Chapter 863 Lost
"Send the order, cease fighting!"

"The army retreats!"

When Liu Huan gave an order, drums were beaten behind him, and flags were waved.

"The army obeys the order, cease fighting and retreat!"

At the same time, Nehman didn't talk nonsense, and gave an order.

In an instant, the armies of both sides stopped at the same time, retreated one after another, and ceased fighting one after another.

A great battle broke out in chaos, and ended in a few words.

The battlefield, which was still chaotic just now, became quiet in an instant.

"Quick... go and bring General Lie Yang back and heal his wounds!"

Seeing that the war subsided in an instant, Liu Huan looked at Lie Yang not far away, who was approaching Lie Yang staggering step by step, and quickly gave an order.

At this moment, the two sides have stopped fighting. Following Liu Huan's order, someone left quickly and came with Lie Yang.

"Hehe, Liu Huan, it seems that you know how to care about your subordinates. However, if you count it, you are the Marquis of the Great Qin Mingyang, and you can hold your head high even in front of your Great Qin Marshal. Feng, take good care of him!"

"You have lost this battle, go back and tell your majesty the emperor, and say that I, Nehman, are waiting for him at King Donghu!"

Nehman sneered. Seeing that the situation of the battle had been decided, he stopped talking nonsense, gave an order, and shouted: "Withdraw!"

Immediately afterwards, he turned and left, leading the rest of the army, and evacuated directly from this place.

"Nihaman, you remember, today's shame, I, Daqin, will get it back sooner or later!"

Looking at the three thousand brave warriors who followed Donghu's army, Liu Huan's chest was full of energy and blood, and his breath was blocked in his chest, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

In today's battle, Daqin lost shamefully, and Donghu also won disgracefully.

But on the battlefield, how can there be any talk of glory or dishonesty?Here, there are only winners and losers. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. It is an eternal truth, so Liu Huan didn't say anything mean and shameless.

The back of Liu Huan left waved his hands without looking back, very contemptuous.

For Donghu, this battle can be described as a heavy loss.

Daqin's [-] army had no more than [-] casualties, of which [-] were only injured, and less than [-] died in battle.

But Donghu is different. With 20 troops, less than 8 can go back now, only [-] or [-].

In this battle, Donghu won, but he won miserably.Great Qin was defeated, but it was not a disastrous defeat. At least one hundred thousand troops have not yet fallen to the point of being seriously injured!


"The general of the defeated army has seen His Majesty's special envoy!"

In the middle of the night, in the barracks of the Great Wall, Liu Huan stood in front of Iron Eagle Swordsman with a paper book in his hands, bent at ninety degrees, and said solemnly.

"The Great Qin Ruishi has never been defeated, but today's defeat, do you know what it means?"

The iron eagle swordsman's voice was silent, and he said in a deep voice.

"Please trouble the special envoy to report to His Majesty the Emperor. From now on, General Mo will take the prison car and go back to Xianyang to accept the crime. The defeat of this battle is not due to others, but General Mi's miscalculation."

"Furthermore, General Lie Yang was seriously injured and fell into a coma due to excessive blood loss. He will set off with the last general and return to Xianyang in another day!"

Liu Huan lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

He is very clear that someone needs to take responsibility for a defeat, and the three thousand brave warriors who led to the defeat in this battle have followed the Donghu God of War Nehaman, and only he can resist this battle.

Even at this moment, he was very clear that his life no longer belonged to him.


That Iron Eagle Swordsman is not talking nonsense. As an Iron Eagle Swordsman, he has no qualifications to inquire about war affairs, political affairs, etc. The only thing he has to do is send a message.

The words just said have already committed a taboo, and he will not say anything more, only to see that he stretched out his hand, grabbed the memorabilia drafted in Liu Huan's hand, turned and left.

Three days later, late at night, Ying Shou came to the imperial study of Jingquan Palace as usual.

This has become an instinctive habit for him these days.

Every night, he would come here in person to listen to the voices of the world in order to grasp the situation in the world.

Following Ying Shou's arrival, as soon as he sat down on the seat, a figure began to appear slowly, knelt down behind Ying Shou, and kowtowed: "The eagle eye of my servant sees my Majesty the Emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou looked silent, waved his hands, and said, "Pingshen!"

"Tell me, what's the news today!"

Hawkeye stood up, clasped his hands together, and said, "Report to His Majesty, today's battle situation has been decided, and the news has been sent back!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Oh, how many enemy troops are left this time? How many casualties are our troops?"

Ying Shou is not a war maniac, nor is he a person who likes war, but he is a person who likes the ending of war.

Because in this ending, he can only be the winner, the winner forever and ever.So, now that he heard that the fight was over, he also knew that he had won.Now that you have won, of course there will be some smiles on your face!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, according to statistics, the 20 barbarian army had 13 dead and injured, and the losses were mixed. Our 1 army in the Great Qin Dynasty had less than 3 dead, less than [-] serious injuries, and more than [-] lightly injured. The total casualties were [-] Less than ten thousand people!"

Hawkeye cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"Hahaha...Okay, okay...As expected of my Daqin Ruishi. This mere Donghu thinks that a large number of people can gain an advantage, and wants to use cavalry to crack my Daqin phalanx. It's ridiculous. This time he can get it back 7 to [-] people are considered cheap for him!"

"But this time, they've got a big deal. Otherwise, if Wei Liaozi, Generalissimo of the Great Qin Army, makes a move in person, his 20 troops will never come back, and none of them will be able to leave!"

Ying Shou laughed out loud. It seemed that this battle had already been expected by him, so he was not surprised, he was just happy.

"Your Majesty... this battle... something happened in this battle, I... our army did not win!"

Seeing this, Hawkeye spoke in a low voice with some hesitation.


Upon hearing this, Ying Shou's smile instantly froze on his face, and his eyes slowly narrowed.

"Since there is no victory, is it a defeat?"

Gradually, Ying Shou's smile faded, and he said coldly.

In his opinion, a battle is either won or lost, and there is never a possibility of a draw, as long as it is a draw, it is also a loss.

That's why before, Ying Shou would swear that in the bet with Donghu, as long as Donghu had a chance to draw even one of the games, he would count as Donghu's win.

This is not a big heart, but a kind of pride, a kind of self-confidence, which comes from the self-confidence of him, the supreme ruler of Great Qin!
But today, the result he got was that he didn't win. Doesn't that mean that if he released it, he would have slapped himself in the face at the beginning of the first round?

"Return to Your Majesty, this battle is indeed lost, and the memorial on the table is the crime of General Liu Huan!"

Hawkeye said quickly.

"I'm guilty?"

Ying Shou lowered his head and looked at the table in front of him, only to see that there was indeed a memorial there.

This is a new memorial from Daqin. It is made of Xuan paper. After Daqin Xuan paper, Ying Shou modified it according to the memorials of later generations, and then handed it over to Announcement for mass production. Now it has become popular in Daqin courts.

(End of this chapter)

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