Chapter 815
Ying Shou listened quietly, and the moment Jun Wuyou finished speaking the last sentence, his whole body trembled, and his pupils suddenly constricted.

At this moment, a name kept echoing in his mind, Alexander!

The words "death in one life" were like a nightmare, deeply imprinted in his heart, destined to never go away.

"From conquering the world to perishing the world, one life is enough, and dying in one life, why?"

Ying Shou frowned, after all, this Jun Wuyou still said what he was most worried about.

"How did I break this law?"

Ying Shou stared at Jun Wuyou closely, and asked in a heavy voice.

"Because His Majesty is too powerful to completely destroy this law!"

"Your Majesty may wish to look back at history. Which dynasty did not rule the world for decades or hundreds of years? Even if this time is shortened infinitely, how can it be possible without ten years?"

"And this is just a calculation of time. To truly conquer the world, that is the business of the people of the world. It is a change that the whole world must undergo, and a transformation that all people must undergo!"

"But Your Majesty, how long has it been since the Later Qin conquered the world? Hehe, one month, one month to pacify the Central Plains. Excluding the southern border, the Southwest is not counted. The Great Qin only took one month to pacify the world!"

"In this war to judge the world, has His Majesty the Emperor really used the power of all the people in the world?"

Jun Wuyou shook his head and smiled, while speaking, he asked and answered, "No, Your Majesty thinks about it carefully, His Majesty has always been the only protagonist in His Majesty's wars."

"The existence of Wanmin is only to enjoy the blessings brought by His Majesty. They have not experienced this transformation, and directly enjoyed the peace brought by His Majesty!"

"In this world, no one says anything, but in everyone's heart, His Majesty is actually a god, an omnipotent god."

"Because they did not contribute any strength to the peace of the world, but everyone enjoyed the benefits of peace in the world immediately, so they felt that if God is there, they don't have to worry about anything!"

"And the truth is the same. Your Majesty will pacify the world in one month, and govern the world in one year. According to the law of the rise and fall of the world, what else can you do next instead of enjoying the world? Has your Majesty seen a dynasty that is still expanding its territory in the later stages? "

Saying that, Jun Wuyou answered himself again, saying: "No, because this is the time of enjoyment. In Daqin, everyone knows that as long as they pray to His Majesty, and His Majesty still takes care of this world, they can continue to enjoy it forever."

"So no one is willing to cause chaos in the world again! And according to the laws of history, such peace, until one day, someone really explodes with enough ambition to disrupt the situation in an instant!"

"The so-called hero creates the current situation. This is the truth. The current situation also creates heroes. When the world is in chaos, no one can stay out of it. At this time, countless strange people will appear in the world one after another, setting off a wave of a new era!"

"For example, in the period of King Zhou You of the Great Zhou Dynasty, a great chaos completely dragged the peaceful Great Zhou into 500 years of continuous war. During these 500 years, the situation was turbulent and there were countless strong people. This is the law!"

"But now, His Majesty has pacified the world too quickly, and governed the world too quickly. It seems that the world is united, but in fact it is a mirage. With His Majesty, the world is safe, and once you leave His Majesty, the world will step from the peak to perdition in an instant."

"Because His Majesty alone has broken all the rules, or in other words, has gone through all the rules, how can Da Qin not be destroyed?"

As the saying goes, listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

At this moment, after Jun Wuyou finished speaking, Ying Shou felt a "boom" in his mind, and in an instant, the whole person became enlightened.

It turned out that this was the reason why I couldn't command the world and do whatever I wanted.

Yes, if you think about it carefully, this kind of law is not limited to the constant reincarnation in the history before Daqin?In his previous life, after the Great Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms, the Jin Kingdom, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, which one did not have such an experience?
It's just a question of the length of time that each dynasty has experienced. It can be said that Jun Wuyou's words describe the rise and fall of a dynasty vividly.

And counting all the history in detail, in which later period of history, the king can mobilize the world's troops as he pleases?It is already considered good if the soldiers and horses in the world do not rebel.

This point can be clearly seen from the Xia Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.

The Xia Dynasty perished in the hands of its princes!
The Shang Dynasty perished in the hands of its princes!
The Zhou Dynasty perished in the hands of its princes!
Great Qin perished in a rebellion, known as the Jiegan Rebellion!

The last few emperors of the Han Dynasty were completely reduced to the palms of others. The three kingdoms fought for hegemony, and the eighteen towns of princes did not really support the royal family at all costs.

Even the so-called Liu Bei is actually talking about it, just asking for a call for thieves.

In the later state of Jin, the Eight Kings Rebellion.

Later, in the Sui Dynasty, various anti-kings fought out, and the Tang Dynasty took over the world.

Then, Datang began to decline from Anlu Road, and the prosperous age was gone forever.

Each pile, one piece, represents the powerlessness of the later kings.

Maybe it's not that these kings are incompetent, but that the world where the ancestors could command as they please has begun to decay over hundreds of years and needs to be transformed.

To use a simple and easy-to-understand analogy, a person, from the time he is sensible, is studying crazily, and when he becomes an adult, he is crazily conquering the world and earning wealth.

One day, when I get old and retire, it's time to enjoy myself. At this time, who is willing to work hard?If this is hard work, if you lose, won't all the enjoyment be lost?

Now Daqin is facing this kind of situation, so Ying Shou wants to fight the Xiongnu, but he can't do it, and he can't do it either.Because Daqin has reached the point of enjoying it now.

At this moment, the confusion that had troubled Ying Shou for a long time was finally completely resolved.

For a moment, he felt more relaxed than ever before.

Most of the time, the trouble is not the problem, the fear is that you can't even find the root of the trouble, so there is no chance to find a solution.

Now, Ying Shou's doubts have been resolved, and he is more determined in the path he chose.Only blood can open the current situation, and only the current situation can recreate a new world!
"Mr. Wuyou, it seems that the only way for me to go through this rule again is now, right?"

A very relaxed smile appeared on Ying Shou's face. At this moment, he even changed the title of Captain Wuyou completely.Sir, it can be called the supreme honor bestowed by the emperor on a person!

"Your Majesty is right. In the current world, we need to go through this rule again in order to change the fate of Daqin!"

Jun Wuyou nodded and said solemnly.

While speaking, he suddenly changed the subject and said with a smile: "By the way, can Your Majesty stop calling Caomin Mr. Wuyou, Mr. Caomin, Caomin can't afford it!"

(End of this chapter)

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