Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 909 The Sorrow of the Chess Pieces

Chapter 909 The Sorrow of the Chess Pieces
"Okay, since you are so determined, I will congratulate you in advance today, I hope you will succeed immediately!"

The Heaven Gate Messenger smiled slightly, and said to the confident Nehman.

"Thank you messenger, but I have a few questions, I still hope the messenger can answer one or two for me!"

Nehman nodded, and then changed the topic.

"Please say!"

The Tianmen envoy did not refuse, and said with a smile.

"That's what happened, messenger, I really don't understand some things. Even if Haotian valued Ying Shou again, what qualifications does he have to be Haotian's opponent? Why does Haotian think that Ying Shou will sit and watch Daqin?" Being trampled and not resisting? Besides, why does Haotian think that once Ying Shou makes a move, we will definitely lose?"

Nehman nodded, unable to bear the doubts in his heart after all, he asked a question.

"Hehehe, is this the only question? Well, I'll give you an answer!"

The Tianmen envoy shook his head and smiled, and said: "You can ask yourself the answer. You Donghu and the Xiongnu are now in the same coalition, with an army of more than three million. Why can't you escape the grasp of Tianmen?"

"Because whether you are good or not, you all know very well, don't say that these 300 million troops don't belong to you, even if they belong to you, if they are all added together, I, Tianmen, can wipe you out with a wave of my hand!"

"Tianmen is powerful, but no matter how powerful Tianmen is, its power still comes from Haotian, so whether it is Tianmen or you, you can only surrender to Haotian!"

"You ask me, why should Ying Shou be Haotian's opponent. Then I will tell you, Haotian created Tianmen, and Tianmen controls the northern countries."

"And now Ying Shou has set up a Xianyang Pavilion. To put it simply, it is a royalist faction, an existence similar to Tianmen!"

"How do you think Yingshou's country came about? Isn't it the royalists who brought it down?"

"From the beginning of the chaos sweeping across the roads to gather a total of 70 million troops, and then to the southward Baiyue, or massacre, live to subdue the Baiyue countries, including Zhao Tuo's 60 troops, more than 200 million troops."

"In the end, go down to the southwest, disturb the sky in the southwest, and finally regain the southwest!"

"Tell me, how much power did this Ying Shou use from Daqin itself? In the end, he only used the royalist power he created himself!"

During the Tianmen messenger's speech, until the end, every word made Nehman couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Ying Shou's experience, it's okay to just listen to it as a story on weekdays, but when someone raises it seriously, it's enough to make one's heart tremble.

Thinking back carefully, it was only a little over a year since the establishment of the Later Qin Dynasty, but after repeated battles, the army that fell in Yingshou's hands was either subdued or massacred. All of them added up to three or four million.

These include the 70 million troops from all walks of life who had previously launched a rebellion within the Great Qin Dynasty, and the 60 troops in Zhao Tuo's hands.

And the more than 150 million troops of the Baiyue countries with all their strength, plus the land in the southwest.

Because of various wars, there were 40 or 50 troops who lost or eventually surrendered to Yingshou, and there were more than [-] troops that were wiped out when the Huns entered the Great Wall before.

Added up, these numbers are enough to scare sleepless nights.

Hearing what the Tianmen envoy said at this moment, Nehman just realized that Ying Shou was truly terrifying.

He has only fought for one year. What a powerful force, it can support him to win so many consecutive victories, win so many territories, exterminate and subdue so many armies.

Although most of the conquered troops eventually disarmed, his achievements are still undeniable.

At this moment, Nehman couldn't help but wonder, if Ying Shou attacked the 300 million allied forces of the Xiongnu and Donghu, whether the 300 million allied forces would end up like this.

Because Nehaman was wearing a mask, the messenger of the Heaven Gate could not see the change in Nehaman's face, but he could see the shock in Nehaman's heart at the moment through the change in Nehaman's eyes.

The Tianmen envoy sneered, and said, "Now you understand how powerful Ying Shou is. If you think about this series of shots, you will find that, except for Wei Liaozi, the main characters in every battle are Ying Shou. The most trusted and valued person, but no previous information can be found."

"These people seem to have been born out of nowhere, and they only support one person, and that is Ying Shou, so I call them royalists!"

"If you want to deal with the royalists, only Tianmen has a chance of winning in the whole world. If the royalists still control Daqin, Daqin will be unmatched."

"But now, Ying Shou abolished his martial arts and took back the rights of the royalists, including the [-] imperialists, who have completely cut off contact with Daqin."

"That's why you have a chance to deal with Da Qin. Otherwise, with the royalists around, you would have no chance at all."

"Moreover, how much power of the royalist faction is hidden in Yingshou's hands. This will always be a mystery, an unknown mystery!"

"It is precisely because of this strength that Tianmen's opponent is the royalists, Haotian's opponent is Yingshou, and your opponent is Daqin!"

Speaking of this, the Tianmen envoy paused, and said again: "You asked me just now, why did Haotian think that Ying Shou would sit and watch Daqin being trampled on without resistance."

"Hehe, someone who can be Haotian's opponent, do you think he will pay attention to winning or losing in this world? What he wants is a powerful Qin country, an invincible Qin country."

"Only such a state of Qin is worthy of an emperor like him. That's why he came to Donghu to sit and watch the world go by!"

"Of course, we are both chess players. If Ying Shou gets pissed off and suddenly stops playing halfway through a game, and then wipes out all of your chess pieces with a single slap, it can only be said that you are unlucky."

"So before the overall situation is decided and Haotian has not made a move, remember, don't try to provoke Yingshou. The majesty of a chess player cannot be provoked by chess pieces!"

While speaking, the messenger from the Heaven Gate opened and closed his mouth, addressing Nehaman one chess piece at a time, which made Nehaman unable to bear the anger surging in his heart.

He knows that he is a pawn to Tianmen and Haotian.

But chess pieces also have the dignity of chess pieces, you don't need to remind them all day long, do you?
Of course, anger was anger, he didn't dare to explode directly.The strength of the Tianmen messenger itself is a mystery, even if he makes a move himself, he dare not say that he will be able to defeat it.

Of course, in this army, it is not impossible for him to kill the Tianmen envoy, but once he kills the Tianmen envoy, he will provoke the entire Tianmen.At that time, let alone the dignity of a chess piece, he might not even have the chance to be a chess piece.

While getting angry, Nehman gradually woke up in his heart.

It is obviously reasonable for Ying Shou to be so valued by Haotian.His strength is enough to support his position.And this strength is what I need to avoid the most.

No wonder Tianmen agreed to lead Yingshou out of Qin first. This was clearly a preparation for them to stagger Yingshou's power.

It seems that the overall situation of the next conflict is still undecided. Before Haotian makes a move, he must not let Ying Shou get angry!

(End of this chapter)

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