Chapter 878
"Empress, look, it's been more than ten days, and the people outside have almost collapsed. How can His Majesty still play chess and enjoy singing and dancing here in such leisure and elegance?"

"And this Jun Wuyou, since he entered the palace, this Majesty almost forgot about us. For more than ten days in a row, he didn't even summon him at all, so he almost shared the bed with this Jun Wuyou!"

Not far from the Imperial Garden, on an attic, Empress Nanyan and Imperial Concubine Xue Ning stood here, looking at the emperor who was still enjoying singing and dancing, Xue Ning was a little dissatisfied.

As the time in Qinhuang Palace gets longer and longer, and the time spent with the queen is getting longer and longer. For Xue Ning, this palace is now her home. Here, she will no longer feel any strangeness. Not as stiff as before.One says one, and two says two.

Looking at Jun Wuyou's back now, she actually has some jealousy.

"Hee hee, from my sister's words, why does it seem like I'm having trouble with a man? Don't worry, Your Majesty is not as lonely as Long Yang!"

Nan Yan pursed her lips and couldn't help joking.

"What nonsense is the empress talking about? Now the empress is looking for His Majesty the Emperor for urgent matters, not me. This Jun Wuyou has been staying by the Emperor's side all the time. He is clearly a minister of a foreign country, but he is deeply loved by His Majesty the Emperor."

"For his words, His Majesty the Emperor will take his word for it. If the Empress goes to seek His Majesty the Emperor now, she will be stopped by Jun Wuyou before she speaks. I am worried about the Empress, and now the Empress is still here to make fun of me!"

Xue Ning blushed pretty, and couldn't help but wait for Nan Yan to take a look, dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, I know that my sister is doing it for my own good. But even if Jun Wuyou is not by the emperor's side, with our identities, how dare you tell His Majesty about those things?"

"If I say this, let alone the result, I'm afraid His Majesty the Emperor will be furious in an instant, and then it will really be a big trouble!"

Nan Yan nodded with a smile, her expression became serious as she spoke.

"So, the queen doesn't plan to speak to His Majesty anymore?"

Xue Ning frowned and said in a low voice.

"Hey, I don't know, let's talk about it. If you break the taboo of the court, it will definitely make His Majesty unhappy. Don't say it, my father is still waiting for my reply. Since I promised my father, it would be unfilial if I didn't say anything." ? It's really embarrassing for me!"

Nan Yan had a bitter face, and she seemed very helpless when she spoke.

Now, with the release of the emperor's proclamation, the whole world can't help shaking, and the imperial palace is hardly immune.

In Jixia Academy, all schools of thought were dispatched one after another.

Even before that, the emperor and his father-in-law, Zhou Zi, were kneeling outside.

Because he couldn't see the emperor, and in order to avoid the emperor making a big mistake, Zhou Zi, who has always been an upright person, finally set his sights on his daughter.

Before, after Zhou Zi also passed out, Nan Yan got the news, and naturally rushed back to Jixia Academy as soon as possible.

After Zhou Zi woke up, he finally made the first request in his life to Nan Yan, hoping that she could persuade the emperor.

Faced with her father's haggardness and her father's worries, Nan Yan was in a difficult situation.She is very clear that the decision made by the emperor cannot be changed at all if she wants to.But under her father's begging, she had no choice but to agree.

Now that she was back in the palace, she was even more worried.

He still remembered that he had mentioned some court affairs before, which caused the emperor to be furious. Now that he was involved in the general situation of the world, he rashly intervened. He didn't know what the emperor would be angry about.

The key is that there is still a Jun Wuyou by the emperor's side, and she can tell that this earth-shattering event is caused by this Jun Wuyou.

The current emperor loves Jun Wuyou so much, even more than the queens and concubines, and obeys Jun Wuyou's words even more.

With Jun Wuyou by the emperor's side, it's fine for the emperor to be angry, basically what she said was in vain, which made Nan Yan miserable.


Just as Nan Yan was deep in thought, suddenly, Xue Ning let out a muffled snort, and her body swayed for a while.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

In the back, the maids hurried forward to help and exclaimed.

"What's wrong with my sister?"

Nan Yan was also taken aback, and quickly supported Xue Ning, saying in surprise.

"It's okay, I don't know why, I always feel a little dizzy in the past few days, but every time it's only for a moment, there's no big problem!"

Xue Ning waved her hands, and while speaking, she changed the topic and said with a smile: "Isn't the empress still worried about how to speak? I have a proposal, and the empress can consider it!"

Nan Yan waved her hands and called out in a low voice: "What else is there to suggest at this time, don't think that fainting is a small problem, sometimes small problems can turn into big problems. You should see an imperial doctor!"

Xue Ning smiled slightly, and said: "Thank you Queen for your concern, but it's really all right, if it doesn't work, I'll let the imperial doctor come and have a look at it later!"

Nan Yan stared and scolded with a smile: "It's still too late, you are so dizzy and unconscious, have you forgotten that Ben Gong is a fairy doctor. In this way, let Ben Gong diagnose and diagnose you!"

Saying that, Nan Yan clasped Xue Ning's bright wrist with one hand, closed her eyes, and began to feel the beating of her pulse.

Xue Ning was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but smile wryly, let alone, she almost forgot that the queen is a better doctor than the imperial doctor!

She didn't resist, just stood quietly like this, letting the queen call her pulse for a long time, only to see the queen's face constantly changing, sometimes dignified, sometimes happy.

After a long time, Nan Yan finally opened her eyes, let go of her hand, and said with a smile, "Sister, it's a big deal, it's a big deal!"

"Ah... what does the empress mean? What's the big deal?"

Xue Ning looked confused, she just felt that she was suffering from some serious illness, but even if she was ill, the queen didn't have to be so happy, right?Isn't this pure gloating?
Is this really the queen in my impression?
"Big event, big happy event. Congratulations to my sister, congratulations to my sister. My sister is happy, there are dragons in this belly!"

Nan Yan smiled and congratulated.


"Queen, what did you say?"

"Happy, happy?"

Xue Ning's expression suddenly changed when she heard the words. For a moment, she didn't even have time to show her excited expression. She grabbed Nan Yan and exclaimed.

"Well, I'm happy. I took my sister's pulse just now, and what I got was a happy pulse!"

"In order to prevent misdiagnosis, I felt it a little more. It is indeed a happy pulse. Congratulations to my sister, congratulations to my sister!"

Nan Yan nodded and said solemnly.

"Great, sister queen, I... I'm really pregnant with the emperor's child, that's great!"

Hearing this, Xue Ning couldn't restrain her inner identity anymore, and for a while, her whole body trembled with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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