Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 838 Qin Zhirui, showing his sharpness

Chapter 838 Qin Zhirui, showing his sharpness

The world fades, time prohibits, and everything freezes.

Accompanied by the moment when the Qin Army's crossbow arrows were shot, the edge belonging to the Qin Army was finally exposed, and the endless killing spirit swept the world.

On Donghu's side, [-] troops are still surrounding Lie Yang with three layers inside and three layers outside. Their attention is not on Da Qin Ruishi's side at all. At this moment, there is only the almost invincible Lie Yang in front of them. .

They want to kill Lie Yang, only revenge can vent the wildness of the wolf clan and get back the pride of the wolf clan.

At the same time, on the other side, when the Daqin crossbowmen started to advance, Nehaman had already made preparations and sent the last top general Harley to lead an army of [-]. "

"Among them, [-] cavalrymen armed with shields frantically came out from both sides, preparing to protect the army. There was also a bowl, which came out from the edge, holding a longbow, and one by one drew the bow and set up arrows, aiming at thousands of Daqin crossbowmen.

For Nehman, this is the opportunity he has been waiting for, and now Qin Jun has finally made a move. Now that he has made a move, he does not intend to let these people continue or go back.

However, when he was fully prepared to start fighting, he found something was wrong.

When three thousand crossbowmen, to be precise, add the assistants who can alternately draw the bow, a total of six thousand crossbowmen will advance a hundred steps, and three thousand long halberd soldiers will advance a thousand steps. Halberdiers. "

"Those armed with shields, known as a wall, and the shield soldiers who surrounded the army were also frantically scattered, and even surrounded these crossbowmen and halberd soldiers from the left and right sides.

There is no doubt that as long as the Donghu army makes a move, these shield soldiers can instantly form an invincible protective wall.

Relying on the hardness of Daqin's shield, no matter how many arrows rain, it is difficult to cross the defense half a point.

This is the tight coordination of the Daqin phalanx, and the shield soldiers will not receive any orders, because their duty is defense itself.

Once the order is received, it's time for them to show their swords.

Shield soldiers are just a way of saying that this type of soldiers is also called the first-line army.

During the war, they basically rushed to the front line. Unless a certain army was ordered to completely break away from the phalanx to fight, they would always be under their protection. This was the importance of this army.

For this formation, they are well-deserved armor, protecting the safety of the entire formation.

At the moment when the bow and crossbow were fired, Donghu's [-] troops were still desperately blocking Lie Yang's footsteps, [-] troops were constantly attacking and defending, and [-] troops were waiting for an opportunity to attack Daqin crossbowmen and halberd soldiers.

The Daqin crossbowman, with his deputy still kneeling on one knee, supported the crossbow.The shooter still maintains the appearance of stepping on the bow with both feet and holding the bow.

The surrounding defensive shield soldiers, still running, gathered into a wall, tightly surrounding these crossbowmen and halberd soldiers in the middle.

This kind of prohibition was just an illusion brought about by the sudden stop of everyone's heartbeat at that moment, and this illusion only lasted for a moment.

The next moment, the noisy voice sounded again, and the world was once again plunged into chaos.


Arrows fell overwhelmingly like raindrops.

Ten thousand Hun cavalrymen, armed with wooden shields, rushed to the front of the army and resisted one after another.

It's a pity that the distance is too close, and Daqin's rain of arrows is almost all shot towards the sky. These people can only block it if they resist head-on.

And the rest fell into the chaos in an instant.



"Ah ah ah..."

All of a sudden, heart-piercing screams were heard. Daqin bows and crossbows have always been sharp weapons on the battlefield. At this moment, a strange scene appeared.

Where the rain of arrows landed, one by one cavalry, like a rolling wave, fell one after another, giving people the feeling of cutting wheat by hand.

At the same time, many of these cavalry horses were shot directly like hedgehogs.

Three thousand archers shoot thirty thousand arrows.

Of the [-] arrows, nearly half were blocked, and of course it was impossible to say that each arrow could kill one person for the remaining half.

Some people got dozens of arrows in a row, some people got two or three arrows in a row, and some people didn't get a single arrow in their bodies.

There are also some people, even people and horses have become this way.

In this way, it is impossible for this round of arrow rain to cause as much damage as the number of arrows, and there are too many uncertainties in it.

But even so, under this round of arrow rain, thousands of people were instantly harvested.

In an instant, in front of Lie Yang, he was directly shot out of a large open space, and there was no one standing in front of him.

Seeing this, Lie Yang rushed out without any hesitation.

But after rushing a hundred steps, another dense army swept in, and a big battle continued.Lie Yang was breaking through, and Donghu's army was doing their best to stop it.

It's a pity that Lie Yang wants to leave. With his strength, let alone a [-] army, even a [-] army, how can he stand up to him?

Even if there were only [-] troops, with the strength of Lie Yang, there was no need to flee at all. With his own strength, even if it was impossible to kill all of them, he could still make the enemy terrified.Even if the enemy army facing at this moment is known as the wolf tribe and possesses wolf nature, Lie Yang can beat them submissively, this is the power of Lie Yang.

Why is there no mention of marching and setting up the battlefield that Lie Yang yearns for?Because he doesn't need it?
Why did Ying Shou and Li Yuanba never talk about commanding the battle?Because for them, this is a burden.

Maybe there are some things that Lie Yang's power cannot do, but with the power of Ying Shou and Li Yuanba, there is no army in this world worthy of their attention.

As long as the two have no scruples, if they don't make a move, once they make a move, even if there are millions of troops in front of them, it is impossible to kill them all with the strength of the two of them.

But they want to kill all the generals and coaches of the enemy, even if the 100 million troops try their best, they can't protect them.

And as long as the commander is killed, or even all the generals, this is no longer a large army, but a string of broken pearl necklaces, a group of stragglers, and the two can take it easy.

If these people can't form a concentrated attack on them, they will never be in any danger.The final result was that this army either fled completely and no one could find it anymore, or they were all annihilated.

This is the war between Ying Shou and Li Yuanba. They no longer need any rules about what to do, they can ignore all rules.They alone can protect a country.

Although Lie Yang couldn't be as powerful as Ying Shou and Li Yuanba, how could an army of tens of thousands be able to stop him?To stop him, at least [-] troops are needed.But now Donghu dare to use so many troops to deal with him alone?

The answer is clearly no!

(End of this chapter)

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