Chapter 688
"Asshole... ah..."

Chidi stood up, furious, and punched out, and a tree trunk as thick as an arm snapped off.

"Who is this person? When did the Qin Kingdom have such a powerful person?"

Slowly, Chidi's face darkened, and he stared at the direction where the old man and Xue Ning left with a very ugly expression.

In the entire state of Qin, in today's world, there are only three strongest old men, one is Xunzi and the other is Bai Weng Taoist.

However, although the two of them could not be said to be dying, their strength gradually weakened as they got older.

Among these two people, if we say that the most powerful thing is the value brought by the experience they have accumulated in this life.

Besides these two people, there is the mysterious and unpredictable old man Guigu, but the old man Guigu has never appeared in the world. As far as he knows, it is too late for the current Guiguzi to escape the pursuit of Tianmen, and it is impossible for him to intervene in Tianmen. thing.

If this person is not Guiguzi, then who is it?

At this moment, Chidi inexplicably felt a chill all over his body, as if invisibly, he had entered a dilemma.

Will it really be as easy as I imagined to destroy Ying Shou and win Qin?

Or did I make the wrong choice from the start?

Taking a deep breath, Chidi suddenly turned around and left here.

He had to find a way to find out the identity of the old man first. Daqin had a Ying Shou, and it was already not easy to deal with. If he added this mysterious old man, he would have a hard time walking.

In the afternoon, on the small island where Ying Shou was, with the dried clothes on Nanyan's boat, Ying Shou squatted down in front of her, with his back to her.

Nan Yan was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What does your majesty mean?"

Ying Shou patted himself on the back and said with a smile: "Come up, as a queen, you should be driven by Feng Luan's chariot. How can you walk this mountain road? These days, the queen has worked hard. Now, I can't give it to you." Empress Fengluan is driving, let me accompany you!"

Nan Yan was stunned, and said with a smile: "Let His Majesty be a cow and a horse, isn't that a shameful courtier and concubine!"

Ying Shou shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't talk so much, come up. Of course others can't do it, but I love my daughter-in-law, but I don't say anything about it. I should repay my daughter-in-law for taking care of me these days. how?"

Nan Yan felt soft in her heart, and slowly stepped forward, lying on Ying Shou's back, put her head next to Ying Shou's ear, and said with a smile, "Well, for the sake of His Majesty's invitation, the concubine can respect you It's better to obey."

"But let's say it first, we can't let others know about this, otherwise the concubine's life will be difficult!"

Ying Shou got up, carried Nan Yan on his back, and walked outside as if he had no weight.

While walking, Ying Shou said with a smile: "The queen is afraid that the old master will know, don't worry, from today onwards, the palace compound is the queen's world, as long as the queen is not willing, no one can easily go there."

"Even if the Grand Tutor finds out, if he wants to trouble the queen in the future, he won't be able to find him. How about that?"

Nanyan's eyes lit up, and she said in surprise, "Really?"

She naturally knew the meaning of Ying Shou's words. What Ying Shou said meant that no one in the world could control him when he was in the palace in the future.Even if Shusun Tong wanted to nag her, he couldn't do it.

This kind of thing, for any woman, can be described as an extremely joyful thing.

In later generations, such jokes often appear.

In the joke, the condition for many women to marry is to have a car, a house, and savings. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that both parents in the south died.

Of course, this is just a joke. It does not rule out the existence of such people, but it must not represent the majority.

But the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really a big problem in later generations.

In this era, it is not true that there is no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but in this feudal era, the most important thing is etiquette.

Therefore, no one dares to go too far.

A mother-in-law should behave like a mother-in-law, and a daughter-in-law should behave like a daughter-in-law, mutual benefit and mutual tolerance, so everything seems to be less serious than later generations.

But in fact, the more this era is, the more critical it is.

Ordinary families are fine, but if it is a rich family, a noble family, or even an emperor's family, the strictness of one class will completely exceed the strictness of another class.

In the average family, in the final analysis, apart from the father-in-law and mother-in-law, at most there are some sister-in-law relationships, and the sister-in-law relationship needs to be dealt with.

But after marrying into a wealthy family, it’s different. It’s said that there are relatives in Fugui Mountain. This rich family has more ostentation and more relationships to deal with. Seven aunts, eight aunts, and even all kinds of relatives All relationships need to be dealt with solemnly.

Then there is the noble family, what is noble?As an official in the court, he has a prominent status and can be called a nobleman.

Marrying into such a family not only requires dealing with various relationships, but also maintaining the dignity of the husband in the officialdom, which is even more troublesome.

Finally, there is the royal family. What does the royal family represent?That represents the whole world!
There is a famous saying of the royal family, which has not changed through the ages, that is, all the people in the world are the people of the royal family. This sentence means that all people in the world are the people of the royal family.

For a daughter-in-law, marrying into the royal family means that everyone in the world is her husband's family.

Don't say a wrong sentence, even if you blink at an inappropriate time, countless people will pay attention to it.

Therefore, a daughter-in-law married into the royal family is completely picky in terms of rules, and it can even be said to be picky, and few people in the world can bear it.

So since ancient times, strange things have often happened in the palace. Today, either this person is crazy, or that person committed suicide.

Why did the emperor change wives so quickly?The average woman can't handle it.

At this moment, what Ying Shou said to Nan Yan was no less than telling him that when he returned home, all seven aunts and eight aunts would be kicked out.

An existence like the Taifu is equivalent to an existence like a father-in-law. To avoid his nagging, the gate of the palace will be closed directly for him in the future.
In this way, Nan Yan can be regarded as having her own small family, and she no longer has to look at other people's faces.It's as if the daughter-in-law no longer has to look at her mother-in-law's face after the family is separated.

But it is hard to say that she is happy, but she was only happy for a moment, then she shook her head and said: "Forget it, Your Majesty, I know that Your Majesty treats me well, but there are some things that cannot be done after all."

"As long as your majesty treats your concubines well, your concubines will be satisfied. If you really do this, it will be difficult for your majesty, it will be difficult for your concubines, and it will be difficult for civil and military officials in the court!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, and he said with a smile: "I know the empress is considerate, but some things are just fine, and there is no need to be too strict. After I go back, I will handle this matter well. In the future, I will never let the empress do anything in the palace." Embarrassment!"

"Don't worry, Queen, I have my own discretion in these matters!"

(End of this chapter)

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