Chapter 755


The guard obeyed the order, galloped on his horse, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty has an order to stop in front of the moat. Your Majesty will walk into the city on foot to congratulate the people and celebrate together!"

"Your Majesty has an order to stop in front of the moat, and His Majesty will walk into the city in person to congratulate the people and celebrate together!"

"Your Majesty has an order to stop in front of the moat, and His Majesty will walk into the city in person to congratulate the people and celebrate together!"

The guard galloped all the way, yelling loudly, one after another, calling dozens of times in a row, and finally, the team finally stopped when they reached the moat.

As the team stopped, Ying Shou opened the car door, got out of the car under the service of the eunuch, and carried Nan Yan and Xue Ning out of the car with his own hands.

Both women wore black black phoenix cloaks to keep out the cold.

As a few people got out of the car, the officials who were run over by the car behind also got off the car one after another, gathered together, walked in front of the team, and surrounded the emperor in front.

"My dear friends, do you see that this is the year of prosperity, the year of peace! Tell me, how long have the people of the Central Plains been looking forward to this scene? If Confucius is still alive, this is not the same as the peace and prosperity he envisioned. Is it the same!"

Ying Shou stood in front of the officials, stepped onto the moat, opened his arms, and laughed.

"That's right, the year of peace, the year of prosperity!"

"Hundreds of years, hundreds of years! One generation after another, it has been passed down for more than a dozen generations. The ancestors, the ancestors, have never seen such a prosperous age."

"This prosperous age is finally in our sight!"

The ministers were beaming with joy. Facing such a prosperous year, everyone couldn't help but smile.

This moment, for the officials, is the most glorious moment and the most proud moment.

In the 300th year of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the flames of war suddenly broke out, and the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period lasted for 500 years.

For more than 500 years, when has this world been so prosperous?
For more than 500 years, the ancestors have fought to the death, isn't it just for this day?

Now that this day is in our hands, what is more honorable and exciting than this in this world?
"Let's go, today is the first year when the Great Qin is not as peaceful and prosperous. All my lovers, follow me into this prosperous and prosperous place, and enjoy my Great Qin for thousands of years, and let all beings live in peace!"

Ying Shou waved his big hand, one at a time, leading the Queen and Concubine Xue, and headed straight for the gate of Xianyang City.

"See, long live, long live, long live, His Majesty the Emperor!"

When they came under the city gate, the countless people who had been waiting in front of the city gate immediately knelt down and shouted loudly.

"See, long live, long live, long live, His Majesty the Emperor!"

"See Empress Empress Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose!"

"See Empress Concubine Xue for thousands of years!"

A series of voices rang out one after another.

First, the families of the officials in the city kowtowed, and then behind these families, the children and school children who were having fun, followed the baby's voice one by one, imitating the example.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of countless people who lived on the street and were constantly busy on both sides, starting a stove and cooking.

These people also hurried to the middle of the street, knelt and sat in a group, shouting pale.

That scene, not to mention how lively it was, for a moment, even the entire street was completely blocked.

"Teacher, take a look at those children. It seems that the past year has not been in vain. The school has almost been established, right? Look at these children, each of them looks good, and they are much better than before! "

Ying Shou stood under the gate tower, looked at the rows of children behind him, and smiled at the uncles and grandchildren at the side.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Tianxia Xuetang, with the full support of the Ministry of Industry, has almost been completed."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, in another three years, the old minister will surely be able to create the world of great harmony of Confucius! At that time, everyone in the world will be polite and respect each other as guests. Even if there is no law to respect each other, every family will not close their doors at night and will not pick up things on the road!"

Shu Suntong smiled slightly, with a look of complacency inevitably showing on his face.

Back then, the Confucian sages and the old master Confucius hadn’t completed the Datong world, and he was about to complete it at last. Even though he was a lot older, he still couldn’t help being a little proud.

"Oh, if this is the case, why worry about Daqin? Grand Tutor, it depends on your ability, so don't let me down!"

Ying Shou nodded and laughed, with anticipation in his eyes.

While speaking, he looked at the countless people kneeling on the ground in front of him, and with a glance, he couldn't see the countless people, raised his hand with a smile, and said:

"Okay, let's get back together. Today is my year to celebrate the prosperity of the world. I want to celebrate with the whole world. Today, everyone doesn't need to be restrained. Let me live this year happily and comfortably. This is the greatest gift to me. Get up! "

The people behind obviously couldn't hear the emperor's voice.

But the people in front of them really kowtowed after hearing the words, saying: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

As the people in front stood up, those behind who couldn't hear the sound also kowtowed and stood up.

Soon, everyone in the entire street stood up and retreated to the sides consciously, making way for the emperor and others.

Seeing this, Ying Shou frowned slightly.

The excitement just now seemed to disappear in an instant.

In the entire street, there was no sound of gongs and drums, nor the cheers of everyone in the city.

"Hey, look, as soon as I appear, the world is quiet, and there is no atmosphere of New Year's Eve at all. How can I celebrate the New Year happily!"

Ying Shou was a little dissatisfied, and smiled at the people behind him.

"Your Majesty, the people of the world are photographed by your majesty, isn't that good?"

Nan Yan was a little speechless. The other emperors were trying to show off their prestige, but this emperor was not happy because of his prestige.

"That's right, Your Majesty, I'm here to welcome you, don't be picky, let's go!"

Xue Ning answered and said with a smile.

While speaking, the officials of the Sangong and Six Ministries who followed the emperor behind him also laughed out loud.

Ying Shou shook his head, and said, "Today is different. The Chinese New Year has to have a taste of the New Year. What's the matter with kneeling and worshiping?"

"Pass down the order, let the ancestor worship team behind, as well as the gong and drummers in the city, all beat for me, and when they fight, there is no need to play music, just make noise, just make noise."

"Today, the louder the quarrel, the better, the louder the quarrel, the better. I must bring out the atmosphere, let me out!"

After Ying Shou finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The emperor usually likes to be quiet, and this is the first time he has issued such an order today.

Of course, no matter how surprised they were, everyone still followed the emperor's orders.

Soon, in the team, the gong and drum players, the Tianji team and so on took out their portable instruments, especially the gongs and drums, and beat them one by one, forming a chaotic but loud noise.

After these voices came out, those people in the city who were beating gongs and drums everywhere before began to respond. For a while, the noise in Xianyang City was so loud that it almost made people dizzy!
(End of this chapter)

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