Chapter 943
"What do you mean by your majesty's words? I don't understand in the end, so I ask your majesty to give me some pointers!"

Su Heng frowned. The moment Ying Shou said those words, he felt an inexplicable fear.

But for a while, he didn't understand what Ying Shou's so-called punishment was. Could it be that because of the emperor's dissatisfaction, he was going to attack the officials in the court?
Including yourself as a general?

Thinking of this, Su Heng's heart stopped for a while.

Such things have happened in all dynasties, and in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, the morale of the countries has been constantly staged.

Because of political disagreement, it is not unusual for the king to kill all the ministers, so at this moment, Su Heng was really worried.

He is not afraid of death on the battlefield, but that doesn't mean he is willing to be cleaned up.What's more, if there is too much movement in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, the consequences will be even more unimaginable to Daqin.

Anyone who has a sense of family and country responsibility will inevitably worry when faced with such turmoil.

But the emperor also said just now that he would not punish anyone, so where did this punishment come from?

"Don't you understand?"

"It's okay, don't understand if you don't understand, I believe you will understand in the future!"

Facing Su Heng's question, Ying Shou shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Let's talk about your questioning. It's not true that you came here to plead guilty this time, because you don't think you are guilty at all."

"Similarly, I don't think there is anything wrong with you. After all, you have done what you should do within your responsibilities."

"So, you don't need to plead guilty, and I have no reason to blame!"

"What you call coming to plead guilty, in the final analysis, is to question me to vent your dissatisfaction with me!"

"Of course, it may be a bit serious to say this, but you don't have to rush to deny it. You are indeed dissatisfied with me in your heart. This has been noticed since I saw you today. As for why you are dissatisfied, it should be what I have done from last night until now. What caused it?"

While speaking, Ying Shou still turned his back to Su Heng, but Su Heng felt like being watched by Ying Shou all the time.

It seems that Ying Shou has a pair of heavenly eyes, and he can see everything he thinks clearly.

For a while, Su Heng was silent.

And this silence, in fact, is equivalent to a kind of acquiescence, whether the emperor's words are true or not.

Seeing this, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said, "Originally, there are some things that I don't need to explain to you, and I don't bother to explain. Anyway, you have your own ideas, and I always think it's a good thing."

"Similarly, I can't stop it. But today, I still plan to talk to you about some things!"

When Su Heng heard this, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Please enlighten me, Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou watched the land shrouded in darkness beyond the Great Wall.

It was pitch black there, and he couldn't see anything clearly, but he seemed to see great mountains and rivers through the darkness.

"Su Heng, you used to be a general in front of the palace. You understand most of the affairs in the court, and I know the same about you. You prevented me from leaving the city, not because of disobedience, but because of loyalty!"

"Similarly, you are now full of anger. You are angry with me because you are loyal. You are very angry because your loyalty is wrong and no one tells you. I understand all this, so I never thought of blaming you! "

"As soon as I set up a dynasty, the world can see what I did. Who would see me killing someone?"

"No! I dare to say, looking at the world, no one can blame me for any of my crimes. This is not to say how wise I am, but because I understand you, and I can rely on you and the world in many things!"

"But I understand you, and I rely on you, but who among you really understands me, and relies on me?"

"Get up, look in front of you, in the dark night, what is in your eyes?"

Ying Shou stared at the darkness in front of him, and said in a deep voice with a big hand pointing.

Su Heng got up slowly, came to Ying Shou's side, looked beyond the Great Wall, and saw darkness.

Even under the moonlight, there is not much to see.

He frowned and said, "Under the night, there is nothing but darkness!"

Ying Shou smiled and said, "Really, but in front of me, whether it's under the light or under the darkness, they are all great mountains and rivers, and they are my great mountains and rivers!"

"Understood, this is you, and there is a difference between Manchu civil and military eyes and what I see!"

"Last night, I wanted to go out of the city and go to the Donghu camp. In your opinion, it is extremely dangerous to go deep into the enemy's camp and enter the tiger's den."

"But from my point of view, it's in my world, walking in my back garden, why is it dangerous?"

"All along, the principle I adhere to is very simple. People who are not of my race must have a different heart. Only by completely taking them under my command can I rest assured."

"Only by destroying all possible enemies of Daqin can I rest easy. But how did you do it?"

"All along, you were either worried about this or that. You were full of worries, and never dared to take action at will. What happened in the end?"

"I don't have as many worries as you. In your opinion, perfection is the solution to everything."

"But in my eyes, the place I pass is the place where troubles retreat. But if there is any trouble in front of me, I will break it with all my might."

"So, for me, there has never been any danger or trouble in this world. Today, with an army of 80, we will test again, but if I want to leave, who would dare to stay?"

"If you are really in a good mood and want to stay, who would dare to expel me?"

At this point, Ying Shou paused, and said with a smile: "In the final analysis, many times, the worries come from lack of self-confidence, or lack of strength."

"When you have enough strength, all worries are just a joke!"

As he said that, Ying Shou suddenly raised his head to look at Su Heng. Seeing Su Heng's pensive expression, he smiled and said, "Su Heng, if I remember correctly, although you come from a military family, you have never had the chance to command a soldier. .”

"Before you entered the temple, you were just a knight-errant swordsman who was familiar with the art of war and full of ambitions, but could only travel around the rivers and lakes!"

Su Heng cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, before entering the court, the last general was indeed just a swordsman!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, since the Spring and Autumn Period, until now, the way of the sword has been prevalent in the world."

"Tasting swords and discussing swords has long been the norm in the world. Since you are a swordsman, you should have your own experience with this sword. In your opinion, what should be the solution to this sword?"

Su Heng was stunned, wondering why Ying Shou suddenly asked about the way of swordsmanship, but he didn't ask further, he hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Report to Your Majesty, the swordsman, the king of a hundred soldiers, and the killer weapon, this is recognized by the world."

"However, when Lao Tzu of Taoism discussed the Tao, he used the Tao to discuss the sword. He said that discussing the sword is like discussing the heart."

"The way of tasting a sword, when it comes to killing weapons, cannot be recognized. The good and evil of the sword are no longer in the sword itself, but in the heart of the swordsman!"

"The heart is upright, the sword is upright, and the heart is evil, the sword is a killing weapon. If you judge the sword by the killing weapon, it can be said to be superficial!"

(End of this chapter)

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