Chapter 110

She knew who it was just by hearing the voice?Shiro, she felt sick.

Want to break free from his hand.

"Didn't you hear me when I told you to stop? Wei Wan!" He took her hand and held it firmly, not wanting her to break free: "Didn't I tell you to stay outside the door, and you can't leave without me? Why? leave?"

His devilish eyes were very dissatisfied.

He just heard Wei Mu's sharp voice outside, and Wei Wan left suddenly.

He was not in the mood to continue, so he chased him out.

Didn't realize how nervous he was.

My heart is also tight.

No carelessness.

Wei Wan didn't respond at all to his words.

"Wei Wan! Talk..." he called again.

He tried to move his hand over her head, telling her to turn around.

However, Wei Wan didn't move, she let him move, no matter how painful it was.

"I asked why you disobeyed and left without authorization?" Si Luo's voice became louder and his brows frowned, cruelty and danger coexisted in Mo Mei's eyes.

"Have you lost your temper? Are you still jealous? Don't like me sleeping with Wei Yue? Didn't you say that you don't mind me playing with her? Why did you go away without being obedient? Answer me, otherwise, you know that it is against my law end!"

"Go against your fate?" Wei Wan suddenly smiled, and turned around as he wanted, but sneered.

Is she afraid?

She is not afraid!

"Wei Wan!" Si Luo, who saw Wei Wan's expression, frowned, something flickered in Mo Mei's eyes. He wanted to reach out to hug her and melt away the frost on her eyebrows. Pass him, pass his outstretched hand.

Si Luo's hand fell to the empty space.

"Don't come close to me, I feel sick." Wei Wan said this directly to Si Luo.

A man who has just had sex with a woman in his arms, and who still has that disgusting smell on his body, really disgusts her.

She felt extremely dirty.

Especially hugging Wei Yue.

Wei Wan knew that she didn't like Wei Yue.

"Wei Wan, what are you talking about..." Si Luo stared at her, with something flickering in his eyes, dangerous or cruel?How dare she call him disgusting?Is he doting on her too much?Sure enough, women can't be spoiled, if you give them a little bit of petting, they will become pampered!

"Shut up, don't follow me, I want to take a break!" Before he could finish speaking, Wei Wan directly cut off his words.

Turn around and let go of her hand.

She didn't feel scared at all.

She is not afraid of what that devil-like man is going to do, torture?ill?Come on, it's not that she hasn't experienced it before, she has nothing now, what is she afraid of?Her parents are gone, she has nothing, what is there to be afraid of?

She suppressed it for too long, endured it for too long!
Distraught, she didn't look at him, turned around and went back to her room, closing the door with a 'bang...' sound.Of course, when she returned to the room and saw that the man behind her was really not chasing after her, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the door, and slowly slid down, only this place could accommodate her.

She really has nothing!

Sudden discomfort!

the other side

Si Luo seemed taken aback by her coldness and expression, frowning.

Cruel and dangerous bloodthirsty lights flashed in his eyes.

After a while, the sound of the door closing sounded, he looked upstairs, and suddenly smiled, that devilish smile again, as expected of the woman he liked more and more, just now she looked cold and decisive like a high-ranking queen, really It was really extraordinarily charming, extraordinarily attractive, and extraordinarily arousing his desire.

desire to conquer.

And men's desires for women!

He found that he seemed to be stuck...

"Bring the old woman here," he said to the people behind him.


Someone replied, leave, the direction of leaving is the room Wei Wan just followed out.

Cursing his lips and looking upstairs again, Si Luo turned around.

"Baby, I will give you a little time to be free! See how much I love you..." No one dared to resist him, only her, no one dared to refuse him, only her, no one dared to... only her.

No one dared to ask him to be free!

What is freedom?
What a bold and lovely woman!

It's hard to put it down!

"Tell me, what did you say to Wei Wan just now?" It was still the same room, but it was different from just now, Wei Yue and Wei Mu both knelt on the ground, light veils were draped over them, and two tall men pressed their hands. Hold them, don't let them struggle, move.

Si Luo stood tall in front of them. He had already showered and put on a clean bathrobe.

He also remembered how disgusting and dirty she had said.

Is it because he touched Wei Yue?
Si Luo asked Wei Mu, but his eyes were on Wei Yue.

Wei Yue felt it, and immediately turned to Guan Siluo pitifully, pitifully: "Master...Master..." She called in a low voice, with water in her eyes, Siluo looked at her, and suddenly walked in front of her He picked it up and held it in his arms.

He looked at Weimu again.

Wei Yue was happy, and moved closer to Si Luo's arms, caressing her a little, she said that the master would not abandon her, just now her sister ran away sadly, and the master actually left her to chase her sister, Now, the master still wants her, she is a little happy.

Mother Wei's eyes flickered before she replied: "It's just that she seemed sad because you were with Xiao Yue, so I comforted her by saying that she is the master's person, as long as she can get the master's favor, she shouldn't be jealous... "

"Is that so?" Si Luo stared at Mother Wei charmingly, raised her eyebrows, thinking of that gentle yet stubborn woman, she woke up?
"Master, I dare not lie."

"Did you really see her sad?"

Thinking of something, Si Luo asked again, the coldness in his voice was much less.

Mother Wei breathed a sigh of relief quietly: "Yes, Master, she seems to be in great pain when she sees you and Xiao Yue together. She must be in love with Master, so she is sad and jealous."

"Oh?" Si Luo hugged Wei Yue, looked at Wei Yue, then at Wei Mu, waved his hand, and the person who was pressing Wei Mu let go: "Get up."

Mother Wei immediately stood up when she heard the words, but she still bowed her head humbly and stood aside.

"Master..." At this moment, Wei Yue seemed to hesitate to speak.

"What's wrong?" Si Luo asked lazily across her face.

His eyes were cruel.

"Would you like to stay with my sister? My sister should be very sad now, you..." Wei Yue raised his head in a low voice, met Wei's mother's eyes, turned away and grabbed Si Luo's face worriedly As he spoke, his expression showed great concern for Wei Wan, and he said that he wanted Si Luo to go, but she still nestled in his arms, reluctant to let go.

Si Luo saw her, smiled, and patted her buttocks: "As expected, she has been trained, and she is very obedient. It seems that you are very worried about Wei Wan."

"She's my sister..."

"Well, if I go, you won't be jealous?" Si Luo smiled charmingly when he thought of Wei Wan's cold and decisive appearance.

"No, no." Wei Wan tugged at his eyes, pitifully: "Although it will be uncomfortable, but it's my sister..."

"Okay, I will go to see her, but, now..." Jealous...

Si Luo waved his hand, and everyone in the room retreated.

Only Si Luo is left, Wei Yue!

Stayed alone for the whole night, but Si Luo didn't come back, Wei Wan breathed a sigh of relief, then thought that he might be with Wei Yue, and thought of what she saw before, she frowned, didn't think about it again, and lay on the bed alone and told Wei Mu that After sorting out the words, what she knew before, what she just learned from her mouth, the love and hatred of three people, one man and two women.

A very old story.

Probably, her father first met Wei's mother, but Wei's mother left him, and he later met her mother.

The two fell in love, got married, and had her.

Wei's mother regretted it, and came back to find Wei's father.

But Wei's father and her mother love each other very much.

Mother Wei felt unwilling and resentful.

It just so happened that the mother who gave birth to her died of illness, and Wei's mother had another chance. I don't know whether it was a divorce or something, and Wei Yue, who brought her and other lives, married Wei's father... From this, it was Wei Wan who saw her when she was a child. of.

In the end, Wei's father died in a car accident to protect her.

Mother Wei hated her, hated her mother...

Hatred that her mother died and still occupied Wei's father's heart, hated her as the child of Wei's father and mother, hated her that Wei's father died to protect her...

As such.

Mother Wei hated her and didn't want her to be happy, so Wei Yue and Qin Tian betrayed her!

After Wei Wan tidied up, she couldn't find anything to describe her mood.

The night passed.

It's time for her to get up and go to work.

Si Luo didn't lie to her. After tidying up, she ate the breakfast that was delivered. As soon as she opened the door, someone came to take her out.

"Miss Wei, here, the master has told me to take the lady to work."


Getting in the prepared car, Wei Wan left the underground club without seeing Si Luo.

"Miss Wei, I will pick you up when I get off work, please wait here."

At the intersection not far from Wei's, when getting off the car, the expressionless driver said to Wei Wan again.

"En." Wei Wan nodded, looked around, and walked towards Wei Shi with her bag on her back.

When Si Luo took her away, she took many of her things, including the unpacked luggage brought back from Singapore, to her room upstairs in the underground club. Those who know each other nod and say hello.

It was a bit early, Wei Wan looked at the watch on her wrist.

Still have half an hour to go to work.

Crossing a road, Wei Wan walked.

Suddenly, a car came in from the slope.

A familiar car.

He stopped beside Wei Wan.

The next second, the car door opened, and Wei Wan saw a person, her eyes widened in surprise, before she could speak, the person inside got up and looked around with red eyes, pulled her, and stuffed her into the In the car, the door was closed, and the person in the car hugged Wei Wan vaguely.

The car slid and left that place.

After a while, the car appeared again, and Wei Wan got out of the car. Inside the car, there was a pair of squinted phoenix eyes. After that, Che Yangchang left.

After getting off the bus, there are still 10 minutes before work.

There was an inexplicable expression on Wei Wan's face, which disappeared in a flash.

On the lips, the bright red has faded a little, and the long combed hair is also a little messy.

(End of this chapter)

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