Chapter 896

"Liu Huan, you are going to force me to die, aren't you?"

"If I don't offend you today, what will you do?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Liu Huan and said coldly.

I have seen arrogant ones, but I have never seen such arrogant ones, standing in front of me at every turn and threatening myself with death.

It is fine to say that Liu Huan is an admonisher, but you are a general, and your duty is to fight wars, expand territories, and defend your home and country.

As a result, if one's own affairs are not done well, it is simply unreasonable to insist on getting involved in other affairs.

"If Your Majesty does not want to punish the last general, please give him another chance. As long as His Majesty does not go to Donghu, even if a million troops approach the city, the last general will definitely be the first soldier to fight against the enemy without fear of life and death!"

Liu Huan still knelt on the ground, cupping his hands.

"Hehe, after all, I still want me to listen to you, right?"

"If I don't agree today, you won't be willing to take the lead for my Great Qin to protect the land and the people, right?"

Ying Shou's heart, which was somewhat soft, hardened again at this moment.

He didn't like the feeling of being threatened, and even hated it.However, all the officials in the court seem to have such a problem.

Before, he had finally made up his mind to deal with the courtiers, but now another Liu Huan jumped out. If he softens today, people in the world will think he is easy to bully, and in the future, he will be forced to die every now and then.

"The last general dare not?"

Facing Ying Shou's cold voice, Liu Huan quickly explained.

"Liu Huan, remember what I said, I don't want to say it a second time!"

"Don't try to threaten me with your life. There are some things you can do if you want to do them. If you don't want to do them, there are plenty of people in this world who do them."

"Aren't you going to die? I don't care how you want to die, but it's best not to blame me for your death!"

"Today, I don't want to say anything more, you are going to die, think about how to die yourself!"

Ying Shou shook his head, stopped Liu Huan from continuing to explain, stood up slowly, waved his sleeves while speaking, and said, "Come here, pass down the order, pack up and set off, leave Xianyang in three days, go to the Northwest Great Wall first, and then turn to the Northeast! "


After speaking, Ying Shou waved his sleeves, turned around abruptly, and was about to leave.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor!"

The ministers did not dare to have any further objections, and knelt down to send the emperor off one after another.

"Your Majesty, is my love irreparable?"

At this moment, Liu Huan's discordant voice sounded again.

Ying Shou paused, his eyes were indifferent and cold, and he looked at Liu Huan without the slightest leeway.

Liu Huan suddenly met his eyes, and felt his whole body tremble, as if a basin of ice water had poured his whole body instantly.

At this moment, his faint flame of hope was completely extinguished.

Without any extra words, no matter how much the emperor said before, he still had hope.

But at this moment, when the emperor didn't speak anymore, just a look, let him know that the so-called hope is just a joke.

"Haha... well... the general understands!"

Liu Huan nodded slowly, and two lines of tears of despair could not stop flowing down.

Ying Shou slowly withdrew his eyes, he had nothing to say, since some things don't make sense, why bother to explain?
The world is natural, everything follows my heart and can develop freely.

Under the general trend, no amount of explanation would be nonsense, and no amount of obstruction would be futile. He didn't need to do anything else, as long as he grasped the general trend, it was enough.

"The sky is blue and the sky is vast, who is singing Qin opera in the dark night! Huadan follows the old man, half charming and half desolate!"

"It's different today, it's chaotic today, the flames of war are locked up! The man immediately puts on his fighting spirit, and blood flows into rivers across thousands of miles of land!"

"Your Majesty, farewell!"

Ying Shou withdrew his gaze and was about to leave again when a sad and sad song rang out.

"Liu Huan!"


"do not want!"

Immediately afterwards, exclamations came one after another.

Ying Shou turned his head abruptly, only to see that in the main hall, after a high-pitched and eternal song, Liu Huan got up suddenly, jumped up, and collided with the dragon pillar not far away.

Ying Shou's eyes were fixed, and in an instant, his fists were clenched, and his muscles tensed at the same time.

He instinctively wanted to make a move, but unfortunately, no matter how fast he was, the move at this moment was already unstoppable.

Before he could move, he heard a "bang".

Blood spattered everywhere, Liu Huan collided with the dragon pillar, his skull was shattered, blood splashed everywhere.


Man Chao Wenwu, who had been silent for a long time, rushed forward frantically, but saw blood slowly flowing out all over the ground, and Liu Huan was silent.

In Ying Shou's deep eyes, bloodshot eyes kept appearing in the whites of the eyes, and the eye sockets instantly turned red.

For some things, it is one thing to make up your mind, but when it really happens in front of your eyes, it will still be painful, enviable, and unacceptable.

At this moment, when someone bumped into him and died in front of him, Ying Shoufang realized that the so-called ruthless emperor was a joke.

He couldn't help asking himself, was he really wrong?
Why are so many people against it?Why do some people risk their lives to stop it?
However, what is right or wrong in this world?

Since ancient times, the avenues have competed, you have your way, I have my law, everyone's choice is different.

The king creates the general trend of the world, and the minister follows the trend and seeks to survive against the trend. What is right or wrong?
It's just reality, some people can accept it, some people can learn to accept it after being suppressed by reality, but some people can't accept it no matter what.

The so-called survival of the fittest, this Liu Huan is just a person who can't adapt, why should he blame himself for his death?
The world is like chess, life is like a play, in the game, facing a desperate situation, the one who rein in the precipice is the general and the minister, and the one who does not rein in the precipice is the king, the emperor, and the emperor!
Why should he rein in the precipice?

There is a saying that once a general succeeds, ten thousand bones will wither, general, if this is the case, let alone an emperor?
In front of the cliff, not to mention the death of one person, even tens of thousands of people, as long as they can cross this scourge, what's the problem?
The wheel of history is moving forward, and the track of time will not go backward.There is only one way for the emperor, forward, forward, and forward.

Whether it is a cliff or a mountain of swords and seas of fire, the only way out is to never stop and keep moving forward.

Sailing against the current, if he does not advance, he will retreat. He has an advantage that others cannot imagine. If this advantage is used a little bit, it is enough to protect Daqin for at least 30 years.

But 30 years later, this raft that never moves forward can only be submerged by the river, with no way out.

What he has to do is to use his whole life's strength to sail against the current, climb to the top, and stand at the top of the world.

He not only wants to grasp the general trend of the world with his own hands, but also wants the Great Qin Dynasty to last forever, so that all future generations can grasp the general trend.

As the saying goes, what is the use of building iron buckets for children and grandchildren?Only by truly grasping the lifeline of the world is the real immortality!
"Your Majesty, think twice!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath to calm down the surging blood in his heart. He raised his head, only to find that all the officials were surrounding Liu Huan, and finally gave himself a last word of persuasion.

(End of this chapter)

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