Chapter 898 Promise
Yinyue's words are very reasonable. These words come from the dismantling in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching.

This is the avenue of life, the avenue of heaven and earth.

At that time, Lao Tzu created Taoism, and the essence of Taoism theory is that Tao follows nature and can be the way of nature.

Lao Tzu took heaven and earth as the foundation, established yin and yang, and created the theory of all things. All things and all laws are secondary. This is Taoism following nature.

It can be said that every avenue of Taoism comes from heaven and earth, from all things, and from nature.

For example, Taoism says that the king is compared to the sky, and the people are myriad dharmas and myriad things.What I'm talking about is that the world is natural, don't restrict, don't force, let it develop naturally, everything may be better, this is the second.

At the same time, there is another Taoism, the meaning of which is almost the same as what Yinyue said.

Lao Tzu said, why the rivers are turbulent and the waves are like dragons, but they finally return to the sea?

Why can the sea be inclusive of all rivers, but rivers and lakes cannot?

The reason is simple, because rivers come from high places and go to low places.

As the saying goes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places.Yin and yang are yin and yang, there is yang within yin, and yin within yang, yin and yang are opposite, yin and yang are balanced, and yin and yang complement each other.

In other words, peaks are troughs, and troughs are peaks.

Standing high, you can see all the small mountains at a glance, but the higher you stand, the more difficult it is for you to stand alone, and the stronger the crisis.If you want to stand taller and safer, the more you need to lower your posture.

Why since ancient times, all virtuous kings and lords have the characteristics of a virtuous and corporal?

In fact, this is the reason, wise men and famous generals are like rivers flowing down from high mountains, they know where they came from.

But they don't know where they should fit in.It is not to say that every sage and every famous general will find a place for himself.

Once the position is wrong, no matter how talented you are, you will not be able to display it after all.

At this time, they need to find their belongings, and they can belong to everything they have learned.And the kingdoms of the world are places where they belong, and these kingdoms are the places they choose.

That's right, it has always been sages, famous generals and talents who choose the country, not the country.

Any country that is self-righteous and feels that it is qualified to choose talented people will basically be doomed to decline and perish. This is a historical inevitability.

The reason is very simple. The sages, famous generals and other great talents are themselves rivers flowing from high places. As a result, your airs are higher than him, as if you are a big mountain. At this time, the rivers still need to climb you?Could it be that he will stay on the top of Mount Tai with this current?

Therefore, a self-righteous king and a self-righteous country will find it difficult to retain talented people and eventually decline.

And only those kings who lower their profile and yearn for talents can finally let the wise people flow in arrogantly, thus creating a situation where the whole country is full of wise men.

This is the reason for the corporals of Lixian. It can be said that the king of the corporals of Lixian is the sea, and their posture is very low, so the river must flow in.No surprises, that's for sure!
Of course, the above statement is only talking about the general Mingjun and Mingzhu.

What they have to do is to make the country strong and strong, and no one can be bullied, so that in the end, the country will be peaceful and peaceful, and the country will be rich and the people will be strong.

This seems difficult, but for Ying Shou, it is too simple.

If he only wanted the country to be rich and the people strong, he only needed to be courteous and corporal, and to serve the civil and military people in the court well, but he wanted more than that.

What he wants is to expand the territory, expand, expand, continue to expand, and expand wildly.

For the current Ying Shou, what he wants from Jiang He is not just talents.

A talented and famous general, he can create as much as he wants, but his ambition is not only that, what he wants is a bigger world.

For example, the territory of a big country like the Xiongnu and Donghu, that is what he really wants.

Today, whether it is the Donghu or the Xiongnu, it can be said that they are powerful for a while, invincible, high above, like a great river flowing down from a high mountain, arrogantly looking down on the world, thinking that everything they pass is the general trend, and no one can stop it.

Looking at Tianmen again, whether it is the power of the Donghu or the power of the Huns, they are all created by Tianmen, and Tianmen is the source of the general trend.

On the other hand, Daqin seems to be an existence that is about to be destroyed by the general trend.

Of course, in Ying Shou's view, where the general trend goes, where the rivers and rivers converge, shouldn't it be the sea?
Facing the general trend, Ying Shou did not choose to crush it forcefully.He does not act as a high mountain, and he does not block the general trend.

On the contrary, he wants to open up all the existences that block the general trend, and let the general trend of the river flow into Daqin.

If he is high above, it will be difficult for Jiang He to take a step, but he will not be able to swallow Jiang He either.Only by lowering your posture and allowing the general trend to surge in, and finally completely swallow the general trend, this is the sea that embraces everything.

He forced him to be strong, the breeze blew the hills, he let him do it, and I was full of true spirit.

Ying Shou is not short of this breath, he has enough confidence, he can swallow as much as he comes, and he is afraid of you not coming.If you come, I will accept it humbly.This is Ying Shou's current posture.

"Okay, now that Yue'er has made a decision, although I, Daqin, have no precedent for women to fight, I allow you to dominate the southwest battlefield."

"Remember, victory or defeat is not important, protect yourself. This is the general trend of the world, but in my eyes, it is just a game of competition, there is no need to hurt yourself for a game!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath, he understood very well the obsession in Yinyue's heart at this moment.

Ying Shou is indeed abolishing his own martial arts. Allowing Lie Yang to come back this time is also preparing to give him the location of Yuwen Chengdu, the land in the southwest.

Because Yuwen Chengdu itself is one of his strengths, but Lieyang is not, Lieyang is the real power of this era.

But as Yinyue said, although the energy of Lieyang is strong and can even dominate the battlefield, the more you want to be perfect, the less you can rely on Lieyang.

Furthermore, although Ying Shou had never used a woman, it didn't mean he underestimated women.

At least, he doesn't have the mentality of looking down on women in this era, it's just that he has always been unwilling to use women.

In his words, women are not weak, but if it is a woman's turn to protect a country, it will die.

Now, Daqin has not reached this point yet, but he did not refuse Yinyue's request.

Because Yinyue is his woman, but not his strength.His feelings for Yinyue are not only derived from the relationship between men and women, but also from appreciation.

He appreciates Yinyue's talent, he doesn't ask Yinyue to show off her talent, but he hopes that Yinyue has room to display it.

Now, since Yinyue made a request, of course he would not refuse.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yinyue kowtowed, she knew that the emperor's words were just for his safety.

Not to mention, the world is ups and downs, but for Wang, it is a game, but this is a game that cannot be lost, even a game that cannot be afforded to lose.

In such a game, once she loses to the end, she will not only lose the world, but also her life, so it is impossible for her not to try her best!

(End of this chapter)

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