Chapter 927 Kill!


With a wave of his hand, Su Heng gave an order without any nonsense, and the army moved out.

The first three rows are [-] shield soldiers, followed by Daqin bowmen, and then Daqin cavalry.

This is an offensive formation, the skill prevents the enemy's bow and arrow from blocking, and can also enter the enemy army with the fastest speed and impact.

Because in this section, outside the barracks of the Donghu army, there are high mountains, and the chariots cannot be used. Therefore, the chariots of Daqin did not come, so there was no chariot team for this battle.


The former army held a shield in one hand and a long sword in the other. The long sword struck the sword, making a dull sound, and everyone burst into shouts at the same time. For a moment, the momentum of the army broke out completely.

In the ranks, banners were unfurled, countless halberds stood up, and people shook hands tightly.On the halberd, red tassels fluttered, looking from a distance, it looked like a patch of red dandelions, very conspicuous.

The Daqin warriors climbed over hills and hills, and finally came to the plain where Donghu's army was located, the vast and huge camp.

At this time, before Donghu's army, countless defenses had already been prepared.

There are 20 troops lined up in front of them, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops behind, ready to fight at any time.

As long as there is an order, the Donghu army will immediately take the initiative to fight out.

Even if there is no order, as long as the Qin army comes to the front, they will not hesitate to kill and stop.

"Archer ready!"

In the Donghu army, there was a loud shout, and tens of thousands of archers immediately drew their bows and arrows, pointing directly at the Qin army.

At this moment, the Qin army is still five hundred paces away, not in range, but as long as the Qin army steps within three hundred paces, all the arrows will be fired at once, and the battle will start immediately.

Seeing that the Liang army collided, it was imperative. At this moment, a horse rushed out from the 80 Donghu army.

"Stop it, stop it all!"

A scolding sound spread far away, causing people to look sideways.

The 20 Donghu army who were ready to fight in front looked back at the same time, and saw the coming people dressed in white armor and wearing two tigers snatching food masks, and their faces changed suddenly.


Someone exclaimed, but Nehman was still yelling loudly: "Everyone stop, everyone back down!"

Hearing this, the army looked displeased and even more puzzled.

The Qin army has all come to their door, so it's fine if they don't want people to go out to defend against the enemy, but stop?
Isn't this waiting to be beaten?
But Nehman is still Donghu God of War in the final analysis, and he is the real master of Donghu today.

No one dares not to listen to his words, and no one dares to disobey his orders.

These people are not angry, they are not angry, they are dissatisfied, but in the end they still listened to the order, put down their bows and arrows one by one, put away their scimitars, and retreated dozens of steps.

"Qin Jun stop!"

Seeing this, Nihaman stopped talking nonsense, and rushed out of the camp, came to Qin Jun, and shouted loudly: "Qin Jun stop, where is Su Heng, come out and talk to me!"

Su Heng frowned with a puzzled expression on his face, but seeing that Nehaman had already rushed to the front of the army, he hesitated for a moment, but it was useless to attack Nehaman alone.

After all, the opponent's army has already retreated, so there must be something wrong, and it is not in line with the etiquette of a gentleman to strike at this time.

"Stop the whole army!"

Su Heng raised his big hand and shouted loudly.

The army moved like thunder, and was as quiet as a virgin. In an instant, the mighty footsteps that resounded like thunder disappeared into nothingness, and they were immersed in silence.

Everyone stopped on the spot and looked at Nehman vigilantly, as well as the hundreds of thousands of Donghu troops who were not very far behind him.

"Are you the Donghu God of War, Nehaman?"

"The general has heard about you. You wear a mask all the time. The general doesn't understand. You are also a marshal after all. What's there to be ashamed of?"

"Tell me, what do you mean by yelling to stop at this time?"

"Of course, there are some things that General Ben has to say first. No matter what your reason for coming here today is, there is one thing, please call out His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor immediately, otherwise, my Great Qin will never die with you!"

Holding a long sword in his hand, Su Heng pointed directly at Nehman, and said in an unquestionable tone.

Nihaman already had resentment in his heart, but he was bullied and oppressed by Ying Shou all night, not to mention his face, his face was gone.

It turned out to be good, and now that he came out, Qin Jun was deceiving people even more.

The emperor of your state of Qin is still domineering in our army. You have an army of 80, and you seem to come to destroy my army of [-]?Did I not wake up, or did you drink too much?
Could it be that the Qin people are so rampant?
The point is that it's okay for a Ying Shou to be rampant, he has that strength, there's nothing he can do about it, how can you be so rampant with a mere 8 people?Is there any reason?
"Why, Su Heng, from your tone, do you really want to fight me?"

"You better see clearly. Behind me, there is an army of 80, not 80 grass. Even if it is grass, let you kill it, can you finish it? Fight me, do you have the strength?"

Nehman took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Hmph, you will only know if you have the strength to fight. You are really right in saying that this general really looks like a fight with you."

"Before, you Donghu won by being mean and shameless. Sooner or later, this general will tell you that being mean and shameless can only be used for a while. Victory does not belong to villains!"

Su Heng snorted coldly, and said with disdain on his face.

"Childish, you Central Plains people only know how to behave like a gentleman and a villain. Do you really think that if you are a gentleman, you are my opponent?"

"Today, as long as there is a fight, I have a thousand ways to destroy you! Including the [-] army behind you, none of them can go back!"

Nehman scorned.

"That's right, you are so sure, it's a fight!"

"That's right, this general doesn't have any chance of winning this battle, but in the end, it's still unknown who will die and who will live."

"Even if my [-] army is wiped out in the end, so what, how well can your Donghu escape?"

"Today, this general's words are here. You'd better invite me, Emperor Qin, respectfully and respectfully, right away. Otherwise, even if this general dies, I will beat you to pieces!"

Su Heng said coldly.




Su Heng's words immediately aroused the hearts of the Great Qin army, and countless roars joined together, and they continued to come out: "Please get out of my emperor, or kill... kill... kill..."

"Even if I die, the sky will collapse..."


Seeing this scene, Nehaman's expression changed.

At this moment, he really had the urge to lead the army and directly destroy these 8 people.

It is undeniable that the army of 8 people is very strong.Before 10 people, nearly 20 people were killed, and it was only added later.

Although there are only 8 people left now, as long as they are used properly, if they want to wipe them all out, the price they will pay will not be small.

Of course, he can ignore these.

But when he thought of the person in the big tent of the Chinese army at this moment, he didn't dare to make a move.

If he really wanted to make a move, that would be the beginning of his big troubles!
(End of this chapter)

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