Chapter 853 Shock
On the battlefield, as the two armies collided one after another, the Donghu cavalry desperately charged the defense of the Daqin phalanx, while the Daqin Ruishi frantically blocked and killed the enemy desperately.

Both sides were desperately fighting, but unfortunately, the cavalry finally fell to the point of being restrained in the battle with Daqin Heijia.

I saw countless galloping war horses in all directions, and in the end they couldn't feel the pain anymore, they made a mess, and became the targets of Daqin Heijia to kill one by one.

A big battle, as time passed, the Donghu cavalry, who had the upper hand in terms of numbers and strength at the beginning, were gradually pulled closer by the Daqin Heijia, and they were evenly matched.

Then, it slowly fell into a disadvantage, and it was completely Daqin Heijia's turn to fight back.

Among them, the battle of the former army is the most obvious.

In the battle of the former army, [-] enemy troops rushed in.They are the closest to the handsome platform, as long as they break through a hundred steps, they can reach the handsome platform, capture or kill Liu Huan.

In fact, many people have already achieved this hundred-step distance.

It's a pity that under the commander's platform, there will always be the strongest combat power in the army. How can everyone be on the commander's platform if they want to?

As soon as these people rushed under the commander's platform, they were defeated one by one by the elite under the commander's platform, and they were all strangled.

At the same time, the [-] Eastern Hu cavalry of the former army faced the most lethal crossbows, crossbow carts, catapults, etc. of the Great Qin Dynasty.

These things, in this era, are veritable weapons of war, and the power of the explosion is far beyond imagination.

Among them, the [-] soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty who blocked the forward Donghu's [-] troops were generally operating various crossbows, and only about [-] were desperately resisting.

When almost all the [-] Donghu vanguard troops fell, a miracle happened. The casualties of the former Great Qin army were only four to five thousand.

Four to five thousand casualties were exchanged for the destruction of the enemy's army of more than 4 people, which can be described as a big victory.

Seeing that the Donghu vanguard army was devastated and unable to fight anymore, Liu Huan's eyes were fixed, and suddenly he waved his hand and shouted: "Command the whole army to attack and strangle the enemy's vanguard!"

"Order [-] heavy cavalry to disperse the enemy's right-wing army!"

"Order [-] light cavalry, use all your strength to attack the enemy's right-wing army, leaving no one behind!"

Orders were issued one after another, and at this moment the Donghu Vanguard Army is nothing to fear. There are more than 4 people, only a few thousand people left.

Although this Donghu is known as a wolf clan, everyone has wolf nature.But at this level, the Donghu vanguard army is considered powerful before they escape, and it is completely impossible to say what momentum it has!

Therefore, Liu Huan issued orders one after another, and directly transferred three thousand crossbowmen, three thousand deputies, three thousand shield soldiers, and more than 1 halberd warriors to the front army. Transfer to the right battlefield.


All the soldiers below were dispatched at the same time, and the next moment, the entire Great Qin phalanx was fully operational.

In a criss-cross pattern, one by one, the phalanx of the army holding the halberd began to rush forward.The army of rear guards, crossbowmen, etc., also began to rush towards the forward.

Daqin iron cavalry, whether heavy cavalry or light cavalry, began to gallop across the very wide phalanx platform covering an area of ​​more than ten miles.

Under such impact, the speed of the cavalry became faster and faster. Under the shock of the enemy, two cavalry teams rushed towards the enemy's right-wing army like a dragon diving into the sea.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Ahead, with the [-] fresh troops rushing out, the remaining thousands of Donghu troops were no longer able to resist, and collapsed in an instant.

As for the battlefield on the right, after Lie Yang left and killed the enemy leader Wu Lin, the battlefield on the right has always been dominated by Daqin.

No matter how much the enemy tried to charge forward, they were still beaten and retreated in the face of the desperate Daqin Ruishi.

Such a retreat was not voluntary by anyone.But when the situation came, it was beyond human power.

Of the [-] Donghu army, nearly [-] had died on the battlefield, and even if the rest were unwilling to retreat, they were still forced to push them dozens of steps away under the crowded push of the Great Qin Ruishi.

This is a contest between the two sides on the battlefield, and it is also a contest of strength.

As long as one side retreats, it doesn't matter whether it's a defeat or being pushed back.As long as you step back, you will basically show your defeat.

For example, at this moment, such a defeat has made Daqin Ruishi even more morale.But Donghu's army has gradually fallen into a situation where it has nowhere to display its strength.

Under the ebb and flow, the Donghu right-wing army has actually been defeated.

And on the battlefield, it has always been like this, taking advantage of your illness to kill you.

At this moment, on the battlefield on the left, there is Donghu warrior Tang Shan leading him, and he has not yet shown signs of defeat, so Liu Huan did not immediately launch a devastating blow here, but mobilized his troops, first targeting the former army, and then Launched a massacre attack on the Donghu right-wing army.

I saw that following the attack of 3 heavy cavalry, it was already in a mess, and the right wing of Donghu, which had nowhere to display its power, had more than [-] cavalry left, completely reduced to a target, like a stone, which was hit by a huge hammer. It was as if it was smashed hard, and it fell apart in an instant.

The reason why heavy cavalry is called heavy cavalry is because of one word, heavy.

Because of this heavy word, the speed of heavy cavalry will never be as fast as that of light cavalry, and the flexibility is even farther away. This is the biggest disadvantage of heavy cavalry.

However, when a light cavalry is trapped, or when the two armies meet head-to-head, the light cavalry can never be the opponent of the heavy cavalry.

Daqin had 100 heavy cavalry, all of whom wore black armor. Among them, the armor on the cavalry weighed tens of catties, plus the iron armor on the horses, the body of each cavalry weighed at least more than [-] catties.

The stronger the weight on this body, the stronger the force of the impact.

For a moment, as Daqin Chongqi slammed into Donghu's army whose speed was restricted at all times, the Donghu soldiers who hit him suddenly turned on their backs.

The screams rang out one after another. The land where the Daqin cavalry passed was covered with corpses. The Donghu army began to fall apart, and there was no longer any resistance.

At the same time, only the roar of horseshoes sounded, and another long dragon attacked.

Daqin's [-] light cavalry rode vertically and horizontally, and entered the Donghu army that was torn apart and had nowhere to go.

Immediately, the screams became more severe, and the killing spirit became stronger.

The old Qin people themselves are a horse race, and in terms of riding skills, they are even better than the Donghu cavalry.

In addition, all kinds of weapons in their hands to restrain the Donghu army, such as bows and crossbows, fired two or three rounds of arrows in a row before rushing in, destroying thousands of enemy troops.

When they reached the front and back, they first raised their long halberds to charge forward, killing nearly ten thousand enemies in one wave.

Then he threw down the long halberd, took out the long sword, and slashed left and right.It's already in chaos, how can the East Hu cavalry, who are like a pot of porridge, still be able to contend?

It can be said that at this moment, the East Hu cavalry had become a living target, unable to resist, and could only allow the massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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