Chapter 106

"Why are you here?" she asked.

Look away.

She no longer looked at him, he was cold and indifferent.

She will suffer.

Why is he so indifferent!
She couldn't see the moment she turned her gaze away, his gaze fell on her, where she couldn't see, the light in the phoenix eyes dimmed and lit up, and a gleam of light flashed across.

"I seem to have said study." He replied.

"I mean seriously."

"I'm serious too."

"Aren't you going back to China? There..." He looked into her eyes, Wei Wan wanted to say, there is someone waiting for you there!
He interrupted her: "I know what you want to say, someone is waiting for me, isn't it?"

"Yes! Since you know why you are still here, why don't you... go back to China?" Wei Wan wondered, since he knew, why?
"It's a little personal." She felt that he was looking at her when he said this, and he continued in a low voice: "I will return to China when it's done, don't worry, don't worry, don't worry I won't bother you either."

In the end, he said this, with a smile on his face, and his faint eyes were straight on her, and he would not pester her.

"As for Han Wei, I will take good care of her. This is what you asked for. Now you don't have to worry about her. I asked Wei Han for help. After all, they used to be a couple. I believe he will take good care of Han Wei."

The words fall...

Take good care...Wei Han helps...a couple...Wei Han and Han Wei...

"No..." Wei Wan didn't know how to speak, his personal matter?And she didn't mean that, she didn't think about it... He would pester her, but did she really not think about it?She looked out the window: "I didn't think that way."

"It's good if you don't think that way, but I'll reiterate again, Wei Wan, don't worry, I won't pester you. Now that we have made it clear, I understand your rejection, and I can see your heart clearly. Wait for me I'll leave after I'm done, and I won't bother you." Speaking of disturbing you, his voice became more erratic: "Of course we are friends, I will remember." After speaking, he looked away.

"...Mmm." Wei Wan nodded.


For some reason, Wei Wan felt a little more uncomfortable when the word "friend" came out of his mouth.

Obviously she asked for it.

Refused him and said it.

Why listen to him say that now, she...

It's just that she couldn't tell from her expression.

Can Qi Feng see it?

No one knows.

Two people, standing together, with their backs facing each other, one looking at an unknown direction, and the other looking out of the window, with complex and unspeakable eyes, neither of them looked at each other, both turned their backs to each other, they were so close, but their hearts were unpredictable The farther and farther away.

Do you really want to deviate from it and never look back?


"When will you and Han Wei get married?" Before another class started, Wei Wan asked in a calm tone that was inevitably a little awkward.

"Married?" Qi Feng heard it, he frowned and asked these two words, married... He and Han Wei?He looked at her, wanted to say something but didn't open his mouth, and then he went to class again. He didn't have a chance to continue his answer, telling her that Wei Wan didn't hear it. After hearing this question, he regretted it and wanted to know it. s answer.

Wei Wan has been thinking about what kind of answer he will give her.

What answer does she want?
Get married right away?

If so, would she still know the answer?How will she face it?Heartbroken.

Qi Feng was also thinking, his face was a little distorted when he recovered, and she actually asked him such a question?

He married Han Wei?

Never possible!

Unless one day there is no blood relationship, even if there is no blood relationship, it is impossible...

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, or to be happy.

From Wei Wan's eyes, he seemed to see that she cared about him!

It's just that this care is not enough.

She hid herself too tight, too deep, too tight, too sensitive, too restless...

he does not want!
Next, Wei Wan studied in Singapore for the last day or so. Fortunately, Qin Tian did not show up again. It went smoothly. Qi Feng was always there. He was there during get out of class, and he would also eat with them when class was over. His expression was better than in class, but he was still cold and distant.

Wei Wan originally wanted to refuse, she didn't want to face him like this all the time, but he disagreed, and Sister Wang didn't agree either, so the three of them went together.

At that time, Wei Anwan felt a little strange, looked at Sister Wang, but Sister Wang just smiled coldly as always: "Just treat it as if you are with friends, ordinary friends..." She said, and glanced at her lightly, as if she knew What, Wei Wan asked again, but she didn't say much.

Later, when Qi Feng was with them, he spent more time talking with Sister Wang.

Instead, Wei Wan and he couldn't find anything to talk about.

When they looked at each other, they just smiled faintly at each other, deliberately or alienated.

After class, the rest of the time is spent on shopping besides eating, but Wei Wan doesn't have much time to go shopping, and she is going back to China soon. Apart from studying, they just have to make good preparations.

I bought all the things I should buy with Sister Wang when I was free a few days ago.

There is nothing to buy either.

However, there is still a lot of time with Qi Feng.

Seeing the scene where Qi Feng and Sister Wang were chatting together, talking and laughing, a wicked smile, none of them seemed indifferent, the topic of the conversation, Wei Wan actually felt that she couldn't get in the way, a few times, she felt that she Being separated from the two of them, I could only watch, from a distance, but couldn't get close.

And Wei Wan still can't figure out when they met?So familiar?Is there something happening that she doesn't know about?Or something happened without her knowing?
Looking at Sister Wang and Qi Feng who were chatting speculatively.

For some reason, Wei Wan felt that one of them was evil and handsome, and the other... She always knew that Sister Wang was beautiful, the kind of indifferent beauty like a chrysanthemum.

It is only now that she realizes that she is the most beautiful when chatting with Qi Feng than she thought before.

Intellectual and elegant.

Complementing Qi Feng's knowledge and evil charm, it is harmonious and harmonious.

Such a match.

This is the first time I feel like this, the first time Wei Wan feels that they are compatible, just like Han Wei and Wei Han...

Qi Feng and Sister Wang, one is mature and evil, and the other is cold and elegant.

And she, standing outside their world.

so far away.

When did it start, Wei Wan became more and more silent.

When they were together, she became less and less able to talk, and became more and more silent, looking at them, looking at unknown places, and they talked more and more, Qi Feng would take the initiative to find Sister Wang, sometimes In class, she would also talk and laugh, but she kept silent and began to avoid it subconsciously.

She didn't want to see them, she subconsciously didn't want to be with them, she clearly knew that they wouldn't have anything, but... still didn't want to see them talking and laughing with each other.

Between talking and laughing, they would look at her from time to time, smile or nod to her, but they were so alienated.

The alienation made Wei Wan's heart ache.

When eating, Qi Feng will help Sister Wang pass things, and then laugh, he is still as considerate as before, and he is also the same for her, but...

Not long ago, they pulled her on the way back together, Wei Wan followed behind them, listening to them talking and laughing, feeling bitter in her heart, she fell behind a few steps, no one of them noticed, she lagged behind a lot, until she couldn't see them.

They didn't notice either!
In the distance, their voices could be heard vaguely... mixed with Qi Fengxiemei's laughter.

If she doesn't want to see it, it won't hurt.

Don't think about it, just...

My heart is completely cold!
Back to the room for a long time...

Sister Wang came back with Qi Feng.

Seeing that she was already in the room, Sister Wang worriedly asked her where she went and why she disappeared halfway. They have been looking for her for a long time!

Looking for her?
Wei Wan looked at Qi Feng indifferently, he didn't smile, even expressionless, he stared at her, said nothing, greeted Sister Wang with a smile, then turned and left, she lowered her eyes to hide the embarrassment in her eyes Of course.

He just said lightly: "I thought something was missing, so I came back first. I didn't tell you. I made Sister Wang worry. I'm sorry."

Sister Wang looked at her coldly, and wanted to say something, but in the end, without saying anything, she went to the bathroom: "I'll take a shower first, know, Qi Feng and I found out that you disappeared suddenly, how anxious is he?"

This sentence fell as the bathroom door closed.

Wei Wan stayed where she was.

Look up and close your eyes, right?
He still worried about her?

I don't know when they found out that she was missing?

With a self-deprecating smile, Sister Wang is taking a bath, Wei Wan is lying on the bed, a little tired after a day of class, listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, she wants to sleep, but she can't sleep well after eating, and she can't fall asleep. My mind can't calm down.

And at noon tomorrow, they will be flying back home.

return home...

For more than a week, many things happened. She met Qin Tian, ​​Qi Feng, joy, anger, sorrow and joy. She seemed to have tasted it all. Qi Feng...he and Sister Wang, Han Wei, Wei Yue, he is going back to China too Well, I don't know if his so-called private affairs are done well, and who he will be with when he returns to China.

Just not her.

He doesn't seem to see her anymore!
This is a bitter fruit brewed by her own hands. He seems to have let go as she said. He is just a friend. What about her?It's time to let go, really let go, let go of this feeling that she just discovered, it's not deep enough, it will fall if it is uprooted, but it won't be fatal, when it is fatal...

Then, after unplugging, it's none of her business who he's with.

Picking up the magazine bought that day by the bedside, the man on the cover seemed to be looking at her vaguely under the light.

Wei Wan was so startled that she let go of her hand suddenly.

The magazine in his hand immediately fell to the side of the bed, and the pages were opened one by one, and then returned to the original place.

Facing her was still the cover, King of the Dark Night.

Lazily reclining, a charming man in black with sexy chest muscles, handsome evil eyes, wild and unrestrained breath, rushing straight towards his face, the surface of the magazine cover glowed a little bit like His eyes are as dangerous.

Wei Wan's eyes flickered, and she picked it up.

(End of this chapter)

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