Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 640 Intimidation

Chapter 640 Intimidation

There is no doubt about Yinyue's strength before she lost her memory, but at this moment, with hundreds of swordsmen around her, plus she has to protect the little girl in her arms, Ning'er.

And her memory has not been recovered yet, all shots are just instinct, which caused his strength to be suppressed again and again, reduced again and again, and his whole body strength could not be used to two or three out of ten.

For a while, surrounded by hundreds of people, it was even more difficult to escape.

Otherwise, in the heyday, fighting alone, although these swordsmen are the best of the best in the army, after all, there is no regular army formation, and thousands of people may not be able to stop him.

It's a pity that it can't do it now. Although these hundreds of people can't do anything to her in a short time, she basically has no chance to escape, and can only continue to bear the attacks from all directions.

Gradually, as the battle continued, Ning'er in her arms also gradually came back to her senses. Facing the sword light attacking from all directions, Ning'er instinctively screamed in panic, which immediately disturbed Yinyue's mind, and she slowed down her attack for a few seconds. Ten sword lights struck, knocking down the long sword in her hand in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, countless long swords covered her whole body, enveloping her whole body, making her unable to move at all.

With countless long swords all over his body, if he moved a little, it would be tantamount to asking for a dead end.

"My lady, what should I do?"

At this moment, Ning'er's face was pale, her whole body was trembling, she didn't even dare to turn her head, and asked in a low voice.

Yinyue didn't answer, at this moment, what to do was no longer up to him to decide.

People are swordsmen, I am fish and meat, all decisions are in the hands of the other party.

On the other side, the Three Musketeers, who were fighting Sima Xun, saw Yinyue was restrained, and the three of them slammed a blow, knocking Simaxun away, and then retreated immediately, rushing to Yinyue's side in an instant.

The long swords of the three of them were placed on Yinyue's neck almost at the same time.

"Sima Xun, your master is now in our hands, do you still want to fight to the death?"

The great swordsman scolded, and looked at Sima Xun with threats in his eyes.

"Sima Xun, immediately put down your weapon and capture him without a fight, otherwise I will kill you, mistress, right now!"

The second swordsman sneered and continued.

"Sima Xun, don't doubt our brother's words, this opportunity is only once, I hope you don't let it go, otherwise you will regret it!"

The three swordsmen opened their mouths and gave a solemn warning.

The actions of the three of them can be described as despicable and shameless, but in this battlefield of intrigue and scramble, there has never been such a thing as shameless.

They could see that it was not easy to take down Sima Xun, and even today they couldn't do anything about Sima Xun.

In this kind of situation, who can be coerced and lured, who would be foolish and desperate?
Sima Xun's face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on everyone here.

He didn't say anything like being mean and shameless. There is no fairness in fighting. As long as you can win, who cares about being mean or not?

Besides, what's the use of shouting at this time?

It's just that now that the master is in someone else's hands, it's inevitable for him to be wary.

For a moment, he clenched and released the spear in his hand, then clenched it and then let it go, hesitating constantly whether he should just let it go.

"Sima Xun, what are you still doing in a daze, I'll count to three, if I don't put down the weapon in my hand, I'll kill Yinyue immediately!"

Seeing that Sima Xun was obviously struggling in his heart, the Three Swordsmen yelled, ready to give Sima Xun another blow to his heart, breaking the last hesitation in his heart, and forcing him to put down the spear in his hand.

However, it was good that the three swordsmen were silent. As soon as his words fell, Sima Xun immediately clenched his spear, his eyes fixed, and he swung the spear, pointing at everyone here.

"Hahaha, are you threatening me?"

"Don't say that the one who falls into your hands today is the imperial concubine or empress, even if it is the emperor, don't want this general to be captured without a fight!"

Sima Xun laughed out loud, with a sarcasm on his face, as if he was mocking these people for their whims, that they wanted to threaten him with a woman.

"Sima Xun, what do you mean? Could it be that you don't even want the life of your master?"

The second swordsman was startled, and shouted angrily.

"Sima Xun, don't try to play tricks. Do you think you can control me by pretending you don't care?"

The great swordsman stared at Sima Xun, and said coldly.

While speaking, he kept speculating about Sima Xun, wondering whether Sima Xun was pretending not to care, or really didn't care.

If Sima Xun puts on airs, the initiative will be firmly in their hands.But if Sima Xun really didn't care, today's affairs would be difficult.

Just as the so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, the most terrible enemy is this kind of unscrupulous, never knowing what is the existence of rats.

"You don't need to blow up this general. If you say that this general doesn't care about your mother's life, no one will believe it!"

"However, you may not have heard a word, and this word comes from the mouth of my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor."

"His Majesty the Emperor once said that all attempts to avoid the mouse are nothing but stupid behavior."

"When a person has enough strength, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he will surrender to him!"

"Today, it's true that my Great Qin Concubine is in your hands, but I, Great Qin, have never been greedy for life or afraid of death."

"Today, the imperial concubine dies, and I die, and you must die too. The imperial concubine lives, and you still have a chance!"

Facing the warning from the three of them, Sima Xun dismissed them and sneered.

At this moment, he was not putting on airs, but he had never thought about saving the living imperial concubine, or in other words, at this moment, the life and death of everyone was no longer so important to him.

In his mind, he clearly remembered a question that Ying Shou asked when discussing the Xiongnu and Donghu.

At that time, Ying Shou asked this question: "You said, if one day I fall into the hands of the enemy and become a prisoner of the enemy, the enemy will threaten me and let everyone be captured without a fight, what should you do?"

When Ying Shou asked this question, there were three public officials and six departments in front of him, almost all the people in charge of the military aircraft department.

And Sima Xun was also beside him at that time.

After Ying Shou asked this question, everyone fell into silence. However, Xu Chu and Li Yuanba said at almost the same time:

"The sky is big and the earth is big, and the emperor is the biggest. If you can keep the emperor, what can you do if you just capture them? It's okay to give them the country."

"The country is gone, you can fight back, but Daqin has only one emperor, and you must not lose it!"

The officials were silent for a moment, and they couldn't help nodding. Whether they wanted to express their loyalty with these words, or they really thought so, but in the end, they all agreed with this statement.

However, at this time, Ying Shou smiled coldly and said with contempt on his face: "Stupid and ignorant, fortunately you can still be in charge of the government, and you can think of such a way to kill yourself."

"If you really want to do this, you are the chief culprit who put me to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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