Chapter 894
The roar above the court hall resounded non-stop inside and outside the entire Xianyang Palace.

The officials prostrated themselves on the ground, listening to the emperor's reprimand, they could not help but tremble all over.

Everyone is not a fool, and they all understand what the emperor means by saying so much.

It's a warning, a warning of what they're doing.This is to tell them that the Shang Dynasty is powerless, the Zhou Dynasty is powerless, and the former Qin Dynasty is powerless, but he won and defended, and there are ways to deal with everyone.

If I want to cause civil turmoil for me, if I soften my heart once, I can let you go once, and if I let go again, I can let you go a second time, but the third time and the fourth time don't mean you are so lucky every time.

When I am really angry, one counts as one, and all of them must die, leaving no one behind.

This is the ultimate meaning of Ying Shou's words.

Seeing the ministers crouching and trembling without saying a word, Ying Shou seemed to have almost vented after roaring.

He finally took a deep breath again, calmed down, stood with his hands behind his back, and said, "I know that each of you has your own ideas. I am very happy that you have your own ideas, but it doesn't mean that you have ideas, and I don't Got an idea!"

"I never deny it, and I don't think your ideas are wrong, but why do you think that I must be wrong, and you have to go against me? This will give you a sense of accomplishment?"

"It's ridiculous!"

"All of you listen to me clearly. Today's words are best recorded in my mind one by one, but deep down in my heart, never forget!"

"In this world, what I think is God's will, and what I say is the general trend. Under the general trend, the nine cauldrons are difficult to stop, and the nine cauldrons are difficult to tolerate. Anyone who defies the general trend will only have a dead end!"

"Don't think that if I let you and pamper you, you can be lawless and don't know how to advance or retreat. If you don't follow the general trend, you have to follow. This is God's will, what I said!"

"Who else wants to oppose me now, stand up and tell me loudly!"

With that said, Ying Shou returned to the dragon chair, sat down directly, and looked at the officials below with contemptuous eyes.

The officials kept silent, at this moment, they really had nothing to say, the emperor's words made them unable to refute, and they did not dare to refute.

"Uncle Sun Tong, you are the Grand Tutor. On weekdays, I rely on you the most. Now you come and tell me whether it is right or wrong to go to Donghu this time, and should I go?"

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Ying Shou finally started to roll the roll and shouted directly at Uncle Suntong in front of the officials.

Shu Suntong trembled all over, straightened up, knelt on the ground, cupped his hands and said: "Report to His Majesty, whether it is right or wrong, I am already confused, whether I should go, I have no words to answer, everything is obeyed by the holy order. His Majesty's will is God's will, His Majesty makes a decision, and I will go all out."

"If it's right, it's right, if it's wrong, I will devote my whole life to redeem it, in order to repay the king's kindness, and to repay the king's great virtue!"

"Okay, I feel at ease with the words of the Taifu. Do other people have anything to say? Xiao He, tell me, what should I do, what should you do?"

Ying Shou nodded, patted the armrest, gave a compliment, looked at Xiao He and asked.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, I am ready to go to war. If His Majesty decides not to go to Donghu today and a big battle is triggered, I, Daqin, will fight to the death."

"If His Majesty's holy will has been decided, you must not go to Donghu. If something happens, I, Daqin, will not die with Donghu. This is the unanimous decision of Daqin!"

Xiao He is not stupid. Although he has the heart of begging the emperor, in fact, everything that should be arranged has already been arranged.

I only hope that the emperor can change his mind, but if he can't, he can only follow the trend.

But now, the emperor said that there is obviously no possibility of changing it, and he can only choose to follow the trend, so this opening has no intention of opposing the emperor at all.

In the Great Qin Dynasty Hall, there are six departments of Sangong, and all officials are headed by Sangong.

Now Sangong Di Renjie has retired and is absent, and Zhang Liang, who is in charge of the military department and whose prestige and strength are comparable to Sangong, is still in prison. Basically, if Xiao He communicates with Shusun, he can represent the entire court.

Neither of them chose to object, so what's the use of others objecting?

For a while, under the emperor's repeated questioning, the officials could only nod one after another, agreeing to the emperor's decision.

So far, Daqin Chaotang, who had been alienated from morality, finally began to gradually calm down.

As the so-called family and everything prosper, and the country is peaceful and everything is peaceful, only when the whole court is united can we achieve real peace in the world.

Ying Shou obeyed these people, and the peace of Daqin can last at least 30 years, but this is not what Ying Shou wants.What he wants is that these people obey him, what he wants is that the Daqin will last forever, the Daqin inheritance, and the Huaxia inheritance will never die.

This is what he is aiming for.

"Okay, since all the lovers have nothing to say, let's get back together!"

Seeing that there was no more objection from the officials, Ying Shou waved his sleeves and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the ministers got up one after another, perhaps because they were injured from kneeling outside the imperial city before, and after kneeling for a while, their legs and feet felt uncomfortable, and they couldn't help shaking when they stood up.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Great Wall Guards Ming Yang is waiting for the Great General Lie Yang, and the Great General Liu Huan is waiting outside the palace to be summoned!"

At this moment, a guard walked into the hall and cupped his hands.


At this moment, the affairs in the main hall are basically settled. Ying Shou only needs to arrange Liu Huan and Lie Yang, and it is basically over.

Immediately, without hesitation, he gave an order, and after a while, outside the main hall, Liu Huan and Lie Yang walked in together one after another.

"Liu Huan, the last general, kowtow to my emperor, long live long live long live long live long live!"

Liu Huan walked into the hall with heavy steps, and kowtowed to the emperor in the hall.

"The last general, Lie Yang, kowtow to see my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Lie Yang followed suit and bowed down.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou sat on the head of the dragon, looked at the two of them, and waved his sleeves.

After the two got up, Ying Shou looked Lie Yang and Liu Huan up and down.

Although Lie Yang was panting through his armor and couldn't see what was going on, Ying Shou still saw a lot of urgent bandages from his collar and cuffs.

Obviously, this battle, just like the report from the Black Ice Terrace, can be described as extremely dangerous.Lie Yang was injured all over his body, and he hadn't fully recovered yet.

However, Lie Yang is strong and fierce. Although these injuries have affected him a lot, the impact is actually not that great.

Look at Liu Huan again, the cracked skin all over his body, although he deliberately washed and lifted it because he was going to see him face to face, it was still difficult to conceal his tiredness and weakness.

From these details, it is not difficult to find out how much Liu Huan has suffered and suffered in the past month or so.

It can be said that if you can forcibly grind a person into such a state, if you don't have superhuman willpower, you may have died a dozen times already.

(End of this chapter)

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