Chapter 956
Yu Wencheng waved his hand and said: "Just after receiving the imperial edict, this general came back. How is it, how is Madam? At this time, where is Madam?"

The butler quickly said: "Okay...well...everything is fine at home.

At this time, Madam is transcribing the Book of Songs in the courtyard, wait a moment, General, I will inform Madam right away! "

"Wait a minute, I'll go see Madam in person, you just go and do your own thing!"

Yu Wencheng waved his hand, stopped the housekeeper, and went straight to the backyard.

When I came to the backyard, I saw Zhao Qian who was copying the Book of Songs from a distance.

At this time, Zhao Qian was transcribing very seriously, so serious that she didn't even notice when Yuwen arrived in Chengdu.

Yu Wencheng walked into the gazebo, stood behind Zhao Qian, looked at the Book of Songs transcribed by His Majesty Zhao Qian, and couldn't help being silent.

Guan Guan Jujiu, in Hezhizhou, a slender lady and a gentleman.

This Book of Songs seems to be deliberately written for Zhao Qian at this time. The deep affection and deep sense of loneliness in the Book of Songs remind Yu Wencheng of what happened after the couple got married.

It's been more than half a year, and it's only been less than a year since the two of them got married, but most of the time they live in different places, living in two different places, one can imagine the loneliness of being a widow.

At this moment, Yu Wencheng was inexplicably sad, he only felt that he owed too much to the woman in front of him, and he had too little company with her after all.

In later generations, in Romance novels, Yu Wencheng was described as a despicable and shameless rebel.But in fact, he has always been a hero.A hero with shortness of breath and deep affection.

Some people may say that Yang Guang loved him so much, and he was named the Invincible Tianbao General, which can be said to be powerful all over the world. That's it, he still betrayed Yang Guang, it was not despicable and shameless, what is ungrateful!
But in fact, Yu Wencheng had never betrayed Yang Guang. It was Yu Wenhuaji who betrayed Yang Guang, and it was Yu Wenhuaji who killed Yang Guang.

In front of the king and the family, Yu Wencheng never had a choice, and he did not dare to choose, let alone choose.

He has been fighting outside, pointing out that he was finally killed in battle. He didn't even participate in the battle between the family and the royal family. How could he be so mean and shameless?
Or some people will say that a real hero should have the thought of being loyal to the army and serving the country, and the act of righteousness and killing relatives.

But in fact, what kind of hero is a person who can even destroy his relatives?
If you can betray your relatives, you can betray the emperor. The so-called killing relatives with righteousness has always been a joke.

Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety are difficult to achieve. This sentence is unreasonable, but it is also very reasonable.

In history, there are many people who gave up filial piety in front of their parents for the sake of loyalty to the emperor, but this kind of people cannot say that they have both loyalty and filial piety, on the contrary, they have both.

For this type of people, their parents are usually the kind of righteous people. Parents have the righteousness of their parents, and they follow their righteousness. Loyalty to the emperor is the greatest filial piety to their parents.

This kind of person, he is not a tragedy, on the contrary, he is a lucky one.

On the contrary, it is people like Yu Wencheng who are truly miserable.

The so-called dilemma of loyalty and filial piety is all because if you have achieved loyalty, you will not be able to be filial to your parents, and if you have followed filial piety, you will not be able to be loyal to the king.

But Yuwen Chengdu is completely different, achieving loyalty is tantamount to betraying filial piety and betraying the family.Following filial piety and family, one has to betray loyalty.

He is my one who can't have both, and has no choice, so he can only choose neither, but he is portrayed as a sinner through the ages by later novels, how innocent is he?

"General, there is chaos inside and outside the court. Tell me, what is the situation in the southwest? Half of the soldiers and horses of Daqin are now in your hands. Once war really breaks out, are you going to rush?" In front?"

"If something happens in the midst of the chaos, what do you want me to do... Bah, bah, bah... What will happen? I'm just thinking about it."

"God, don't worry about it, I'm just talking nonsense, it's just nonsense. I believe that the general will be able to calm the world and return safely. You must also bless Daqin, bless the general, please!"

After some writing, Zhao Qian couldn't help but put down the brush, put her hands on her chin, and muttered to herself.While speaking, I couldn't help blaming myself and praying to God.

Looking at this scene, Yu Wencheng felt a blockage in his heart.

He suddenly hugged Zhao Qian from behind, and his helmet directly touched Zhao Qian's small face.


Zhao Qian was taken aback, and hurriedly struggled, turned her head suddenly, only to find that the person holding her behind her was actually the general she had been thinking about day and night, and her body trembled. "

"Immediately, it was as if a body-holding technique had been performed by someone, and I was fixed on the spot, unable to move at all, just quietly looking at Yuwen Chengdu, my body gradually softened, leaning against Yuwen Chengdu's generous and warm embrace middle.

" did you come back...don't...don't you still want to guard the southwest?"

After a long time, Zhao Qian's voice trembled, and she continued.

"It's okay, Your Majesty issued an imperial decree to summon me back. Now the southwest has been handed over to the imperial concubine and Marquis Mingyang, and it has nothing to do with me. From today onwards, I will stay in Xianyang to protect my wife and the palace. Until His Majesty returns!"

Yu Wencheng took a deep breath of the faint daughter's fragrance on Zhao Qian's body, and his voice was low and full of magnetism.

"Then... the general won't leave in the future?"

A look of joy flashed in Zhao Qian's eyes, and she said hastily.

Men fight in all directions, while women stay at home.A man was born and died outside, defending his family and defending the country, expanding the land and opening up the frontier, and his fame spread throughout the world, but who would have thought how difficult it is for a woman to stay alone in a vacant room and care about her?

Don't blame the woman for pestering others, it's just because I can't let go of the concern in my heart.A man's sky is the sky of the world, but their sky is very simple, that is, the husband himself.

In the eyes of a man, the day when the world is in chaos is the time when the sky collapses.In their eyes and hearts, the most important thing is always the world. How much time have they ever thought about the wife who is alone at home?

But women are different, women's heaven is their husbands, and they are always worried about their husbands.Once any accident happened to the husband, it would be a catastrophe for them.

The pattern is different, the goals are different, and the sky is different. This is the difference between men and women.

Men cannot be blamed for being irresponsible. Men have to shed their blood for their family and country.

It can't be blamed that women don't understand righteousness, righteousness can't bring them anything, little women, if they don't care about their own small family, how can they fulfill their husband's family?

It's just that the concern in each other's hearts will always be a barrier between men and women, which can never be removed.It is a lifetime to just make do with it, and it is also a lifetime not to live it, to endure it.

What are men and women, what are husbands and wives?This is real men and women, real couples.

It is also the most wonderful point of this era, different from the later generations, living well and barely living.

Having a bad time, flying wild, imagining the next one, and then leaving.In the end, there was a lot of harm, but I didn't feel that I was wrong at all, and I never found the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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