

Widow Zhang lay on the ground. At this moment, she felt powerless, dizzy, and burst into tears.

Before she knew it, her relationship with Xu Chu had grown so deep.

Outside, there were screams one after another, heart-piercing.

The sound of the court staff beating continued to resound, there is no doubt that the 150 court staffs are enough to beat people to bloody blood, and it is difficult not to die.

Even in front of Ying Shou, Wu Hua, who caused the incident, couldn't help frowning when he heard the voice, and he could imagine the tragedy of the scene.

Ying Shou saw his expression in his eyes. He could see that this Confucian sage felt distressed and couldn't bear it at the moment, but he didn't ask for mercy, which made Ying Shou very satisfied.

This is the courtier Ying Shou wants.

As a courtier of Daqin, one must not be ruthless or promiscuous.

If you should give in, you will give in, and if you give in, you have to be hard.

The law is ruthless, sometimes good and sometimes bad, depending on whose hands it falls into.

Perhaps some people will say that being unselfish is the point of governing the law.This is true, but being unselfish does not mean being ruthless.

A ruthless person is easy to degenerate, good and evil are not distinguished, and they are only for profit.

The so-called unselfishness requires affection, but you can't be selfish. There are many things that you can't bear, but you have to do it. This is the real unselfishness.

At this moment, Wu Hua barely met Ying Shou's requirements.

"Aiqing, are you satisfied with this result?"

After looking at Wu Hua for a while, Ying Shou suddenly asked.

At this moment, Wu Hua was listening to the voices from outside with a dull face.

Hearing this, he hurriedly turned his head, looked at Ying Shou, stood up and said respectfully: "Your Majesty's righteous killing of relatives is not the kindness of heaven, I admire you!"

Ying Shou smiled and said, "It's fine if Aiqing has no opinion. Remember, Aiqing is in control as the Daqin etiquette. In the future, if you encounter people who repeatedly violate my Daqin legislation, don't worry too much."

"You let go and do it boldly. If anything happens, I will bear it for you!"

Wu Hua quickly knelt down and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust. I will fulfill my mission and die!"

The court stick continued. At this moment, everyone felt torment in their hearts, as if the passage of time had slowed down.

Du Tingzhang was only half a quarter of an hour, but to everyone's ears, it seemed as long as a century had passed.

When the sound of the court staff is trivial, the screams are trivial, when everyone's eyes are looking outside the palace gate.

There, Xu Chu was dragged in like a dead dog.

At this moment, he was covered in blood, his skin was torn apart, his face was pale, and he was dying.This blow of the imperial staff almost killed him.

"Xu Chu..."

Seeing this scene, Widow Zhang burst into tears, and rushed forward, trying to hug Xu Chu, but seeing that Xu Chu was covered in blood, she didn't know what to do, so she stood there anxiously wiping away her tears.

"Xu Chu, do you have any complaints?"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly.

"Your Majesty,"

Xu Chu forcibly raised his head. He was beaten internally and couldn't even speak clearly at this moment.

"Very good, come here, tell the imperial doctor, and personally treat my general's wounds!"

Ying Shou nodded, and with an order, someone immediately went to invite the imperial doctor.

On the side, Nan Yan and the others couldn't bear to see this scene, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

They know very well that Ying Shou can discuss everything on weekdays, but the biggest problem is not to offend his bottom line.

Now that Xu Chuluo has ended up like this, he deserves it.

Soon, under the treatment and bandage of the imperial doctor, Xu Chu finally stopped the bleeding from his bloody back. During this period, Xu Chu passed out several times, and then woke up from the pain.

After the bandage was finished, Xu Chu woke up for the last time. Although he couldn't get up, he still said forcefully, "Xu Chu...thank you so much, Your Majesty..."

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "No need, Xu Chu, I hope you can remember what happened today, and teach your woman well in the future not to do any more angry things, otherwise I can let you go today. In the future, I will let you go." I can't save you either!"

"Besides, there is one more thing. I called you here today not for punishment. I want to congratulate you!"

"You are the first person to be happy among the many founding fathers. For this, I am very happy, but I am also angry."

"As a courtier, you are messing around with a widow. How can you be decent?"

"Now that the mistake has been made, fortunately it's not a big deal. I think you will add another happy son to my Great Qin, so I won't pursue it."

"Today, I will make it here, and you two will choose a day to get married."

"I will make arrangements for this matter for you. You take good care of your wounds. When you recover from your injuries, you will get married. Do you understand?"

"Oh, by the way, I didn't prepare any gifts in a hurry. How about it, on your wedding day, I will send the gift for the children and your wedding gift together!"

While speaking, Ying Shou's tone gradually softened.

His subordinates are merciless towards the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty.But for his group of loyal and good generals, he still cherishes them very much.

"Thank you...Your Majesty..."

Xu Chu burst into tears. He was originally summoned by Ying Shou, and it was impossible for him to have any resentment towards Ying Shou, or even the intention of treason.

Even though he was beaten now, he could only admit defeat.But the emperor's reward moved him deeply.

In the whole world, how many people can receive such mighty grace from the emperor?
Yuwen Chengdu is one, and so is he.

"Okay, come here, use a stretcher to let General Chu go back and heal his wounds!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and shouted in a deep voice.

After the words fell, everyone agreed, prepared the stretcher, and carried Xu Chu away directly.

"My subordinates bid farewell!"

Wu Hua stood up, unwilling to stay longer, and bowed his hands.

"Ai Qing, let's go!"

Ying Shou nodded, waved his hand and said.

Wu Hua left and caught up with Xu Chu and Widow Zhang in front.

At this moment, Widow Zhang didn't dare to show any resentment towards him, and Xu Chu didn't have any thoughts of resenting anyone, just lying quietly on the stretcher, every time the stretcher shook, he would gasp in pain .

Seeing this, Wu Hua couldn't help but said: "General Xu Chu, today the Emperor's Majesty's grace has descended into the body of a general, and Wu Hua really envies him!"

Xu Chu sneered, curled his lips, turned around and lay on his stomach, looked at him and said, "So what can I do if you are envious? You can have a child if you have the ability? But it is true, just you Confucian scholars, who are pure-hearted and ascetic, and You are 50 to [-] years old, I am afraid you will not be able to give birth, you deserve your majesty's favor!"

Hearing this, Wu Hua's face turned black, angry and angry, and a little funny, and said: "General, I can see why your Majesty always says you are unreliable, your mouth, and your style of work can make you angry." dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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