Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 954 Wei Liaozi Pretending to Be Confused

Chapter 954 Wei Liaozi Pretending to Be Confused

General Tu stepped on the Great Wall, came behind Wei Liaozi, stared intently at the camp of millions of troops outside, and cupped his hands.

"Tu is here!"

"How are you calming down?"

Wei Liaozi smiled slightly, and looked back at Tu Shi.

Ever since the emperor sent an order to transfer [-] tiger and ben troops away, Tu Although it can be said that he was very angry.

Now that the enemy is at hand, in Tu Shi's view, the [-] tiger and ben army is the real main force, but at this time the emperor transferred him away. Isn't this a joke?
For this reason, Tu Shizhen didn't go out for more than half a month.

But when the Xiongnu army came down, he couldn't help but walked out.

"It doesn't matter, I don't understand, what does the emperor mean when he comes out one after another. It's fine for him to suppress Lao Shi, and now he doesn't even give the [-] Tigers the chance to join the war."

"It's because we think we don't have enough pressure, and we still feel that the [-] tiger and cardinal army shouldn't be fighting!"

Shi Potian was still angry, and said with curled lips.

"Hehe, well, don't be so angry, General. We are indeed under a lot of pressure, but have you ever thought that this time His Majesty will enter the Dragon Pool, the Tiger's Den, and the Wolf's Den! As the Son of Heaven, could it be that he is so empty-handed? Go? What is that?"

Wei Liaozi shook his head with a smile, and said: "Thirty thousand tiger and barn troops are protecting His Majesty the Emperor, which is reasonable. Besides, the reason why the Emperor transferred this army away may be even more complicated!"

Although Tu was taken aback, he sneered and said, "What's not simple? Isn't it that the emperor went to Lao Shi and asked Lao Shi to help him, but Lao Shi refused? Now that Lao Shi is back, he is purely seeking revenge. Lao Shi and the Huben Army!"

Wei Liaozi's eyes narrowed, and he shouted: "Although Tu is bold, shut your mouth quickly, and if you dare to speak nonsense, be careful that disaster comes out of your mouth!"

As he said that, Wei Liaozi looked at Tu Shi sharply, and said coldly: "General Tu Shi, you'd better remember what this old man said. Your Majesty is not such a narrow-minded person. Since he chose to do this, he naturally has his reasons. .”

"Do you think that your good brother Shi Potian really came here this time just to repay His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Hehe, His Majesty the Emperor is just kind-hearted, and he doesn't want to hit you!"

"Do you think that today's transfer of [-] tiger troops is to create problems for you?"

"To tell you the truth, it's impossible even for the emperor to know about it. His Majesty the emperor transferred [-] tiger and cardinal troops for the sake of me."

"He thinks that the commander-in-chief is not clear about many things. In fact, the commander-in-chief has already seen that Shi Potian has evil intentions. Thirty thousand tiger and cardinal troops stay here, and if there is a big war, they will definitely turn back!"

"Look outside now, there are millions of troops pressing down on the border. At this time we are facing millions of troops, but the tiger and cardinal army will not leave. The pressure we will face later will have to add another tiger and cardinal army. At that time, we will be attacked by the enemy , are you moving?"

Hearing this, although Tu trembled all over, his face was full of disbelief, and he said, "Marshal, what are you talking about? Lao Shi wants to rebel? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"I don't believe that Lao Shi will turn against him even if he is killed. He is an important minister beside His Majesty the First Emperor. He has devoted his whole life to Daqin. How can he turn against Daqin? There must be some misunderstanding in this, I don't believe it!"

Wei Liaozi sneered, and said: "I don't believe some things, but the facts are like this. To tell you the truth, before this, I was only guessing about this matter."

"But now, His Majesty's transfer of people is enough to prove that the old man's guess is correct!"

"Your Majesty has really worked hard for this old man! In order to let this old man have no worries, and to let this old man go away with peace of mind, it can be said that all accidents have been ruled out!"

"About this matter, whether you believe it or not, it is the truth. Sooner or later, you will witness with your own eyes how your good brother Shi Potian led his [-] tiger and cardinal army into the Great Wall."

"You will even see how he captured the city and seized the territory of the Great Qin. It is useless to say anything now. When the facts happen, I will let you witness everything!"

While speaking, Wei Liaozi turned around, looked outside again, took a deep breath, and then sighed heavily.

Although Tu's face was extremely ugly, he had always thought that the emperor was targeting Shi Potian, but he never thought that there was such a meaning in it.

However, even so, he still didn't want to believe it, only thinking it was a misunderstanding.No matter what, he will wait until the day when the misunderstanding is clarified.

It's not that Tu is too naive, it's just that tough men also have feelings, the brotherhood of comrades-in-arms, the feeling of sharing life and death, and supporting each other in adversity, so that he can't have any doubts.

But in front of Tu Shi, Wei Liaozi had already seen through everything.

Ying Shou didn't want to tell Wei Liaozi many things, just because Wei Liaozi was too old and he didn't have much time.

In order for him to have no regrets, and for him to go away with peace of mind, Ying Shou was unwilling to tell him many disturbing things.

Even if I tell him, he doesn't have time to deal with it now, it can be said that he is powerless, and he can't close his eyes even if he is afraid of death in the end.

But in fact, Ying Shou was hiding it, thinking that Wei Liaozi didn't know anything.But Wei Liaozi's so-called ignorance doesn't mean he's just pretending?

The emperor made him feel at ease and deliberately concealed it, and he also deliberately pretended not to know in order to make the emperor feel at ease.The inexplicable feelings between the monarch and his ministers happened in this mystery.

"Millions of troops, this is an overwhelming force, enough to destroy the world. How much power can the Huns exert?"

"This old man leads an army of 14, and fills in the lives of this old man and the 14 army. How much can he be buried with? One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand or five hundred thousand?"

Wei Liaozi continued to pay attention to the dense endless army outside the city, his eyes were full of calmness and tranquility.

From the day the emperor made his decision, Wei Liaozi already knew that the fate of the Great Wall army was already doomed and they would definitely die.

He didn't say much about it.People at his level have already seen through everything. Sometimes, giving is inevitable.

Compared with the future of the entire country, not to mention an army of 10,000+, even an army of one million can still be sacrificed.Because the rewards in the future will be unimaginable.

But Wei Liaozi also knew that the harvest in the future was in the future.

Now, even if he was going to die, even if the hundreds of thousands of troops were going to die, he would have to pay back enough in advance.

But now, the millions of troops outside the city were the price he wanted.

He wanted to swallow that million-strong army in one gulp, but he knew better, not to mention the current self, even the self in his heyday could not do it.

The only thing I can do is to use all my strength to get back a little more.

At that time, the rest may have to rely on the 60 troops in the southwest that the emperor has already deployed!

"The 60 army in the southwest, the invincible hero of Lieyang, and the concubine's quick thinking, will not let this commander down!"

Thinking about it, Wei Liaozi couldn't help muttering to himself, and couldn't help but look towards the southwest.

(End of this chapter)

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