Chapter 857
"Qin's army is very powerful, but it's a pity that Liu Huan can't fully display the power of this army!"

"Qin's army has a lot of combat experience, it's a pity they met me!"

"The warriors of Qin are very strong, but unfortunately, I am not weak either!"

"Qin's bows and crossbows can restrain my soldiers and horses, but today, I must win!"

"The three of you are not qualified to use such a powerful bow and crossbow. Now, I don't want the danger just now to occur again. You can go to death!"

Nihaman stared at the crowd, her voice was a little hoarse, as if Shura from hell was taking his life when she spoke.

"Nehaman, who do you think you are, if you want us to die, we will definitely die?"

"In my opinion, it's you who deserves to be damned!"

One of the generals shouted loudly, his body shook, he grabbed a long spear standing beside him, and charged towards Nehman at lightning speed.

First-class generals, the strength is at least seven thousand.

Such a person is enough to rule the world.Whether it is its strength or speed, it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Following the general's attack, his long spear was like a silver snake coming out of its hole, and it was in front of Nehaman in an instant, pointing directly at Nehaman's eyebrow.

The spear roared, the red cherry swayed, dazzling, and the trembling sound made the void seem to tremble.

However, the shot came out of nowhere, and the moment it reached Nehman, it stopped, and could no longer move forward.

I saw a scimitar in Nehman's hand thrown out violently, the speed was as fast as lightning, and in a roundabout, it had already torn the general's neck.

Seeing the long spear standing in front of him, unable to move any further, Nihaman kicked it out, and the warrior flew out, splitting his body in two.

Immediately afterwards, Nehman grabbed the scimitar that flew back, so fast that it was almost impossible to catch his figure.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

For a while, only a tearing sound sounded.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the other general and dozens of others fell into a pool of blood without even having time to react.

Nihaman turned around slowly, carrying two knives, and headed towards the handsome platform again.

At this moment, the thousands of troops who broke through the blockade of the former army of the Great Qin along the bloody path that Nehaman killed under the commander's platform were already fighting with the elite guards under the commander's platform of the Great Qin.

As for the rest of the East Hu cavalry, they were still fighting with the former Qin army at the front.

Nihaman looked at the general of the Qin army Liu Huan standing quietly on the commander's platform.

At this moment, Liu Huan was also looking at him without blinking his eyes. The two of them were like two chess players playing chess. During this final decisive battle, they looked at each other, ready for the final blow.

"General, the enemy's right-wing army has been completely wiped out. At this moment, the front army is advancing, and the enemy's charge is too fierce, and they have already been killed under the commander's platform. Can you immediately mobilize the right-wing army to come to the rescue!"

At this moment, a messenger came to Liu Huan's side, knelt down on one knee, and reported loudly.

"Send the order, and the soldiers and horses on the right wing will immediately turn around and kill the enemy army on the left wing with all their strength!"

Liu Huan still stared at Nehman who was walking towards him step by step. At this moment, he also saw the strength of this Nehman, which was simply unfathomable. If he wanted to kill himself, maybe the thousands of elite men under him would I can't protect myself at all.

According to the logic, at this time, killing should immediately mobilize the army to come back to help, but he did not do this. Instead, he ordered the army to return to the left wing and wipe out the left wing enemy first.

"General, it's almost time for the fire to come. It's time to let the army come back to help. The enemy's general Nehaman has led the army to the commander's platform, and it will be too late if we don't rush to help!"

Behind Liu Huan, a lieutenant general who had been standing behind Liu Huan suddenly spoke solemnly.

"I can't wait to burn my eyebrows? Hehe, I haven't really burned it yet. What's the hurry?"

The corner of Liu Huan's mouth raised slightly, and he suddenly shouted: "The order from the big banner is that the right army should turn to the left army, and fully cooperate with the left army to kill the enemy's left-wing army, leaving no one behind!"

While speaking, another order was issued.

On the side, the soldiers in charge of the banner waved wildly.

At the moment of the decisive battle, Daqin clearly has the unique upper hand.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the soldiers who fell in Daqin suffered no more than [-] to [-] casualties.

However, the [-] right-wing army of the enemy has been wiped out as soon as possible, and Wu Lin, the first general in the battle, was slaughtered by Lie Yang himself.

The enemy's [-] troops charged forward, except for Halley, who was the first battle general, the rest were killed and injured, and none of them survived.

It can be said that so far, Daqin has wiped out at least [-] Donghu troops.

In addition, the left army is still fighting with the enemy's right-wing army. The right-wing army in this place also suffered nearly [-] casualties at this moment, leaving only a little over [-] troops.

If you do a careful calculation, you will find that the 20 Donghu army now has less than [-] left, only about [-] to [-] troops.

And Daqin still has [-] to [-] troops left to fight. At this point, the military strength of the two countries has finally reached a balance point.

This moment is the real fair duel!

Such a situation is very beneficial to Daqin, so Liu Huan will never give up this great opportunity.

Although the enemy army has already killed him, if he is not careful, he may destroy the commander's platform, take away the commander's flag, and even kill himself.

But he didn't care, it was just the beginning of the fire, but it didn't mean it was already burning.

So Liu Huan doesn't care!

As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness will kill you, and those who waste too many troops in a battle are not worthy of being called marchers, but there are one exceptions.

For example, the great war has already broken out, and the continuous gathering of forces, attacking one point, and finally accelerating the destruction of the enemy army is a tactic, a very familiar and easy-to-understand tactic.

But there are not many people who can do it well.

At this moment, in order to concentrate all his strength, Liu Huan didn't even care about his handsome platform and even his own life.

In order to secure the final victory, at this very moment, he must race against time, first concentrate all his forces, and take down the enemy's left-wing army in one go.

At that time, all the troops will return to aid and take down the former Donghu army in one fell swoop. This is the real victory.

For this reason, even though he is already in crisis at this moment, he is not in a hurry.

I saw him whispering to the people on the side, and the next moment, 1 cavalry on the right wing, and more than [-] Qin Ruishi after excluding casualties, rushed to the left wing again.

When this large army was in action, the direction of the banner changed again on the commanding platform, and the waving posture seemed to be different.

"Liu Huan, it looks like you are very calm! Why, are you going to call Lie Yang to rescue him?"

Seeing this scene, Nehman, who was walking step by step, sneered.

"Of course you can't be calm. After all, as a human being, you should do something. You can't wait to die, can you?"

Liu Huan smiled back, his expression calm and unchanging.

(End of this chapter)

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