Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 604 Playing Chess

Chapter 604 Playing Chess
"Hehe, butcher, this is just a very normal thing, why do you react so much, and why are you so anxious to explain!"

Seeing Tu Shi's appearance, Shi Potian shook his head and smiled, and asked curiously.

"Normal fart, Old Shi, what is the relationship between us, I don't need to say, I will never harm you."

"But I have to warn you that His Majesty the Emperor can do wrong things, but you must never question His Majesty the Emperor. I believe in His Majesty the Emperor. Remember, I believe forever."

"Today's words, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will not give up with you!"

Tu Ji glanced at him and said coldly.

He also had doubts about the emperor's decision today, and even Shi Potian's so-called doubts, he hadn't thought about it.

But no matter what the emperor did, he would not allow others to question it. If there was a problem, he had to bring it up in person.

Otherwise, whoever dares to question the emperor behind his back is against him, even if this person is his best brother.

"Okay, okay, look at you, it's like I touched a tiger's ass!"

Shi Potian shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "If you don't say it, you won't say it. It's really hard to imagine what kind of magical power His Majesty has to make you, a butcher, so careful and loyal."

"But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, at least you, Tu, have chosen to be so loyal to the master, which also shows that there is nothing wrong with me, Old Shi, coming to seek refuge!"

"Let's go!"

While talking, the two headed straight towards the opposite direction of the imperial city.

Because Shi Potian just returned, even the emperor didn't reward him with any mansion, so he can only go to the inn, or he can go to other places to stay overnight, such as Tu Shi's house.

And that night, the direction the two of them headed was exactly Tu Shi's home.

The next day, the emperor's decree shocked the government and the public, and everyone couldn't understand why the emperor revoked Huben Zhonglang's position at such a critical juncture.

In the end, Huben Zhonglang and Shi Potian were left in Xianyang, but Tu Shi was reassigned to lead the Huben army.

In this regard, many people are speculating, and some people even persuaded the emperor, but in the end it was useless.

This news is certain, and the world is in turmoil.

Three days later, hundreds of warriors gathered and led an army of tens of thousands, heading straight for the Northwest Great Wall.

In this battle, Daqin didn't invest a lot of troops, but it can be said that they came out in full force.

That's really all for the soldiers of Daqin. As for the recruits who are still in training, they haven't reached the time to go to the battlefield at all.

Therefore, Daqin can only pull out these tens of thousands of troops in the end, which is equivalent to evacuating the entire Daqin.

At the same time, all generals were dispatched.It can be said that Zhang Liang is the only one who can preside over the overall situation in the Daqin Military Aircraft Department.

While the army was leaving, a war horse galloped towards the imperial city.

On the horse, the young man turned over and got down, the palace guards immediately lowered their heads and shouted: "I have seen the young general!"

It was Wang Lin who came, nodded slightly, and walked straight into the imperial city.

When I came to Jingquan Palace, I went all the way unimpeded, and finally saw Emperor Li in the pavilion.

"Last general Wang Lin pays homage to my emperor, long live long live long live long live long live!"

Ying Shou is sitting in the pavilion at the moment, and there is a chessboard in front of him. There are no pieces on the chessboard, obviously the game has not started yet.


"My whole life, play a game of chess with me!"

Facing Wang Lin's prostration, Ying Shou said indifferently without turning his head.


With a flash in Wang Lin's eyes, he got up and came across to Ying Shou, sat down slowly, and couldn't help but look at Ying Shou, as if he was waiting for Ying Shou to decide who would hold the black chess.

On the chessboard, it has always been stipulated that the sunspots go first. However, when playing chess with the emperor, it is impossible to snatch the sunspots, nor to evade them. Everything can only wait for the emperor to make a decision.

However, under Wang Lin's gaze, Ying Shou didn't move, just sat there quietly.

Time passed by little by little, after a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, and an hour later, Ying Shou still didn't speak or make a move, just sitting there quietly like sitting in meditation.

Wang Lin didn't open his mouth, and waited quietly. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he grabbed the white piece in his hand, and fell into Tianyuan forcefully, and then looked at Yingshou.

He noticed that the corners of Ying Shou's face, which had been calm all the time, were raised slightly, and a slight arc was drawn, revealing a satisfied smile.

"It seems that you have won this game!"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smile.

"That's right, Your Majesty, the last player won this game, but if the last player really wins, His Majesty can truly win!"

Wang Lin nodded. At this moment, he already understood the meaning of the emperor asking him to play this game of chess.

It is precisely because he understands that he is the first to play chess, and with the white pieces first, occupying the Tianyuan, it can be said to be extremely powerful, regardless of the rules.

And this is exactly what the emperor wanted to see.

"But, can you really win this game of chess?"

Ying Shou let out a heavy breath, and said with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty didn't say anything. In fact, he just waited for the last general to go first, waiting for the last general's decision. This is enough to explain that His Majesty the Emperor doesn't know whether he will win."

"In other words, His Majesty has already handed over the chance of winning or losing to others!"

"Of course, the last general can guarantee that he will win this battle, but how and why he wins in the end is not in the control of His Majesty, nor is it in the control of the last general, but in their control!"

While speaking, Wang Lin pointed to the northwest direction.

"Sure enough, he is my sword-making general. It seems that you already know a lot of things. Then tell me, what should I do?"

Ying Shou nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile.

"Let's just wait and see what happens. Since the situation is not under His Majesty's control, let's put everything down and watch the situation change."

"Just right, Daqin also needs time at this time!"

"Your Majesty really wants to take down the Xiongnu as soon as possible, but the blood in the world is weak. Although the experience of the mission this time has angered the world and the whole court is united, my Great Qin is really too weak now."

"If His Majesty makes a move in person, there is a chance, but the most frightening thing is that His Majesty not only has no idea to make a move, but even has no chance to make a move!"

In the final analysis, this battle depends on how the generals decide and how the Huns face it.

If the Huns deal with it and avoid fighting instead, Daqin will fall into endless passivity!
The light of wisdom flashed in Wang Lin's eyes, and he clearly saw the current situation clearly.

He understood very well that now the emperor had done everything that should be done, and whether the country was saved or not was no longer within his control.

What the emperor needs most now is the bloodliness of this country. However, such things as bloodliness cannot be given just by saying.

The emperor can't give them, but it's also impossible for the emperor to guard the country forever.

Therefore, he can only use persecution to force out the bloodiness of the people of this country.

(End of this chapter)

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