Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 607 Abnormal Emperor

Chapter 607 Abnormal Emperor
"Fortunately, the emperor summoned and said that the former Qin Huben Zhonglang General Shi Potian returned from his mission to the Huns and made an indelible contribution, so he was granted the position of the Judgment Department of the Daqin Military Aircraft Department, and gave the Judgment General a mansion. Thirty, maidservant thirty, hereby!"

In Xianyang City, on the third day of the army's expedition, Shi Potian finally got the mansion bestowed by the emperor.

All of a sudden, civil and military people from all over the dynasty celebrated one after another, and countless people came here admiringly to visit this legendary general who was as famous as Meng Tian and Tu Shi in the previous dynasty.

That night, the General's Mansion was still full of people and brightly lit.

In the palace, Ying Shou listened to the grand occasion of the General's Mansion with a very indifferent expression on his face, neither happy nor unhappy.

"Okay, back off!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, waved away the person who reported below, got up and walked towards the Jingquan Palace bedroom.

At this moment, in the sleeping hall, Empress Nan Yan had already rested, and suddenly heard that the emperor was coming, so she hurriedly stood up to respond.

"The concubine sees His Majesty the Emperor!"

Nan Yan gently knelt in front of Ying Shou and said respectfully.

"Stay flat, take off your clothes and rest for me!"

Ying Shou opened his arms and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty won't go to sister Xue Ning today?"

Nan Yan was startled, raised her head and asked.

In the past few days, for some reason, the emperor has been resting in Concubine Xuedu's Chaoyang Palace, and has no intention of coming to Jingquan Palace. This sudden arrival surprised Nan Yan.

"Why, the queen doesn't welcome me or something?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, bent down slowly, and stretched out his hand to evoke Nan Yan's delicate cock, his tone a little hostile.

"no no……"

Nan Yan was startled. For some reason, she suddenly realized that Ying Shou at this moment seemed a little unusual.

Ying Shou used to do this move often, and it's the same bad thing, but every time he did it, there would always be a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

But today, Nanyan didn't catch that evil smile, but only the hint of unkindness in his tone.

This was very wrong, and she seemed to have discovered something.

"Why don't you undress me soon?"

Ying Shou let go of his hand and smiled slightly.


Nan Yan nodded hurriedly. Although Ying Shou smiled now, the smile was too gentle, a bit fake.

She got up quickly and undressed Ying Shou herself.

As soon as he took off his robe, Ying Shou turned around abruptly and hugged her in his arms. Accompanied by an exclamation, the lights in the bedroom flickered, as if to cheer for something.

An hour later, Nan Yan was paralyzed and lay powerlessly in Ying Shou's arms, while Ying Shou closed his eyes as if he was asleep.

"Your Majesty... are you asleep?"

Nan Yan's voice was a little weak, and she asked softly.

"What's the matter!"

Ying Shou spoke with a slightly hoarse voice.

"I don't know why, when I saw His Majesty occasionally these two days, I always felt that His Majesty seemed a little absent-minded and preoccupied."

"However, His Majesty has always stayed in Chaoyang Palace for the past two days, and his concubines dare not disturb him."

"Tonight, my concubine feels that His Majesty seems to be in a bad mood. I wonder if I can ask about this matter?"

Nan Yan hesitated and said in a low voice.

These words can be said to be said with courage.

She could really feel the emperor's mood was different. Even the exercise just now had not been enjoyed as much as before, which made her feel devastated.

She knew that unless the emperor encountered some huge problems, such a big change would never happen.At least, his temper will not change so much.


Facing Nan Yan's question, Ying Shou felt a warm current in his heart, but shook his head, and did not answer.

In the past few days, he was indeed a little preoccupied, and even got a little grumpy.

The battle ahead can be said to affect his heart anytime and anywhere, and the strong desire to fight keeps him awake at night.

He didn't know how Tianmen would respond, or rather, he expected Tianmen to respond according to his ideas.

It's a pity, what the result is, it is a mystery after all, and if this mystery is not solved, it will be a day of torture for him.

He instinctively went to Chaoyang Palace, only because of Xue Ning's body, he could see the shadow of Tianmen.

As the saying goes, it is easy to hide a sharp spear, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow.

It is also said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

But now, he doesn't know anything about Tianmen. In this case, he doesn't know how to deal with Tianmen at all.

And Tianmen, to him, is the most hidden and most dangerous arrow, as long as he can't see this arrow, the result is very unpredictable.

Even though he claims to be invincible in the world, he still feels uneasy when faced with this hidden arrow.

"It's fine...Your Majesty, the concubine is incompetent and cannot share the state affairs for His Majesty, but if there is anything unhappy about His Majesty, please inform the concubine. The concubine hopes to be a useful person, listen to His Majesty's thoughts, and share your worries for His Majesty." !"

Nan Yan nodded lightly, no matter whether the emperor was busy or not, as long as he said he was fine, it meant that he didn't want to continue talking.

Nan Yan was reasonable and well aware of the emperor's temperament, so it was inconvenient to continue asking, so she could only speak softly.

"Well, rest!"

Ying Shou turned over, hugged her in his arms, rested his chin on her forehead, and said softly.

Nan Yan slowly closed her eyes. She didn't know if the emperor had really fallen asleep, but she gradually fell asleep in that wide and warm embrace.

The next day, when the sun was shining, Nan Yan slowly woke up, but saw that the emperor was still sleeping soundly.

With light hands and feet, she slowly got up, put on her dress, walked out of the bedroom, after washing up, she personally prepared meals for the emperor, but when she came back, she found that the emperor was still sleeping soundly.

At this moment, it was almost noon, and the emperor had never slept so late before.

However, the emperor does not need to be in court for the time being, and no one dares to disturb the emperor's sleepiness, even as the queen, she can only put down the meal and wait quietly.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Mother, it's not good, Empress Yinyue wants to leave the palace!"

Nan Yan turned her head, at the moment she was sitting in the pavilion of Jingquan Palace, looking at the water of the lotus pond below, when she turned her head, she saw Ning'er, her personal servant girl, rushing towards her.

Ning'er has always been her personal maid, but after bringing Yinyue back to the palace, she was worried that others would not take good care of her, so she assigned Ning'er to Yinyue to take care of Yinyue at all times.

"Sister Yinyue is bored in her heart, and it's a good thing to go out of the palace to relax. You girl can't speak well no matter how much you open your mouth. It's really unreasonable!"

Nan Yan stared and scolded in a low voice.

"No, empress, it would be fine if Empress Yinyue just went out of the palace to relax. After all, His Majesty said that if you are bored, you can go for a walk, but you must bring your guards with you."

"But Empress Yinyue doesn't like others to follow, she insists on going out for a walk quietly, what if something happens to her, what should I do!"

(End of this chapter)

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