Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 825 One person challenges an army of 1

Chapter 825 One person challenges an army of 20
"It's Kurdan and General Kurmao, that's great, kill the thief general, kill!"




In Donghu's army, many people instantly recognized the two who rushed out.

These two are two brothers. It is said that both of them are invincible. In the past, the two brothers fought with wolves and fought with hundreds of wolves without any strength to fight back.

There were rumors in the army that these two were real wolves. On the battlefield, they could only kill coldly, and they rarely met opponents.

Today, the enemy general is so arrogant, and the two brothers made a move. In the eyes of countless soldiers of the Donghu army, they can finally avenge their shame.

For a moment, there was a loud shout of killing at the scene, as if the moment when the brother made a move, his morale was completely mobilized.

"Hehe, there are really two people who are not afraid of death!"

Lie Yang looked at Kurdan and Kurmao who had come to kill him, and sneered.

He didn't know these two people, and he didn't know how capable they were, but in front of him, no amount of ability was useless.

Even if he couldn't defeat someone as powerful as the Great Qin Emperor and son Li Yuanba, he didn't necessarily take him too seriously.

Apart from taking two people, he has never met any opponent, let alone someone stronger than him.

So in his opinion, these two people rushed forward, purely courting death.

I saw Kuldan and Kulmao brothers both holding scimitars, galloping on horseback, bringing gusty winds, and rushed to him in an instant.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

One after another clear and clear voices sounded, and I saw the two brothers drew out their swords at the same time, the two brothers' blades met, before the horses arrived, the blades had already struck, and they slashed at Lie Yang's forehead.

At this moment, the horses of the two rushed to Lie Yang, and the scimitars of the two were only less than one foot away from Lie Yang's forehead.

It only needs to take another step forward from the horse, and the sharp scimitars of the two of them can tear Lie Yang apart in an instant.

However, right at this moment, Lie Yang suddenly opened his arms, one left and one right, directly clasping the necks of the two war horses.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The war horse was galloping, Lie Yang hung his hands around the horse's neck, and galloped behind him quickly.

For a moment, Lie Yang's head was completely kept a foot away from the two men's scimitars.


The two brothers were taken aback, at this distance, their hands couldn't reach Lie Yang, and they couldn't kill Lie Yang at all.

But the reaction of the two brothers was also fast, seeing that they couldn't reach them, the two brothers bent down at the same time, quickly climbed up the horse's back, and swung their knives to chop Xiang Lieyang's arms.

But at this moment, all of a sudden, Lie Yang's raised feet fell to the ground suddenly.


The war horse galloped, with huge inertia, pushing Lie Yang's feet, and forcibly stepped on a huge gully on the ground, half a foot deep and three feet long.

Finally, Lie Yang abruptly pushed the two horses to a stop.

As the speed of the war horse decreased greatly, and then it was pushed to a stop, the inertia brought by the galloping speed made the two brothers Kuldan and Kulmao, who had already started leaning forward, unable to hold their ground any longer. In shape, he broke away from the horse and flew forward.


The two brothers exclaimed, and smashed ten meters away, one of them rolled to the ground, only to see that the force on their bodies was relieved.


The audience gasped, and everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, as if they never thought that Lie Yang could be defeated by one horse, but he could forcefully contend against the two horses with his own strength.

All of a sudden, the pupils of everyone in Donghu's army suddenly constricted, and a bad feeling came to their hearts.

Could it be that the two generals can't beat this Qin general?

On the other hand, on Daqin's side, seeing what happened, one hundred thousand soldiers shouted loudly and roared in unison: "Good!"

At the moment when the army roared, Lie Yang turned around suddenly, with his shoulders on the neck of a war horse, his hands clasped the horse's head, and with a forceful push, the horse neighed, and then he vomited blood and died.

Then, I saw the war horse was abruptly thrown up by Lie Yang's neck. After hitting the ground, he pinched his hand into the shinbone of the horse's neck, dragged the dead war horse, and moved towards Kurdan and Kurchi step by step. The two brothers walked away.

At this moment, the two brothers had just rolled over from the ground, showing fierce faces, like wild wolves, and were about to kill the wild wolf, but when they saw the scene of the wild wolf inserting its fingers into the horse's flesh, However, the two brothers stared wide-eyed and fell into a brief moment of horror.

As the saying goes, in a battle between masters, the winner is the one who wins or loses, just in this instant.

Not to mention that they fell into a short-term absent-mindedness, even if they waited with all their attention, they had no chance to face Lie Yang, who was under the Great Qin Yingshou and Li Yuanba, who was no stronger than him.

At this moment, the two fell into a state of trance, and it was even more impossible for Lie Yang to give them any chance.

Lie Yang picked up his war horse and threw it directly at the two of them.

The huge shadow loomed over, and the strong sense of oppression made the two brothers wake up, but if they tried to dodge at this moment, there was nothing they could do.

I saw the war horse smashed down...


With a violent sound, the brother and man were slapped tightly by the body of the war horse.

When Lie Yang brought up the horse, the two brothers were already lying in a pool of blood, their bones and tendons were broken, and their seven orifices bled to death.

Lie Yang was not polite, he picked up his horse again, and continued to smash it violently for more than ten times, forcefully smashing the brother into the soil half a foot deep, before he threw the horse aside and pulled out his bloody hands.

"Boys, have you seen it clearly? This is Donghu's general, vulnerable. Now, this general is not interested in playing with them, let's go to war!"

Lie Yang raised his big bloody hand, looked at the hundred thousand soldiers of Great Qin, and roared loudly.


The [-] troops were heart-piercing, and at this moment, they were more than willing to be just spectators.

They want to fight, they want to rush up and fight the enemy to the death.

But the lord general didn't give an order, and they dared not not come, so they could only cry heart-piercingly.

Faced with such shouts, Lie Yang slowly came to his horse, got on the horse, grabbed the iron rod on the side, held it in his hand, pointed the long stick at Donghu's 20 troops, and shouted: "Who else? Wolf cub Ladies and gentlemen, who is not afraid of death today, let's go together. The general's big stick is already hungry and thirsty."

"It is said that the cubs of the Eastern Jackal are bloody and not afraid of death. Today I want to see how many bloody people who are not afraid of death will pay homage to this general's big stick!"

Provocation, the provocation of Chi Guoguo.

At this moment, Lie Yang was no longer calling for a fight, but was preparing to challenge the 20 troops with his own strength.

In the eyes of the [-] troops of Great Qin, this courage is like a god, which is admirable. For a while, each of them became more enthusiastic and roared loudly: "Fight!"




(End of this chapter)

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