Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 811 Confidante

Chapter 811 Confidante
"Slaves pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou stood in the gazebo for a short while, and immediately thought of Yinyue's clear and gentle voice behind him, and saw Yinyue kneeling down to worship.

Behind Yinyue, the two palace maids also paid homage.

They couldn't understand why the Yinyue Empress always liked to call herself a slave when she was clearly the imperial concubine, but gradually, they got used to it, and they took it easy.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou didn't look back, just stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the lake in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yinyue kowtowed and got up, came to the emperor's side, looked at the emperor, saw the emperor's face was indifferent, and her eyes were deep, she couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty is very calm!"

Ying Shou said, "Yes!"

Yinyue said again: "Your Majesty is usually very calm, but it is rarely like this. Every time it is like this, there must be some unresolved knot in the heart, or some troubles, you can speak it out, and let the slaves do it for you." Is Your Majesty sharing your worries?"

Ying Shou's eyes flashed, Yinyue's words made him feel warm in his heart.

This is the case with Yinyue, she is really smart, as if she was born with the ability to read people's hearts.She can guess every move of others.

Standing in front of her and getting used to getting along with her, it seemed that there were no secrets at all.

And she is also the most qualified listener, when a person is upset, she will listen quietly.

After listening, she will not give any comments, and she will never interfere with your thoughts unless you ask.

Such a listener is what everyone needs most.

After all, everyone in this world has secrets.The so-called secret is the kind that cannot be told, or to put it another way, the so-called secret is the kind that no one tells.

The reason why no one tells it is because there is no listener of their own.

Such a listener must first have enough trust and understanding enough to let you talk about everything.

There are too few such people, and many of them are hard to meet in their lifetime, so many secrets are destined to be kept in the heart.

After accumulating for a long time, it is inevitable to feel uncomfortable in the heart, and some extreme people may even become depressed.

Therefore, every time I see Yinyue, I feel very lucky because I am lucky that God has given me such a confidant.

"tell her!"

Ying Shou didn't answer Yinyue's words, but gave a light order.

Behind Ying Shou, a personal eunuch hurriedly agreed, came to Yinyue's side, and said respectfully: "I am telling you, Madam, at the court meeting today, the Donghu envoys will go to the hall..."

The eunuch described carefully what happened today, while Yinyue listened quietly.

After a long time, when the eunuch finished speaking, Yinyue was also silent.

She stood beside Ying Shou quietly like this, as if she understood something, but also didn't understand anything, as if she was waiting for something.

Ying Shou turned his head and stared at her. Seeing her standing quietly without saying a word, the two of them seemed to have a mutual understanding, and Ying Shou immediately understood what she meant.

She was waiting for herself, for her inquiry, or for her answer.

Ying Shou reached out and took out a piece of cloth from his sleeve, and handed it to Yinyue.

Yinyue was in her little white hand, and it was fruited gently, and slowly opened, seeing the words on it, Yinyue read in a low voice: "Share your worries, solve your problems, you have no worries!"

She looked up at the emperor, and saw that the emperor was also looking at her.

Yinyue smiled slightly, she would not give the emperor any answer, nor would she mind the emperor, she just smiled and said: "It seems that Jun Wuyou is not as simple as it seems on the surface, it is difficult to say whether it is an enemy or a friend !"

Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat, he never thought of asking Yinyue to give him any answers, even answers that he didn't need Yinyue at all.

After all, the harem is not allowed to be involved in politics, some things are known, and Yinyue is still very sensible, she will never raise opinions, she will only put forward the same opinions as the emperor, and resonate with the emperor.

Maybe sometimes, there will be a different view.

But whether it's the same or different, it will give Ying Shou a feeling of gain.

For example, at this moment, Ying Shou felt a resonant sense of gain.

He also had the same thought in his heart, but he was not sure whether it was his own illusion or his own wrong thinking.

He needs an answer from this era, and Yinyue just gave him such an answer.

His thinking was right, because it resonated.

"Come here, immediately send an order to Donghu envoy Jun Wuyou to come to Tianchi Palace, I want to see him!"

Ying Shou turned around abruptly, came to the gazebo, sat down on the stone bench next to the stone table, waved his sleeves, and ordered.


The eunuch behind him responded, turned around and left immediately, and only returned after instructing the guards to deliver the order to the Donghu envoys.

"Your Majesty has just come down to court, and the Empress has already prepared imperial food for His Majesty, but His Majesty didn't go to Jingquan Palace, so he must be hungry now. How about letting your servants prepare a meal for His Majesty?"

Yinyue walked gently to Ying Shou's side, and said softly.


Ying Shou nodded slightly, Yinyue immediately turned around and left, and began to prepare meals for Ying Shou by herself.

Half an hour later, a very simple meal was delivered to Ying Shou.

Daqin has advocated frugality since ancient times, whether it is the former Qin Dynasty or the later Qin Dynasty of Yingshou.

Except for the extravagance and waste of Hu Hai in the former Qin Dynasty, every generation of monarchs was very frugal, because they knew very well that every penny of frugality was accumulating power for the artifact of the Great Qin State.

How important this motivation is may not be understood by many people, but those who know a little bit about the inside story of Daqin will know it very well.

Leaving aside the other monarchs for the time being, let’s talk about the first emperor’s war to unify the world. Every battle was almost an expedition by laborers.

What was the population of Daqin at that time?Only 600 million people, 600 million people, of which 100 million young and middle-aged people were drawn to serve in the military.

It can be said that in the entire Great Qin, more than half of the young and middle-aged people have been conscripted into the army, and the rest of the old and weak women and children are still cultivating the land frantically to implement the Great Qin's plowing strategy.

And how huge is the amount of food and grass used for an expedition of 100 million troops?
These Liang Chaos need at least several 10 people to transport them non-stop every day, batch after batch.

That is to say, hundreds of thousands of nearly a million manpower were put into transporting grain and grass.

As a result, almost two-fifths of the people in Daqin could not participate in farming, and the 600 million people had to rely on the remaining 400 million old and weak women and children to work day and night.

Even if you have a Bashu granary, there is absolutely no room for waste.

As for the unification of the six countries, although the land is larger and there are more people farming, there are more people who need to be supported.

At this time, it is necessary to send troops to Baiyue, not to mention the long distance, and the inability to transport food and grass is even more troublesome.It can be said that the people who transport the food and grass eat ten times as much food as the army. This concept can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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