Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 905: A Shocking Word

Chapter 905

As time passed slowly, these soldiers who surrounded Ying Shou gradually felt pain, and there was a feeling of unspeakable misery.

If it wasn't for their duty, at this moment, they would not even be willing to stay by this man's side for a moment, it was really too uncomfortable.

Staying in front of him is like sleeping under the jaws of a tiger. It always makes people feel scared and their hairs stand on end.

It's a pity that, as guards, the Great Wall is not a place that anyone can trespass, so they have to stand here and guard Ying Shou until they figure out Ying Shou's identity.

Just waiting for the order from above, the real emperor will naturally have to bow three times and kowtow nine times to welcome him. If he dares to pretend to be the emperor, he will be courting death!
Just when everyone was miserable, finally, Su Hengyuan came. Although the light of the fire was relatively weak, he recognized the emperor's royal horse at first sight.

After walking a little further, I immediately recognized the emperor, and suddenly, his expression changed, and he rushed over and bowed down from a distance: "It's His Majesty the Emperor, I will see you at the end, Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live! "

When the soldiers following Su Heng saw this, even the general knelt down. Was the emperor's identity fake?

His complexion changed, and he quickly knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly: "See Your Majesty, Long live, Long live, Long live Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, the dozens of soldiers surrounding Ying Shou were startled, and said inwardly, "Is it really the emperor?"


The next moment, everyone knelt down at the same time, and the sound of armor leaves colliding on their bodies sounded, and there was a crash, and they looked very neat.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

There was a lot of movement here, and it instantly attracted thousands of sentry soldiers on the Great Wall. For a while, figures on the Great Wall also knelt down.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

The voices sounded one after another. The Great Wall is very long. In other places, there are almost only guard posts on the Beacon Terrace. But in this section, there are guard posts standing tens of miles away, almost every two or three feet away.

It was impossible for these sentry posts to hear all the movement here from the beginning, until they saw the people in front kneeling down, and the rest of them also knelt down one by one.

So the sound of worship came one after another, and it kept ringing. In the end, the sound of worship could not even be heard, but the sound of worship continued.

In the face of everyone's worship, Ying Shou silently rode on the horse, and had no intention of getting off the horse. His eyes looked even colder.

After a long time, he stared at Su Heng and said, "Su Heng, you are quite courageous, I have been waiting for you for a quarter of an hour!"

Su Heng trembled all over, he didn't dare to explain more, he could only prostrate and say: "The emperor is here, he will be far away, and he will be guilty, please punish him!"

Su Heng at this moment, he didn't dare to tell the emperor what was delayed because of checking the identity of the emperor.

If I say this, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die.

Although he didn't know what the emperor was angry about, at this moment, he also felt the murderous intent on the emperor, which really chilled him.Facing such an emperor, he dared not say a word at all.

"Hmph, you should be lucky, I'm not in the mood to argue with you today. Of course, you should also feel unlucky, because recently, I've been in a bad mood."

"As time goes by, my mood is getting worse and worse, so you are very unlucky today. I will give you a chance. Guess why I am in a bad mood?"

Ying Shou looked down at Su Heng from above and snorted coldly.


"His Majesty……"

"Your Majesty must be angry because of this... rushing to Donghu..."

Su Heng trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice.

"Well, it seems that you have some things, you can still understand a little bit. In this case, I don't want to talk to you about nonsense."

"You used to be the general of the palace anyway. You should know about my temper. I am a person who needs to vent when I am in a bad mood!"

"Of course, it's all about venting. I don't like to be in the nest, so no matter how bad the mood is, I can only bear it."

"After all, I can't take revenge on my subjects after all, can I? But if I catch the opportunity, whoever meets who will be unlucky, it's no wonder I!"

"Today, since I have come to the Northeast, of course I have to go to the city to vent my anger. Now that you have guessed it, Su Heng, immediately mobilize an army of [-], and go to the Donghu barracks outside the city with me tonight to express my breath Bar!"

Ying Shou nodded, his voice was cold, and he gave the order directly without any room for negotiation.


"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Now, eighty miles outside the city, Donghu's battalion has gathered more than [-] troops. Your Majesty came here this time to sign an alliance with Donghu. How can you attack Donghu's army?"

"Even if we want to fight, we are no match for an army of 80 to [-], and we are no match for an army of [-]. Your Majesty must not!"

When Su Heng heard this, his hairs stood on end, and he almost jumped up in shock.

What did the emperor just say?
He was in a bad mood and asked himself to take [-] troops to Donghu barracks to vent?

Although the emperor didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, what does this venting mean?
After all, isn't it just going to Donghu Daying to kill people to vent your anger?

Are you kidding me? After the previous stop, the Northeast Great Wall Guard Army has not yet regained its vitality. There are only 80 to [-] troops left. No matter how strong they are, they cannot be the opponent of more than [-] troops.

What's more, the emperor had to personally lead an army of [-] to vent his anger. Isn't that courting death?
If I really want to go, I'm afraid it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and there will be no return.

Besides, having said that, even if you want to fight Donghu, it shouldn't be at this time, at least you have to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops to come over, and in addition, the emperor has to retreat far away.Otherwise, once the emperor is involved, who will bear the crime?

Let alone Su Heng, even if Generalissimo Wei Liaozi was here, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Hahaha, Su Heng, Su Heng, what do you mean by telling me that I can't do it? You want to tell me that my words are all nonsense, and my decisions are all wrong, right?"

"Do you know that what I dislike the most in my life is when others ignore my words, or even treat them as nonsense!"

"Usually, I don't care about you. This is my generosity, but my generosity is not for you to violate my decision again and again!"

"Think about it carefully, why did I leave you all on the Great Wall in the north? Think about it again, how many times have you said this sentence to me before."

"Now, you come to repeat it to me, does it mean that in your opinion, the existence of me is used to oppose you?"

(End of this chapter)

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