Chapter 757 Disgrace
It is said that the prodigal son does not change money when he turns back. When Shu Suntong was very good and satisfied with everyone in his life, he really loved his daughter-in-law after going through a change.

He had no son or daughter in his life, but he adopted Wang Lin once, and regarded Wang Lin as his own, and he treated this daughter-in-law as if he was his own.

In fact, sometimes, it is really easy to make an old man happy. As long as you obey a little, the old man can't help but smile.

Every time he sees Wu Ya, Shusun Tong, the old master who has always admired Zhou Li, always feels that Zhou Li is the most powerful existence at this time.

Just imagine, even a little princess who is so unrestrained and ignorant of the world can change Zhou Li, who else in this world can change.

Therefore, rather than saying that Shusun Tong regards Wu Ya as nothing more than Wu Ya, it is better to say that he regards Shusun Tong as a work of art that has been transformed by Zhou rituals.

Faced with such a work of art, how can the old master who has been pursuing Zhou etiquette all his life not love and love it more?

"Thank you uncle for your concern, daughter-in-law will take good care of herself!"

Wu Ya pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly.

"Okay... okay... let's go..."

Shu Suntong nodded, his face full of pampering.

At this time, everyone had already walked into Xianyang Chenggong, and the voices became louder and louder in all directions.

Ying Shou looked at the lifeless and well-behaved officials behind him, suddenly stopped, turned around and waved to everyone, frowning, "Come here!"

Seeing this, Shusun Tong and the officials hurried forward, gathered around the emperor, bowed and said, "What is your majesty's order?"

Ying Shou was speechless, and said: "My dear family, who can tell me what day is today?"

The ministers looked astonished, full of puzzlement, and said in unison: "It's New Year's Eve!"

Ying Shou spread his hands and said, "Oh, you also know that today is the New Year's Eve. Look, the people around are cheering for you and welcoming you. Let's look at you again, all of you are sour-faced!"

"Oh, all of you are officials, you can't be honored with this group of people, right? Only the state banquet, or the banquet at your house, can make you smile?"

"I know that up to now, you still can't get rid of the idea of ​​the order of superiority and inferiority in your mind, but you have to remember one thing, I don't have eternal nobles in Daqin, so put away your aristocratic ways."

"Chinese New Year should look like Chinese New Year, hurry up and congratulate the people around you!"

While speaking, Ying Shou was speechless.

He really didn't expect that even today, it is still difficult for these people to get rid of their bad habits.

But as soon as his password came out, the officials were immediately forced.

Didn't they say that they have to distinguish between superior and inferior, and look down on the common people.The point is that they are not at the same level, and there is no common topic between them, so how to congratulate them?

On weekdays, they congratulate each other, not to say that you have made great achievements today, or that you have been appreciated by the emperor today, or that you have been promoted today, or that you are so-and-so.

But now let them go to congratulate the people, what are they congratulating?Do you want to go up and say, congratulations, let the emperor miss you?Isn't this a joke?
Seeing the ministers standing there in a daze, Ying Shou's eyes turned cold, and he said, "What are you all doing in a daze? Go!"

"You are all the parents of the people. It's the Chinese New Year. As parents, don't you express it?"

All the ministers looked at Ying Shou with bitter faces, only to hear Xiao He smile bitterly and say: "His Majesty the Emperor, it's not that the ministers are unwilling, the key is that the ministers won't either!"

After Xiao He finished speaking, all the ministers also put on a bitter face and nodded quickly.

Including Shusuntong, although this old man is very strict in his daily life, he treats the people of the world really well, and he never puts on airs.

As long as you are polite, there is no distinction between high and low in front of him. It is true what Confucius said, there is no distinction between teaching and learning.

It's just that he has never done this to congratulate the people, and for a while, he didn't know how to start.

Looking at the appearance of the officials, Ying Shou was completely speechless, feeling that he had misunderstood these people!
But when you think about it, it's really the first time that an official or an emperor is paying New Year's greetings to the people until he comes here.

"Look at you, I usually give you one by one, but now that it's good, this little thing will make you stumped. Look at me!"

Ying Shou looked at the crowd speechlessly, then stretched out his hand to pull his face, and said with a smile, "Look clearly and smile. Confucius said, it's not surprising that there are many people who are polite. Greeting people with a smiling face is the greatest courtesy, understand?"

The officials were stunned for a while, did Confucius say this?Why doesn't it seem to be recorded in the book!
But now they don't have time to think about these things, one by one stared at Ying Shou, only to see Ying Shou walking out of the crowd, and came to an old man covering his ears in the middle of the noise, clasped his fists and bowed He saluted and said with a smile: "This old man, congratulations, happy new year. Dare to ask..."

Ying Shou was looking for someone to demonstrate at random. Seeing that this was an old man who was just right, he immediately stepped forward to pay his respects as a junior.

As a result, before the New Year's greetings were finished, the old man's eyes widened, and he fell straight behind him.

"Hey, this old man..."

Ying Shou was taken aback, and hurried forward to catch the old man, only to see that the old man was trembling all over, rolling his eyes wildly, and even Ying Shou could hardly hear the small voice clearly in this noisy city.

I just heard him shout: "Emperor... Emperor... Emperor... Emperor... Emperor... Emperor worship... worship me..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole person passed out from excitement.

That's right, this is really passed out, and passed out from excitement.

In history, there has never been a lack of kings who respect the virtuous and the corporal, but the king is the virtuous, and it is those great sages who are respected, not the people.

Who has ever heard of this world, there is a king who treats the people with great courtesy?

This old man is also over 60 years old, a man of Jiazi, in this age when people live in ancient times, he is really an old antique, how can he bear such a strong excitement?
This is not to be excited to death, but to pass out from excitement, which is already considered remarkable.

"What's going on, imperial doctor, call the imperial doctor!"

The surrounding officials hurriedly gathered around, seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Ying Shou looked innocent, feeling ashamed and thrown home.

He tried his best to teach his ministers how to congratulate and pay New Year's greetings, but it never occurred to him that how could this ordinary common people bear his worship?
Now he was really embarrassed to the point of embarrassment. Seeing the gathering of officials, he waved his hand and shouted: "Come on, take this old man to the palace, let him wake up first, and then send him out of the palace gate!"

With that said, Ying Shou handed the old man over to two guards to support him, got up and led the officials, and left with his face covered.

Shame, so shameful.

(End of this chapter)

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