Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 806 Declaring War

Chapter 806 Declaring War
"Zhang Aiqing, are you really going to fight?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, facing such an arrogant Jun Wuyou, he was also very angry.

Seeing that Daqin still has such a passionate minister who dares to take the initiative to fight at all costs, Ying Shou is happy in his heart, but he still asks.

"Please Your Majesty, let Zhang Liang fight!"

Zhang Liangyi can't let go, now there are few generals in the court, as the minister of the Ministry of War and the military advisor of the Great Qin, how can he not fight for the Great Qin and earn back his face?

"Okay, since Zhang Aiqing asked for a fight, I agree!"

Ying Shou nodded, he wanted to see what Jun Wuyou was going to do today.

It is said that those who come are not good, but they must have enough ability.Not everyone can challenge and satirize this full court civil and military by themselves.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Liang got the approval, knelt down and kowtowed, then got up, looked at Jun Wuyou, and said coldly: "Mr. Wuyou, now His Majesty has agreed, since Mr. Wuyou intends to fight, whether it is to destroy the country in the big market, or to deduce it in the sand table, Zifang is the master, the master does not deceive the guest, you choose!"

Jun Wuyou heard the words, and said with a smile: "Whether it's a big game to destroy the country, or a sand table deduction, the guest is up to the owner, it's better for Mr. Zifang to choose, and Wuyou will definitely accompany him. Of course, if other people are also interested, it might as well. How about a game each?"

"If you have to let Wuyou make a decision, Wuyou feels that if it is possible, you might as well put aside such trifling games as destroying the country in the big market and deducing the sand table.

Saying that, Jun Wuyou was contemptuous again, as if no matter what, the people present were no match for him.

That absolute self-confidence is almost infuriating.

"You want to fight?"

Zhang Liang's face changed, apparently he did not expect that Jun Wuyou would make such a request.

Previously, Zhang Liang proposed to destroy the country in a big way, and to deduce in the sand table. These two are not only the methods that military strategists must practice, but also the key for all schools of thought to learn and discuss the Tao.

Of course, in other words, it is also a kind of entertainment.

The so-called destroying the country with a big board means replacing the world with a chessboard, each chooses a side, each dominates a country, whoever loses wins, and determines the fate of a country. Simply put, it is playing chess.

Generally, when students or masters of various schools of thought discuss the Tao, especially when discussing the Tao of the two countries, the debate is inexhaustible. At this time, they will put up a game of chess to determine the world with chess skills, and whoever wins has the right to speak.

But this kind of daily life based on the debate between the two countries is usually called the destruction of the country by the market.

Don't underestimate a mere game of chess, often in a game of chess, the layout and breaking of the game are very important.

This is like two countries fighting each other, you give me the layout, I will give you the layout, to see who breaks the game faster and the layout is more ruthless.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Sometimes this chess game can determine the general trend of the world.

Then there is the sand table deduction, the sand table deduction, is it to use the sand table to set up a battlefield, deduce the strength of the two armies, fight each other, and see who loses and who wins on this battlefield.

This sand table deduction is often used when scholars and masters of various schools of thought discuss the world, as a kind of entertainment, but it is also entertainment brought about by the war in the world as a specimen.

Through such entertainment, we can see whether a person has the ability to command an army and whether he has the ability to be the commander of an army.

On the battlefield, wars often break out, and the commander of the first army will also set up a sand table. As the two sides constantly change the situation and position, the situation on the sand table will also change accordingly, so that the commander can observe the entire battlefield from the perspective of God, so as to achieve Adaptive purpose.

Zhang Liang proposed to destroy the country in a large market, and there is also a sand table deduction. As long as he and Jun Wuyou each represent a country, it can be regarded as a war between the two countries.

The victory of this war has nothing to do with the strength of the two countries, but only in the ability of the two.

But as long as the two have enough ability, they can each lead a country.Therefore, whether it is a sand table deduction or a big game to destroy the country, although there will be no real casualties, as long as you win, it will be enough to destroy the opponent's prestige.

It's just that he didn't expect that Jun Wuyou would be so bold that he would have a real fight with swords and guns.

If this confrontation really starts, it will be a war between the two countries, so why establish diplomatic relations then?Fighting has started, where did the alliance come from?

The most important thing is that this Jun Wuyou is still at the top of the Great Qin Royal Court. Although since ancient times, the two countries have fought without killing each other, but he is so angry that if he kills him, he will kill him. So what can he do?
It's not that this kind of thing has never happened before, so if there is a real fight, Jun Wuyou is courting death.

"For the two countries to meet each other, it is natural to speak based on strength. This is the same reason as the two countries are at war. If you are weak, you are not qualified to talk to me."

"Only if you show enough strength to make me value it, can I consider forming an alliance with you."

"Otherwise, if there is not enough strength for the alliance, isn't the so-called alliance an empty talk, fragile and useless?"

Facing Zhang Liang's questioning, Jun Wuyou smiled slightly, said, cupped his hands to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, the ministers must be right? Great Qin has always boasted of being a powerful country, so how can you think of me, Donghu?"

"If I, Donghu, don't show enough strength on the battlefield today, I am afraid that even His Majesty the Emperor will not like such an alliance. Therefore, the foreign ministers think that if this battle is possible, it is best to fight. What does Your Majesty think?"

Ying Shou's eyes froze, and he said, "What do you mean by bragging, do you think that Daqin is not a powerful country? Hmph, you are right about one thing. In my eyes, you are just an ant that keeps jumping around a lot. , I really can't see it!"

Facing Ying Shou's contempt, Jun Wuyou was not annoyed, smiled slightly, and said: "That's right, so Donghu must also have enough strength that His Majesty the Emperor values, otherwise what's the point of such an alliance? Your Majesty, Is Your Majesty willing to fight this battle?"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows. Of course he would not refuse if he wanted to talk about fighting, let alone be afraid of anyone.

But there are some things, since he decided to let go, then he will not make any more decisions.

"I have no objection, but it depends on whether my Great Qin officials are interested in fighting Donghu with you, or to put it bluntly, it depends on whether my Great Qin officials will regard you as an opponent, whether they will treat Donghu As an opponent, and Donghu is really qualified to be my Daqin's opponent!"

Thinking about it, Ying Shou directly threw this decision to the officials.

But in fact, this seems to give the ministers a chance to choose, but can the ministers really choose not to fight?

Today, others have raised the challenge. If there is no one in the civil and military courts to challenge, wouldn't it be that Daqin will lose face at home?

That's right, everyone really doesn't want to fight, but this can be regarded as being pushed to a dead end, can they not fight?
For a while, the officials were silent.

After a long time, Zhang Liang suddenly opened his mouth and said, "My colleagues, the envoys of Donghu have bullied you to the door... No, they have bullied you to the house. You say, how can we not fight today?"

(End of this chapter)

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