Chapter 923
"The Venerable Master is a good friend of God Haotian. God once said that the place where the Master is is the place where Haotian is. The Master can naturally make decisions for Tianmen!"

The Tianmen envoy lowered his head slowly, and said in a low voice, "But Master, it's about the Tianmen at this time, please don't be arrogant!"

Nehaman also nodded quickly, and said: "That's right, the Venerable Master's decision. Nehaman knows that it is useless to say anything, but Nehaman firmly disagrees with this matter!"

While speaking, both of them had to be oppressed by their status as elders, but they were very unwilling to obey.

"Hehe, that's it, the old man understands. But since you know it's useless to object, then shut up!"

The old man smiled slightly, his tone was kind, but the words he said trembled in the hearts of the two of them instantly.

He is kind and kind, and smiles and smiles, but it doesn't mean that he can't listen to what he says seriously.



Nehman and the messenger from the Heaven Gate spoke again, wanting to persuade them.

"Didn't the two of you hear that? Mister told you to shut up, so you just shut up obediently, and if you dare to talk nonsense, kill!"

However, just as Nihaman and the Tianmen Envoy yelled out, Jian Yun shouted coldly, his eyes were sharp, staring at the two of them like the edge of a sword.

Faced with Ying Shou's anger, Jian Yun couldn't resist, but this Nihaman and the messenger of the heaven gate were not Ying Shou.

Although these two are among the best among the top masters, they are not to the point where Jian Yun cannot make a move.

The messenger of Tianmen is the representative of Tianmen and the spokesperson of Haotian.But he is the boy of Master Kunlun, and he himself represents Master Kunlun, how can he allow these two people to refute Master Kunlun again?
Following Jian Yun's scolding, Nehman and the Tianmen Envoy looked annoyed, but they still couldn't say the rest of the words.

They all knew exactly what it meant for Jian Yun to follow Master Kunlun in such a way and still carry the jade badge of Master Kunlun's identity.

It can be said that his actions represent the will of the Master Kunlun and go against the will of the Master Kunlun. Not to mention whether the Master Kunlun will bypass them, let alone Haotian, he will never bypass them.

Seeing that the two of them shut up, Master Kunlun looked at Ying Shou with a smile again, and said, "Qin Huang, can you do it now? Your request, on behalf of Tianmen, I agree to you!"

Ying Shou suddenly smiled, and said, "Since you agree, it's easy. Call people out, I don't want to spend the night here. Of course, I'm not in a hurry, it's not too late to leave after killing people!"

While speaking, the gloom on Ying Shou's face was gone, on the contrary, he suddenly became enlightened, as if all the troubles had been driven out of his heart.

"Hey, this can't work!"

However, just as Ying Shou finished speaking, the old man waved his hands and said.


"Are you kidding me?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes instantly turned cold.He doesn't like the feeling of being teased.

Even if Master Kunlun was the third party, if he really dared to tease him, he wouldn't mind breaking the rules of what he did, and just lost the third party.

"No no no!"

"Qin Huang misunderstood, as a third party, how can I tease Qin Huang?"

"It's just Emperor Qin, if you come to kill those 3000 people now, in the final analysis, you have already said what you said, and you can't bear face, so you have to kill. But Emperor Qin wants face, so is it possible that Tianmen doesn't want face?"

"This Tianmen also needs face, and this Donghu also needs face. Similarly, this is the bottom line of others. Even if you want to pick someone's bottom line, you should give a little face, right?"

Master Kunlun waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Hehe, old man, what you said is interesting. The bottom line has been picked by others, where is the face? If I really want to give them face, do I need to pick their bottom line?"

Ying Shou sneered, and looked at Master Kunlun speechlessly.

To Ying Shou, the old man's sword point was a joke.

It's like Ying Shou whipped someone with a big ear squeegee, but he had to run out and tell Ying Shou that if you slap someone in the face, you should slap them in the face, but you also have to save face for them, and slap them slowly. This is not a joke, is it? What?
"Hey, the old man doesn't like to hear Qin Huang's words. Since some things are inevitable, then we can also be tactful for him. Don't leave any room for him. It's the so-called keeping a line in life, so we can meet each other in the future, right? ?”

"In this way, how about you give the old man a face?"

Master Kunlun was speechless. At this moment, in his opinion, this Ying Shou is simply a guy who doesn't like oil and salt.

But you have to admit that what he said is reasonable, if I really want to give you face, I don't have to travel thousands of miles to beat you in the face.

Now it's time to fight. You told me to take it easy and save face. This statement is really unreasonable.

"Give you face?"

"Oh, you want to tell me that these 3000 people don't need to be killed?"

Ying Shou's eyes turned cold, he stared at Master Kunlun and said.

"Oh, I said Qin Huang, Qin Huang, you don't understand until the old man says it. That's not what the old man means!"

Master Kunlun's face darkened, why is Ying Shou so stubborn, is it hard to understand what he means?
"Then what do you mean?"

Ying Shou said coldly.

"Hey, you can listen to the old man first, can you?"

Master Kunlun sighed and said helplessly.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance, just say it!"

After being an emperor for a long time, it seems that there will always be a problem, and this is the case with Ying Shou at this moment.He looked at everyone as if he was looking at his courtiers.

I give you a chance to speak, so you can continue to speak.If I don't give you a chance, just shut up obediently.

At this moment, he also had the same attitude towards Master Kunlun, which made the sword clouds on the side very full, while the messengers of the Heavenly Gate and Nihaman looked blank.

In this world, who dares to speak like that to Master Kunlun, this Ying Shou is probably No. 1 in ancient and modern times.At least, it doesn't matter whether Haotian dares to say such a thing, but Haotian has never been so arrogant in front of Master Kunlun.

The two have always been close friends, and what others see is that you respect me and I respect you, but there is no time when they despise each other like this.

"Okay, let the old man finish first!"

"Qin Huang, do you think this will work? You want face, Tianmen also needs face, Donghu also wants face, and the commander of the 80 army also needs face!"

"For the sake of face, you come here to kill. If you are really allowed to kill, how will the commander-in-chief of Donghu rule the army in the future?"

"Isn't this Donghu being reviled in the future? And Tianmen, isn't there no place to stand?"

"So, according to what the old man said, enough is enough. The old man told you to kill those 3000 people, but you can't go too far."

"It's better for Emperor Qin to go back first. When Emperor Qin's family arrives and formally lays down the guard of honor and enters Donghu, I will ask this Nehaman to send someone to meet Emperor Qin!"

Having said that, Master Kunlun paused, and looked at Ying Shou with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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