Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 828 Ten Thousand Enemies

Chapter 828 Ten Thousand Enemies

"Enough! Enough!"

"General Lie Yang is truly a god-man. He single-handedly, among the thousands of troops, is invincible and unstoppable!"

"But this battle is enough!"

On the commander's platform, Liu Huan narrowed his eyes slightly. When many generals of the enemy army refused to obey orders and rushed towards Lie Yang, he knew that the enemy army had already started to panic.

At this moment, when the enemy's [-] people began to target Lie Yang, he knew that this army was completely chaotic.

Not only is the army in chaos, but even the coach is powerless at the moment.

When the two armies confront each other, the most important thing is to wipe out the enemy army with similar strength, rather than wasting too many troops.Whenever there is a waste of troops, it can only be said that this army has shown signs of defeat.

This is inevitable on the battlefield, because only an army that is about to be defeated will fight like a trapped beast, constantly overdrawing its own strength.

Of course, with the strength of Lie Yang alone, it is obvious that he is not qualified to defeat the 20 Donghu army.

Not to mention Lie Yang, even if you add Ying Shou and Li Yuanba, as long as they don't target the enemy's coach, it is absolutely impossible to fight against the 20 troops.

The so-called undeserved bravery sounds nice to say, but in fact, how many people in this world can do it?

Not to mention anything else, except for the late Xiang Yu, today's Lie Yang can truly compete with Wanjun.

The rest of the so-called inappropriate bravery, including Qin's top generals, Shi Potian, Tu Shi, Yuwen Chengdu, Xu Chu, etc., do not have this ability.

Their so-called unworthy courage is at most that ten thousand people can't stand in their way.They can completely kill a bloody road and escape.

But if they want to rely on their own strength to counter the ten thousand armies, or even destroy the ten thousand armies, it is absolutely impossible.

Even Lie Yang and the former Xiang Yu couldn't do this.

They can compete against one or two, but it is absolutely impossible to destroy all armies.Only Ying Shou and Li Yuanba, who can do this, are two powerful people who are almost monsters.

It was impossible for Lie Yang to defeat the 20 army by himself, but he abruptly relied on his own strength to disrupt the 20 army and make it appear to be defeated.

This momentum will not last very long. If Lie Yang does not retreat as soon as possible, there are thousands of ways to make him disappear in the torrent of iron cavalry with a 20 army. lost.

Therefore, Liu Huan said: "Enough!"

"The big banner sent an order, and the drummer reminded, let General Lie Yang retreat!"

"Zhang Hui listens to the order, and you lead the bow and crossbow light cavalry to rush to the rescue of General Lie Yang and escort General Lie Yang back!"

Immediately afterwards, Liu Huan delivered orders one after another.


Below, a tall and thin general named Zhang Hui took his orders with clasped fists, got on his horse, charged into the phalanx, and rode lightly with his bow and crossbow before galloping through the aisle of the phalanx.

In front of the army, a gap was opened and turned into a huge corridor.

The former bow and crossbow light cavalry galloping on the horse, like a spear, rushed out directly under the leadership of Zhang Hui.

At the same time, the order was delivered from the big banner in the army, and the sound of drums and horns continued to spread far and wide.

The so-called big banner is the big banner, and the big banner sends orders, and what is passed on is the banner order.

In front of the 20 Donghu army, the [-] archers and cavalry that had been arranged before were ordered at this moment, because Lie Yang still had several generals of his own side, and they could not shoot arrows at will.

Moreover, when thousands of people use arrows against one person, it is obvious that they are killing chickens with sledgehammers. Therefore, these people put on their longbows and drew out their scimitars. After giving an order, they immediately swarmed up and killed Xiang Lieyang.

At this moment, Lie Yang had just beaten down twenty or thirty generals, and there were still seven or eight generals left.

Just when he was about to kill these seven or eight people, he saw countless figures appearing in all directions.

The earth roared, and the sound of horseshoes resounded non-stop, as if a torrent was rushing. When the smoke and dust rose everywhere, the sky was dark, and when I looked up, there was a black cloud, and there were human heads in all directions.

At this time, not only the 3000 soldiers of the Shiqian Army rushed up, but also [-] cavalrymen on the left and right, like the sea, which had already surrounded Lie Yang heavily.

"Happy, it's been a long time since such a happy battle!"

Lie Yang was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of excitement.

He had experienced the battle of tens of thousands of enemies once, and it was truly hearty. It was the battle he fought side by side with Ying Shou and Li Yuanba.

In that battle, the enemy had more than 30 troops, and there were only three people on our side. In the end, [-] enemy troops were wiped out, and the army of one million dared not make a sound.

After that battle, Lie Yang participated in the later Huns' battle, but compared with the previous one, the level of enjoyment was completely different.

But today, Lie Yang finally found the feeling of being invincible once again.

Facing the siege of thousands of people, he was not surprised but happy.

And at the moment when he was delighted, he saw that the eight generals were all ten thousand generals, and the worst of them were super-class generals. Although they were not yet top-level generals, with their strength , and it is far from being comparable to ordinary first-class fighters and first-class masters.

One of them is a top general, comparable to Xu Chu and his like.

I saw the eight generals flying up at the same time, and the seven super-class generals directly smashed their heads, criticized the sky and the earth, and used all their strength to tear Xiang Lieyang apart.

In this blow, they exhausted all their strength.

But the target of the top warrior is not Lie Yang, but the horse under Lie Yang's crotch.

Most of the Donghu tribes are also horsemen. They understand very well the principle of shooting horses first when shooting people, and capturing the king first when capturing thieves.

Now that the battle has come to this point, the top general has already seen that Lie Yang is simply a madman.He is no longer a so-called general who can compete, even if they try their best, they can't be Lie Yang's opponent.The only way to have a chance is to kill Lie Yang's war horse first.

On the battlefield, weapons and horses are all treasures that can greatly enhance a person's combat power. Once the weapon falls and the horse dies in battle, it will be like cutting off both arms, and the strength will weaken a lot in an instant.

Seeing the overwhelming attacks coming, Lie Yang's eyes sharpened, and he swung his long stick. Before the attacks of these people landed on him, he saw the long stick in his hand sweeping away, making the air vibrate, and the speed was unparalleled .

"Bang bang bang..."

The seven great generals tried their best to strike without any defense, but they did not expect that Lie Yang would use attack instead of defense, and the speed was so fast that the last strike came first.

Before he could react in time, he heard bursts of cracking sounds, and Lie Yang's iron rod directly hit the heads of the seven generals.

I saw heads breaking apart one by one, as if a watermelon had been blown up. For a moment, the red ones and the white ones exploded into a ball. The seven super-class fighters should have exerted their endless energy, but they encountered a fierce sun, which directly terminated their brilliant lives.

(End of this chapter)

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