Chapter 842
The reason why the Sun Shooting Crossbow is so powerful is that in the huge mechanical crossbow, all the power is concentrated on one arrow.

The Wanjun crossbow is different. Each ballista can shoot twenty crossbow arrows with one shot, and each of them has a range of 500 meters.

Although the power is not as powerful as the Sun Shooting Crossbow, it is not the same as other crossbows of Daqin.

The name Wanjun Crossbow is actually the reason why each arrow shoots enough arrows, so it can be called Wanjun Crossbow.

With the launch of the two ballistas, an open space was immediately cleared under the commander's platform.

Three or two Sun Shooting Ballistas, thirty Wanjun Ballistas are placed in a row, and around the three Sun Shooting Ballistas, there are fifteen Wanjun Ballistas each.

As the war broke out completely, the big banner sent orders, the bows and crossbows in the front had been shot one after another, and the catapults in the rear had started to project kerosene cannons one after another. On this side, the thirty thousand army ballistas did not hesitate. Under the waving of the big banner, I saw that on both sides of the bows in front of each Wanjunnu chariot, Qin Ruishi supported them with his shoulders.

The bow strings at the back were pulled by two people respectively. Both of them put their feet firmly on the body of the ballista, and tried their best to pull the Wanjun crossbow to the full moon. Suddenly, two people put ten arrows on the left and right respectively.

Arrows were put into the arrow slots, and with a wave of the banner, thirty crossbows of Wanjun were released at the same time.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Thirty Ten Thousand Army Ballistas fired their arrows at the same time, and more than 600 arrows seemed not many, but they flew 500 meters away in an instant, with amazing power.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

There was a sound of breaking the wall, and almost all the Donghu cavalrymen who were shot by the arrows of the Wanjun Ballista flew up from their horses.

The arrows passed through their bodies, killing and injuring one or two people in a row before they fell powerlessly, or directly pierced the people's bodies.

The Ten Thousand Army Crossbow fired, but the Sun Shooting Ballista did not make a move.

The sun-shooting ballista is usually only presided over by the general in the army. The target of the sun-shooting crossbow is always only one, either the enemy general or the enemy's coach.

Under the powerful sun-shooting crossbow, no matter who it is, it is almost impossible to escape death.

But at this moment, the war has just begun, and the enemy commander is still in the rear, outside the furthest range of the Sun Shooting Crossbow, so it is not the time to use the Sun Shooting Crossbow.

On Daqin's side, at the moment when the enemy rushed in desperately, they also began to display various trump cards.

For example, the Wanjun crossbow, the ten-arrow crossbow in the hands of the crossbowman, and the catapult and so on.

The lethality of these weapons is very large, killing tens of thousands of enemies in just a short moment.

More than a quarter of the [-] troops rushing forward were directly wiped out.

However, Daqin's bow and crossbow are powerful, but it is impossible to sweep the world after all.

After all, no matter how fast a crossbow or weapon is, it takes time to prepare.

The casting of each round of the catapult requires at least 1 minute of preparation time.

Every time the Wanjun crossbow is launched, it takes about 1 minute.

There is also the pedal crossbow in the hands of those crossbowmen. It takes at least 30 seconds to fire each time.

But the impact speed of the cavalry was beyond imagination.

Between vertical and horizontal, after these people only shot two or three rounds of arrows, nearly ten thousand enemies were injured, but the enemy army had already rushed to the front, fighting with the shield soldiers standing in front.

Countless shield soldiers were directly knocked into the air, some were crushed to death, and some were seriously injured.Of course, more, except for a little injury, it's not a big deal.

And after these shield soldiers were knocked out, the halberd soldiers behind the shield soldiers also rushed forward at the fastest speed.

Countless halberds were thrown out in an instant, horses were killed one after another, and knights were pierced through their bodies by the halberds from a long distance apart.

After a wave of harvesting, thousands of enemy troops died in battle.

But no matter how tight the defense is, there will always be fish that slip through the net.

Some Donghu cavalry finally jumped into the army formation, holding scimitars and were about to start fighting.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

However, at this moment, suddenly, those shield soldiers who flew upside down dropped their shields instantly, and took out the bows and crossbows that had already been drawn from behind.

Then he took out an arrow from behind, put it in the arrow slot in one go, and shot each arrow directly.

This is the most common Qin crossbow in Da Qin. Each crossbow can only fire one arrow at a time.

But because of the alignment of the arrow slots, the accuracy of this crossbow far exceeds that of bows and arrows.

Although this kind of crossbow is very laborious to pull, and it is not very fast to shoot an arrow every time, its accuracy and shooting speed are far superior to ordinary longbows.

As the shield soldiers took out the Qin crossbows one by one, they continued to shoot with arrows. Immediately, those fish that slipped through the net that had just rushed into the square formation were directly pierced by the arrows and died.


"Do not…………"

The screams sounded one after another.

Every time these shield soldiers shoot an arrow, they will immediately draw the bowstring to the full, and after putting on the arrow, they will shoot again.

Round after round, some people aimed at a person at the same time, and they could shoot the person into a sieve in an instant.

In this way, the battle between you and me has completely started.

The Donghu cavalry were rushing to kill regardless of their lives, but Daqin's side used all kinds of means, such as various crossbows, crossbow carts, kerosene-filled catapults like cannonballs, etc., as well as halberds, shields, and various types of arms. They are all making wild moves to block the charge of Donghu's army.

"Drive by..."

The battle between the two armies brought the battle to its peak in an instant.

For this moment, this real battle of ten thousand armies, all the so-called fighting methods before, in front of this, it seems to be a joke, like a child playing around, it is not worth mentioning.

On the commander's platform, Liu Huan looked at the countless Donghu cavalry who had almost rushed to the commander's platform, and heard a burst of roars. He saw the two sides of the army. Donghu rushed out of [-] troops on the left and right, and began to attack the left and right sides of the Daqin phalanx .

"Has it finally started? If so, then come!"

When Liu Huan saw this scene, he was not angry but happy, sneered, and looked at the enemy coach Nihaman in the distance.

He knew that from this moment on, the enemy army had already been defeated, or in other words, the enemy army commander was powerless.

As I said before, the most taboo thing on the battlefield is wasting troops in vain. Unless a real crush can be achieved, wasting even a little more troops will lead to a big defeat.

Therefore, those who can waste their troops in this way are basically fighting with trapped beasts, hoping to use all their strength to win the final victory.

It's a pity that there are so few successful cases of this kind of thing that they can be ignored.

Today, Donghu's army has revealed this situation. In Liu Huan's view, this is the precursor of Donghu's defeat.

Of course, although Liu Huan is satisfied with the result at the moment, it doesn't mean he can do nothing.

At this moment, the crossbowmen, catapults, Wanjun ballista, sun-shooting ballista, etc., have almost all moved to the front of the army.

In addition to the [-] crossbow shooters and deputies in the rear, and the [-] halberd soldiers as the rear guard, there are no powerful weapons on the left and right sides that are as lethal as the front and rear.At this time, you have to be careful, otherwise, if you are not careful, the enemy army will interrupt the formation. At that time, success or failure will be instant.

(End of this chapter)

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