Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 629 The Emperor Travels

Chapter 629 The Emperor Travels
"Hey, brother, I can testify to this point. Xu Chu is very kind to his wife, but Yuanba is also ready, just wait until he gets married and has a baby!"

As soon as Xu Chu finished speaking, Li Yuanba smiled and immediately echoed.

"It's the best. If this is the case, let's go to court first. What should we do? Let's go back!"

Yingshou nodded, and while speaking, got up and left.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The ministers kowtowed until the emperor left completely, and then they got up one by one, walked together in twos and threes, talked about the New Year, all with smiles on their faces, and left the court hall with great anticipation.


"Your Majesty, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, do you really want to leave Xianyang at this time?"

In Jingquan Palace, Nan Yan and Xue Ning were summoned by Ying Shou, looking at the emperor who had packed his luggage, Nan Yan couldn't help frowning.

You know, the Chinese New Year is the most important event of the year, especially this year, which is the most grand event in hundreds of years. How can the emperor leave at this time?

Wouldn't it be troublesome if you couldn't make it back by then?
"Yes, Your Majesty, Sister Yinyue is currently in the south of Lingnan and the South China Sea. The South China Sea is very far away from Xianyang. It will take more than two months to go back and forth. If this delays the prosperity of the New Year's Eve, it may be detrimental to the world. !"

Beside Nanyan, Xue Ning couldn't help persuading her.

This time, Ying Shou went to greet Yinyue in person, and the two women had no complaints, but compared with the important things, they were too light and easy compared with this New Year's Eve event.

After all, on New Year's Eve, if the emperor doesn't show up, it will definitely scar this prosperous world, which no one wants to see.

"Don't worry, it takes a month or two for others to go to the South China Sea, but that doesn't mean it's the same for me. Get ready, don't delay!"

Looking at the two girls with anxious faces, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, waved his hand and said.

"Well, since His Majesty the Emperor has made a decision, the concubine will obey!"

Seeing that the emperor's mind had been made up, Nan Yan couldn't say anything more, so she had to make a promise and turn inside.

On the side, Xue Ning also followed the promise and returned to Chaoyang Palace. Not long after, the two women put on dark clothes and gathered in front of Ying Shou.

Shenyi, this is a trendy clothing of this era, and it is also called Quju in later generations.

The theory of Quju can be called a style.

This style of clothes, in this era, is mostly women's mainstream clothing. The style is usually designed to wrap around the front, and the collar is displayed in the form of the left front pressing the right front.

In the history of Ying Shou's previous life, this kind of clothing was used by both men and women in the later Han Dynasty, but there are still differences in styles!

Shenyi, in Yanhuang's thousands of years of history, cannot be regarded as the most beautiful clothing, but it is definitely the clothing that can best show the beauty of women.

Ying Shou looked at the two women in dark clothes, and felt that at this moment, the feeling they gave him seemed to have completely changed.

The two women, no matter in all aspects, can be called the top beauties in the world, but their beauty is different.

For example, Nanyan shows a kind of beauty that is free and easy without losing personality.It seems that there are all kinds of things in the world, and all the auras are gathered in one body, which can be called a sunny and positive representative.

Now, she is still wearing this dark dress, and the purple dress supports it even more noble, majestic, graceful and petite, truly bringing together the beauty of the world in one body.

Xue Ning's beauty is a kind of hibiscus, pure and elegant.As if the snow lotus on the snow mountain is not stained with a trace of dust, it is white and flawless.Anyone in front of her will feel inexplicably ashamed.

Now, she is still wearing a dark green dress, which looks more natural, as if the world is full of spirits, and she can be called a model of holiness in the world.

"Well, not bad, it looks good!"

Ying Shou never boasted that he was a talented person. Facing such a beauty, he didn't have the idea of ​​reciting a poem. Instead, he nodded and smiled very vulgarly.

Seeing his satisfied and loving expression, the two women couldn't help pursing their lips into a smile.

"Come on, is the car ready?"

At this moment, Ying Shou suddenly looked outside and shouted loudly.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, the chariot is ready, but the two-horse-drawn Kowloon chariot is not very good!"

The guard hurried into the hall and said with a hesitant look.

Since Ying Shou ascended the throne, he basically never rode in any carriage.But if the emperor doesn't ride, it doesn't mean he can't prepare a car to drive him away.

The representative of the emperor's identity, the nine-dragon chariot, needs nine top-quality war-horse chariots, which coincides with the number of ninety-five supreme beings.

However, now that Ying Shou was about to go to the South China Sea, in order to save time, he directly pulled Li Yuanba's Wanli Yundu over, together with his own dragon blood horse, they could be said to be the two most powerful horses in the world today.

Therefore, Ying Shou directly canceled the nine-horse-drawn carriage, which seemed a little strange to everyone.

After all, the Kowloon carts and two-horse carts are weird no matter how you look at them.

"As long as you're ready, don't ask questions about this and that!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, not bothering to explain.

With the speed and strength of Wan Liyun and the Dragon Blood Horse, not to mention pulling one cart, even ten carts are no problem.

And under these two war horses, if you really need to add a few more war horses, it's just a burden, it's better not to add more.

"Let's go, I don't bring any entourage today, my family of three, it's time to go out and relax!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, stepped forward, led Nan Yan and Xue Ning, and went straight outside.

Before arriving at the imperial city, the huge Kowloon carriage had already parked there.

This Kowloon chariot, as the monarch's car, is quite extraordinary.Among them, the space is more than 20 square meters.

Ordinary people's cars are at most two square meters, which is considered spacious.But this Jiulong carriage is like a moving single room.

There is a huge bed inside, as well as dragon tables, dragon chairs, etc., which are all prepared for the emperor to rest and deal with court affairs.

Back then, when Qin Shihuang toured the world, Ying Shou was by his side.It can be said that the closest to Qin Shihuang is not Qin Shihuang's eunuch Zhao Gao, but Ying Shou.

I remember that at the beginning, Qin Shihuang rode in the Kowloon Chariot.

The width of the road built by Daqin can be said to be unprecedented, enough for three or four carriages to run in parallel.

But this Jiulong car drove up, and as soon as it walked on the driveway, it directly occupied the entire driveway.

At the beginning, Qin Shihuang, who was on a parade, was not idle. He either inspected various places every day, or sat in a carriage to review memorials.

Numerous memorials were reviewed, as if he was not in a carriage at all, but a moving palace.

"set off!"

Ying Shou took Nan Yan and Xue Ning's little hand into the chariot, with a wave of his sleeve, the CRRC command drove the horses away, heading straight for the outside of Xianyang city.

The carriage moved slowly so as not to disturb the pedestrians on the street.But on the street, countless people saw the Kowloon chariot, and they still bowed down one after another, knowing that the chariot must be the emperor.

When the emperor travels, all the people bow down, this is already a rule that has been integrated into the flesh and bones of all people.

(End of this chapter)

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