Chapter 793
"The recruitment list has been distributed?"

On this day, Yu Wencheng asked indifferently in the capital of the King of Dian and in the mansion of the Great General in the southwest.

"Reporting to the general, the recruitment list of the kings has been distributed to all countries, and the recruitment list of His Majesty the Emperor has also been posted in various places in Bashu. In the past few days, it is said that a large number of warriors are flocking here!"

Below, a general who entered the army as Yuwen Chengdu built an army in Bashu hastily cupped his fists.

"Well, that's great, the arena should be built, right?"

Yu Wencheng nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Report to General, the arena is ready and it's just outside the city!"

The general quickly replied.

Today, the entire Dian Kingdom is empty, and the Dian King City has become a large army camp.

Yuwen Chengdu gathered more than 60 troops here, practicing day and night.

Of course, although this place has become a military camp, he dare not live in the palace.From now on, all the royal palaces in this southwestern region can only be used as the emperor's palace, so he can only live in the General's Mansion.

On the table in front of Yuwen Chengdu, there is a blueprint, which contains various military drills.

This was created by Ying Shou after thinking about it for a long time, based on many code words in the military in his previous life history.

In the army, during melee, there are always times when instructions are not communicated smoothly.

Therefore, in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, various secret words in the army have already arisen.

Such as flag order, drum order and so on.To put it simply, beat the drums, and all armies will fight!There was a sound of gold ringing, and the army retreated. In fact, these were some command codes in the army.When it is widely used, some things can no longer be code words.

But even so, many command code words in this era are too rough for Ying Shou.

So after that day's court meeting, he spent a lot of work and finally worked out this set of systematic military instructions.

After all, the languages ​​of the Southwest and the Great Qin Central Plains are not fluent, and it is even more difficult to pass orders by speaking.And with this set of instructions, on the battlefield, that is the real command.

For example, with a wave of the flag, as long as the army has undergone systematic training, it will know how to kill, how to retreat, and what formation to change.

For another example, as long as the drums are beating, soldiers who have undergone systematic training know what to do and what not to do.

After all, when the time comes to the battlefield, basically, the more than 60 troops in the southwest will have to rely on semaphore and drum orders to mobilize.This is currently the best solution to the difficult mobilization of the Southwest Army.

In addition, because of this recruitment in the southwest, the competitions in the arena and the imperial examinations are not only used in the southwestern countries, but also in the land of Bashu.

After all, in the end, although this Bashu was ruled by the Great Qin a hundred years ago, how could Bashu also belong to the southwest.

According to the historical statement behind Ying Shou's previous life, the land of the Southwest is Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing, and this Sichuan and Chongqing is Bashu, and the clouds represent the Dian Kingdom, Zhao Kingdom, etc., and Gui, the biggest representative is the Yelang Kingdom.

These places are all in the southwest.

It is precisely because they all belong to the southwest, although most of Bashu now speak the official dialect of Qin State, and most of them write Qin State Xiaozhuan, but their dialects in various places actually have similarities.

Therefore, using talented people from Bashu to rule the Southwest Army is actually a solution.

In this way, Bashu's participation in this scientific expedition became another plan of Yingshou.

This layout is still going on within Daqin.

At this time, on the other side, outside of the Great Wall in northern Saibei, the Xiongnu and Donghu have swallowed up all the countries, and the soldiers and horses of the two countries have gathered more than 120 million.

On this day, as soon as the Xiongnu stabilized, they immediately began to send troops to the Great Wall. A total of 50 troops were stationed [-] miles away from the Great Wall.

What Daqin was worried about finally happened.

From this day on, the Xiongnu army will have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops every day, non-stop day and night, and begin to harass the border Great Wall of Daqin.

The war was about to break out, and the Great Wall Guards began to mobilize at a high speed.

Before, there were 20 guards on the border of the Great Qin Dynasty. Later, Yingshou decided to go to war with the Xiongnu, and sent generals from the Manchu Dynasty to lead an army of 27 to [-] to the Great Wall. In addition to the [-] Huben troops who stayed here, the strength of the Great Wall increased to [-].

Seeing the Huns invade, following Wei Liaozi's order, 17 troops gathered at the Northwest Great Wall, leaving only [-] troops to guard the Northeast Great Wall.

However, when the army was mobilized, on the other side, at the Northeast Great Wall, the Donghu Khanate also sent troops.

This is the first time Donghu has used troops against Daqin since the establishment of the Later Qin Dynasty, and the number of soldiers sent out was more than 80.

Together with the Xiongnu army in the Northwest, a total of more than 130 million troops gathered, an invisible pressure completely shrouded the Great Qin Dynasty, as if a dark cloud covered the top, and a tsunami and landslide hit.

Faced with such pressure, even the more than 20 and nearly 30 Great Wall Guards began to feel powerless.

"What's the matter, don't you, Donghu, want peace talks? Now, before the peace talks start, you are already overwhelming the country. Is this the sincerity of your peace talks?"

To the east of Daqin, in the northeast of the old Great Wall of Yan, Lieyang was ordered by Grand Marshal Wei Liaozi to take command of this place.

Facing Donghu's army suddenly, Lie Yang was so furious that he went straight to Donghu's envoy staying at the Great Wall and questioned him angrily.

"The general calms down, the general calms down... Now that the matter has come to this, it is useless to be angry, it is better to find a way to solve the matter first!"

The Donghu envoy who was sent to Great Qin this time turned out to be an out-and-out native from the Central Plains. He spoke the official language of the State of Qin, and he looked at Lie Yang with a smile on his face and said with a smile.

"Your Donghu army is already approaching the city. You tell this general to find a way to solve the problem first? What method do you think of? How about letting this general be captured without a fight and surrender!"

Lie Yang stared angrily, this is a top general who is no less powerful than Xiang Yu, and similarly, his temper is no less than Xiang Yu.

Now, this Donghu kept asking Daqin for peace talks, but the Donghu army had already approached the city before it even started. This was definitely a provocation for Daqin.

Faced with such provocations, he always had only one way to respond, and that was to fight back.

At this moment, looking at the fair-faced, tall and thin Donghu envoy in front of him, he was even more from the Central Plains, and he felt even more angry.

Today, if the other party can't give an explanation, he has to tear the other party apart.

Isn't Donghu's army approaching the city?Isn't the Donghu army going to fight?

"That's good, fight as soon as you fight, he wants to see how the 80 Xiongnu army can withstand him!"

Lie Yang was never afraid of fighting, let alone fighting.He used to be someone who dared to disturb the situation in the southern border with his younger sister, Yinyue. He alone dared to make a move with an army of 60.

Now he still has an army of [-] under his command, even if Donghu gathers an army of more than [-], he would still dare to touch him once he gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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