Chapter 721
"Hehe, it turns out that what I said to you, Han Xin, is actually nonsense. It's really ironic. Such a fool can sweep the world, it's simply embarrassing!"

Tu Mingjun sneered, his words were wise words to any ruler, but only to Han Xin at this moment, they were nonsense, which made him even more ironic.

I just heard him say: "Han Xin, your journey has come to an end. When you conquered the countries, I was not idle, and I was also lobbying the countries."

"Now, you have annihilated fifteen of the 23 countries, and the remaining eight countries, under the leadership of this lord, have joined together!"

"They don't dare to fight you, but I, Zhaoguo, have saved lives with Dongfang Daqin at least once. It was I, Zhaoguo, who saved the Great Qin imperial concubine."

"Furthermore, Great Qin and the Kingdom of Dian also have a lot of friendship. Therefore, all countries are headed by our Kingdom of Zhao and the Kingdom of Dian. You, Han Xin, will have no chance to win another soldier!"

Speaking of this, Tu Mingjun looked at Han Xin with a smile on his face, his eyes were full of complacency.

Han's confidence suddenly surged, a bad feeling came to his heart, and he said coldly, "What do you mean? You actually want to lure Qin soldiers into the southwest to compete with me?"

"Are you crazy? This is luring wolves into the house. Besides, do you really think that the current state of Qin is capable of dealing with this commander?"

While speaking, Han Xin's expression turned extremely ugly.

He is well aware of the strength of Qin State at this moment. Under the pressure of the Xiongnu and Donghu, Qin State is already at a loss.Wanting to deal with him is simply wishful thinking.

Therefore, he was not worried about Qin State. What made him most angry was that these people would rather surrender to Qin State than to surrender themselves.

Have they forgotten the scene where Ying Shou came to the southwest and overwhelmed the 23 countries, shocking everyone to the ground?
"Led the wolf into the house?"

"Ha ha……"

"No, no, no, Han Xin, you are wrong. In the 23 countries in the southwest, everyone else is oppressed by your emptiness and is terrified. However, our Zhao Kingdom and Dian Kingdom have not yet fallen to the point of asking for help everywhere!"

"Contacting other countries this time is nothing more than cutting off all your hopes. We don't need Daqin to send troops, we only need Daqin to give us a way out."

"Now, the monarchs of the other six countries have led the people of the whole country to rush to the border of Bashu, Qin State, and seek refuge in Qin State."

"Similarly, all the people of our Zhao Kingdom and Dian Kingdom have also gone to the land of Bashu!"


As he said that, Tu Mingjun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, looking at Han Xin, laughing until tears came out, and said: "Han Xin, do you know what the final result will be?"

At this time, Han Xin's face was as gloomy as iron, staring at Tu Mingjun, his body trembled.

"You know very well that I need soldiers now, and the more soldiers the better. The result of this is that if I take down the remaining eight countries including your Dian country, I will no longer be able to get another one." Soldier!"

Han Xin's voice was extremely cold, and his strong killing intent almost tore Tu Mingjun apart.

"Hahaha, that's right, from the moment you forcefully recruit soldiers into the army, I have already seen that you can have a big army, and you need a stronger army, so I have cut off all your retreats. .”

"How about it, are you very angry? It doesn't matter. If you are angry, kill me now. I came here today. I didn't think about going back. I just want to tell you, Han Xin, you are a fool!"

Tu Mingjun laughed and looked at Han Xin happily.

To be as strong as Han Xin, to be so humiliated, in Tu Mingjun's view, it is a great joy.


Han Xin clenched his fists tightly, and there was a bone-crunching sound.

His whole body was covered with blue veins exposed.

It has to be said that what Tu Mingjun did really caught him off guard, which caught him off guard.

If what Tu Mingjun said is true, it means that no matter how difficult it is for Han Xin to grow his team, it will be even more difficult for him to get a share of the war to destroy Qin.

"You bastard, Mr. Tu Ming, how dare you utter wild words here, are you looking for death?"

"Come here, drag it down and chop it off!"

Beside Han Xin, Zhu Baotong had a bad temper and flew into a rage, pointing at Tu Mingjun and shouting.

"What did you say?"

Tu Mingjun looked at Zhu Baotong and said coldly.

Behind Tu Mingjun, the translator who followed him translated Zhu Baotong's words.

Hearing this, Lord Tu Ming pointed at Zhu Baotong and shouted: "You bastard, I am not a king, but I am also a king. You are a mere general, and you dare to be so rude in front of this lord. Is this what Han Xin taught you?"

As he said that, Tu Mingjun looked at Han Xin and said, "Han Xin, I have to say that all countries in the Southwest have been humiliated by Qin State. According to reason, everyone should hate Qin State. But relatively speaking, compared with you, Qin State's A little humiliation is really nothing!"

"At the beginning, Emperor Qin came to the southwestern countries to overwhelm the monarchs of all countries. Now, you are just imitating Emperor Qin, but the gap you can see is too big. Emperor Qin is overwhelming, but his courtesy of Qin is admirable!"

"Look at you again, you are a bandit. Even if the hearts of the world belong to Qin, they will never belong to you, so you will never be compared to Emperor Qin!"

"I know, you must think that everyone has surrendered to Qin, but remember, this is not surrender, this is survival."

"Because of your killing and plundering, everyone knows that no grass grows in the land you passed by. In order to survive, everyone has to give up the country and go to Qin to survive!"

"But don't worry, you like to fight. I, Zhao Kingdom, will fight with you today, and there will be Dian Kingdom in the future. Dian Kingdom also has an army of [-], waiting for you. This battle is enough for you!"

During the speech, as expected, Mr. Tu Ming, after some humiliation, there was some provocation.

Every word he said hit Han Xinxin's mouth deeply, causing Han Xinxin to bleed.

"Kill...Push him down and kill him...I want him to be hacked into pieces, his corpse cut into pieces!"

After Tu Mingjun finished his last sentence, Han Xin finally couldn't bear the anger in his heart. With a big wave of his hand, someone stepped forward and dragged Tu Mingjun off. A knife cut on Tu Mingjun's body.


Facing the severe pain that kept hitting his body, Tu Mingjun laughed and shouted: "Careful, comfortable, okay...continue..."

Blood was flowing, and it didn't take long for him to be covered with wounds all over his body.

He is not afraid of death, nor does he seem to be afraid of pain.

In other words, compared to the pain in his body, Han Xin's grievance and the pleasure brought to him by anger have covered up all his pain.

Today, the more he suffered and the more intense the pain, it meant that Han Xin became more aggrieved and angrier.

What he hurts is his body, but what Han Xin hurts is his heart.

This is the mentality of a madman, he would rather break the jade than ruin it.

His whole body can be broken into pieces, but Han Xin's ambition cannot be fully realized after all.

(End of this chapter)

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