Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 934 Black Dragon Order

Chapter 934 Black Dragon Order


Ying Shou waved his hand and said to Chen Dan.

However, after he finished speaking, Chen Dan didn't intend to leave, but stood on the spot, showing some hesitation.

"Why don't you go?"

Seeing this, Ying Shou frowned.

"Your Majesty, this... imperial decree has not been issued yet!"

Chen Dan hesitated and said, he didn't call Su Heng to welcome him this time, but sent an order for Su Heng to welcome him.

Now the emperor's imperial decree hasn't been given to me, so what can I pass on?
Could it be that he left by himself and just told Su Heng empty-handed that the emperor asked him to meet him in person?

In many cases, passing the decree is not as simple as talking about it.Even if it is an oral order, it has to be spoken by the emperor's decree eunuch before it can be regarded as an oral order.

Even if there is no eunuch to pass the edict, only those senior ministers in the court, such as the Sangong, are qualified to summon the emperor's oral order.

Otherwise, anyone can pass on this oral edict, and if others say it casually, they are called the emperor's oral edict, so who can distinguish the authenticity of this oral edict?

At least, Chen Dan didn't think he had such a qualification.If he were Su Heng, facing such empty oral instructions, he would not be able to help but wonder whether this person is loyal or traitor, and whether these so-called oral instructions can be trusted.Even in the end, it is impossible for him to choose to believe.

So at this time, the imperial decree of the emperor is particularly important.

After all, anything can be faked, except the imperial decree of the emperor.


Ying Shou was speechless for a while, and then he started to talk about the rules. Unexpectedly, Chen Dan had more rules.

But he couldn't say anything, after all, he could see Chen Dan's worry.

Immediately, Ying Shou reached into his bosom, took out a token, threw it to Chen Dan, and said, "This is my Black Dragon Token. Wherever the Black Dragon Token passes, it is as if I were there in person. Then Su Heng knows what the Black Dragon Token is, You hand over the Black Dragon Order to him, and then pass on the word of mouth!"

Chen Dan quickly reached out to take it, and upon hearing this, he hurriedly enshrined the Black Dragon Order between his hands.

Although he has never been to court, nor has he seen the so-called Black Dragon Order, it doesn't mean he hasn't heard of it.

This Black Dragon Token is a token worn by the emperor himself, also known as the Tiger Talisman of the World.

In Daqin, every army had its own tiger talisman. The tiger talisman was divided into two, one in the hands of the emperor and one in the hands of the commanding general.

The so-called mobilization of troops and generals really means mobilizing all the soldiers and horses under his command, even if he is a general, unless the emperor orders that two tigers fit into one, then only the soldiers and horses of the world can be mobilized.

There is a word called matching.This conforms to the word, which actually comes from this.

Conformity conforms, Tiger Talisman conforms, and there is no flaw, only then can it conform.

This tiger talisman mobilizes soldiers and horses, which is the function of the tiger talisman.However, there is one thing that is more effective than the Tiger Talisman, and that is the Black Dragon Token.

Ordinary tiger talismans must meet the requirements to mobilize soldiers and horses. Otherwise, even if you mobilize soldiers and horses by virtue of prestige, it is a serious crime of rebellion.

But the Black Dragon Order is different. As long as the Black Dragon Order is in hand, all the tiger charms in the world must obey the order, and all soldiers and horses in the world must obey the order.

Where the Black Dragon Order passes, it is like the emperor coming in person. This thing is often more powerful than the imperial decree.

Unless one day the Great Qin dies, the Black Dragon Order will always be the supreme existence.

At this moment, Chen Dan received the Black Dragon Token, holding it in his palm as if he had found a treasure, bowed and bowed, and said: "I thank my emperor for bestowing the Black Dragon Token, and I will go to deliver the decree!"

As he spoke, he still bowed his body towards Ying Shou, retreating step by step towards the back, until he exited the tent of the Chinese army, and then turned around abruptly.

With a big wave of his hand, he walked in person, walked through the aisle between the hundreds of thousands of troops in Donghu, and came to Su Heng.

"Chen Dan, how are you?"

Seeing that Chen Dan came back safe and sound, Su Heng already understood what was going on, but he still couldn't help asking.

"Su Heng, His Majesty's Black Dragon Order is here, hurry up and bow down!"

Chen Dan held up the Black Dragon Token and shouted loudly.

Su Heng looked intently, and it was indeed the Black Dragon Order. His expression changed immediately, and he quickly got off his horse, knelt on one knee, cupped his hands and cupped his fists, and shouted: "The last general, Su Heng, pays homage to His Majesty's Black Dragon Order, and swears to die to obey the Black Dragon Order." !"

As Su Heng got off his horse, behind him, Dou Yun and other generals also got off their horses, knelt down on one knee, and shouted loudly: "The last general will refer to His Majesty's Black Dragon Order, and swear to obey the Black Dragon Order to the death! "

After the words fell, the mountains and plains were covered, and the [-] troops also knelt on one knee, shouting loudly: "See His Majesty's Black Dragon Order, and swear to the death to obey the Black Dragon Order!"

For a moment, the sound shook the sky, turning into endless waves of sound, sweeping towards the Donghu camp, causing the 80 Donghu army to change color.

This kind of roaring mountain call, under the gathering of many people and great strength, is like the power of heaven and earth descending, making people feel irresistible.

Facing this kind of feeling alone is like Chen Dan and others walking among thousands of armies before, it is frightening.

In the face of such roars, the only effective resistance is the sound waves against the sound waves, otherwise even if you have an army of one million, you will inevitably be oppressed if you don't say a word in the face of the sound waves of an army of [-].

Therefore, on the battlefield, a situation can easily arise. When the two armies are fighting, it doesn't matter whether the battle is miserable or not. The most important thing is to see who has the loudest voice and who has the most momentum.

As long as the voice is loud enough, half of the courage can be frightened by the opponent, and most of the victory is won in terms of momentum.

For example, the armies of countries such as the Donghu and the Huns, in this era, as soon as they went to the battlefield, the army kept shouting, crying ghosts and howling wolves, forming a line, as if bandits were descending from the mountain, which is actually the same reason.

Another example is the army of the Central Plains. Whenever there is a big battle, the drums must be set up first, and the horns must be raised first.

At the beginning of the war, drums and horns sounded continuously.The sound of the drum beating, like thunder from the nine heavens, came with panic and pressure from heaven.

The sound of the horn is like the howling of a tiger and the roar of a dragon, which brings a strong spiritual oppression to people, making people feel that what they are facing is not a group of people, but an army of dragons and tigers.

All of these are small means that must be arranged on the battlefield, and it is also a skill.

At this moment, in the face of such cheers, each of the 80 Donghu troops couldn't help but turn pale. This was a kind of pressure from the sound and momentum. For a moment, everyone looked towards this side.

"His Majesty the Emperor has ordered Su Heng to immediately lead an army of [-] troops to the camp of the East Hu camp to welcome our emperor!"

Under the watchful eyes of the 80 Donghu army, Chen Dan still held high the Black Dragon Order and conveyed the emperor's oral instructions as the envoy of the Black Dragon Order.

"The last will obey!"

Su Heng confirmed the authenticity of the Black Dragon Order at a glance. Hearing this, how dare he hesitate?
I saw him clasping his fists to make a promise, and he got up to greet the army. Regardless of the 80 Donghu army staring at him, he went to the central army tent to meet Shengjia.

(End of this chapter)

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