Chapter 601
The world was silent, countless people greeted him outside the city of Xianyang, and more than ten thousand people kowtowed before the emperor.

The autumn wind was rustling and the sunset was sinking. Emperor Zhengzheng looked at the tens of thousands of people in front of him, but did not make any movements. He seemed to be counting. After a long time, it took about half an hour.

When the sky was completely dark, the emperor suddenly opened his arms, looked up at the sky, and shouted loudly: "There were 800 people when I was on the mission, but now that I am returning, there are only 370 people left."

"Through this trip, 420 people from our Daqin Mission lost their lives. Alas, these heroes of Daqin, for our Daqin, entered dangerous places and sought peace. Where are they now?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience burst into tears, and countless people behind them choked with sobs.

The emperor calculated the number of people when he was on the mission, and now he returns and counts again.

More than 3000 people are too far behind the death toll during the two countries' battles.

But this is not a death in battle, but a death of humiliation. The death of a hero makes people cry.

"His Majesty!"

In front, everyone in the mission burst into tears at the same time, and all the guard soldiers opened the ashes in their packages one after another, saying: "Everyone is here!"

At this moment, relatives in countless missions wailed and cried.

It was hard for them to imagine how much suffering the Xiongnu and their relatives had endured during this mission, and how many people were tortured to death alive.

And among these dead people, there may be their own relatives.

"Okay, okay... Born to be a Qin person, dead to return to Qin land, buried Qin soul."

"Today, I lead hundreds of civil and military officials and countless common people to personally welcome the heroes of the Great Qin or all the missionaries into the city."

"Here, on behalf of Daqin, I would like to apologize to all of you for suffering!"

Ying Shou nodded, with a desolate voice, cupped his hands and bowed three times in front of thousands of people.

Behind him, the officials of cultural relics and countless people knelt down one after another, kowtowed for the hero, and welcomed the hero into the city.

"go home!"

After bowing three times, Ying Shou stood up, waved his hand, and instead of shouting to enter the city, he only shouted to go home.

Thousands of people are in grief and indignation, thousands of people are crying, and the hero team slowly enters the city.

To return to Daqin is to go home, to return to Xianyang is to go home, and under the glory of the emperor, it is home.

On this day, the whole country guards the spirit and honors the heroes.

With the return of these heroes and disgrace, the war between Daqin and the Huns can be regarded as a complete prelude.

The next day, in the imperial city, in the Xianyang Great Hall, all the officials prostrated themselves, and all the generals kowtowed.

The emperor Ying Shou stood up from the dragon chair, waved his sleeves, and shouted: "Did you see that the war between the Great Qin and the Huns has begun. Next, tell me what to do?"

"The final commander asks to fight!"

"The final commander asks to fight!"

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, countless generals of the Qin Dynasty came out to the left below, asking to fight, and shouted: "The undefeated Huns will not be returned if they die!"

At this moment, Da Qin's majesty was completely revealed, and Da Qin's anger completely swept the court, and then spread to the world.

The people of Great Qin, the Yanhuang of the Central Plains, are not bloodless, but they yearn for peace more.

Of course, when there is no peace, it is the time of bloody arousal.

"Okay, from now on, the generals of the Manchu Dynasty will kill the Great Qin Xiongguan for me. Remember, I don't want you to defeat the Xiongnu, I want you to destroy the Xiongnu!"

"Remember what I said, those who offend us will be punished even if they are far away. I want to destroy their clan, their species, and their descendants. Is it possible for you to do that?"

Ying Shou's eyes were sharp. At this moment, his heart was boiling with enthusiasm. Finally, the actions of the Huns angered Da Qin Yanhuang, an invincible lion.

Next, it was time for the Huns to face boundless anger.

"I will not destroy the Xiongnu, I swear not to return home!"

Hundreds of generals bowed their hands at the same time, knelt down alone, and shouted loudly, with the will to die in their eyes, this is a kind of ambition to serve the Great Qin to the death.

The will of the emperor is their yearning.

If the emperor wants to defeat the Huns, they will defeat the Huns.The emperor wanted to destroy the Huns, so even if they all died in battle, the Huns had to be destroyed before the corpses could return to their hometowns and their souls could return to their hometowns!

"The generals and soldiers of the Great Qin have been prepared, and the soldiers of the Great Qin have already appeared. What else does the Great Qin need?"

Ying Shou opened his hands and shouted coldly.

"The generals and soldiers of the Great Qin are going to fight, and we, the civil servants, will definitely do our best to dedicate every ounce of strength to the frontline fighters and show the strength of our Great Qin!"

Countless civil servants began to worship and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty, Xiao He issued a military order to never let the front soldiers be hungry, never let the front soldiers be thirsty, never let the front soldiers be cold, never let the front soldiers freeze."

"Anything the fighters in front need, Xiao He will do his best, and he will die after death, and the mission will be fulfilled! If he violates this statement, Xiao He will be willing to lead his death!"

Before the officials, Xiao He cupped his hands and shouted loudly.

"Di Renjie is an ex-army soldier, solving all worries for the future!"

"Shusun Tong is willing to lead the people of the world, to fight against the Xiongnu, to dedicate every strength of the Great Qin!"

The civil and military officials, all the officials in the court, were full of fighting spirit at this moment, and all the so-called troubles, in their eyes, were no longer troubles.

The real biggest trouble is the Xiongnu who have gone under the Great Wall and are about to destroy the Great Qin.

Under such a crisis, no one has any selfishness anymore. They want only one result, to repel the Huns, destroy the Huns, and return our country to peace.

The difference between boiling a frog in warm water and scalding a bullfrog in boiling water is reflected at this moment.

The Xiongnu reconciled with Daqin, eroded Daqin's will to fight, and gradually eroded Daqin, no one cared.

Of course, when the Xiongnu came strong, the rebound of Daqin would be unimaginable.

"Okay, civil and military united, the decisive battle of the world is here. All the soldiers obey the order and go down to prepare first. After three days, the troops will be dispatched to the north of the Great Wall to destroy the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu will not be destroyed, and they will not be returned after death!"

"All the ministers obey the order, the soldiers and horses have not moved, the food and grass go first, and don't chill the hearts of my Daqin soldiers, don't break the strength of my Daqin soldiers!"


Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, a decisive battle began. With a wave of his sleeves, when the court was dispersed, it was the day of the whole country's war of resistance.

Civil and military officials kowtowed and sent them off.

Back in the harem, Ying Shou immediately issued a series of orders.

This time the generals went out to fight, led by the Great Qin General Tu Shi, who broke the sky and stayed in Xianyang.

For this battle, Ying Shou did not mobilize the untrained soldiers from the Lantian Camp.

These soldiers still can't exert enough power. So far, what Daqin can use, after all, is the 20 troops guarding the Great Wall.

The emperor's decree made the generals move upon hearing the wind.

That night, Tu, with no anger on his face, came to the palace and begged to see His Majesty the Emperor.

When His Majesty the Emperor summoned him, he discovered that Shi Potian was also summoned by the Emperor.

The two walked into the hall together, and after bowing down to the emperor, Tu was very dissatisfied and said, "Your Majesty, there is one thing that is unclear at the end, please ask your Majesty to clarify, why don't you let General Shi Potian go to battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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