Chapter 119

He didn't believe it, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it, but the facts were like this. When he was caught off guard and when he thought it was impossible, the Qin family really fell down. He fell down. His years of hard work and so much effort The Qin family, which was bought at a lot of cost, disappeared overnight.

He clearly remembered that Si Luo had promised to help him.

Why would you break your promise!

Su Ai told him herself, could it be that she was lying to him, no, it's impossible, no, then...

The current Qin Tian didn't know that Si Luo also had an accident and disappeared.

He only knew that the underground club was destroyed, but he didn't know that Si Luo had the same accident, so how could he possibly want to help him?He is still waiting, waiting for that person to make a move. As long as he makes a move, his Qin family will definitely return to work immediately.

Staring at Qin's live report on the TV.

The people around are all speculating about Qin and him...

Someone actually said that he was a coward and hid himself!
Also said that he couldn't bear Qin's bankruptcy and committed suicide?

"Bang..." With a sound, the ashtray in Qin Tian's hand was smashed to the ground by his anger and resentment. The glass collided with the floor, splashing glass shards and soot .

Mix together.

The sound was loud, echoing in the dark and closed room.

Qin Tian still only stared at the TV, staring at those people on the TV, staring at his Qin family, how dare they say that?

Guess like that!

He was just waiting, yes, waiting for the opportunity, as long as that person appeared, he could get back the Qin family and make a comeback.

At that time, he must make these people pay the price.

And Wei Han and Qi Feng...

If it wasn't for them, if they didn't insist on revenge for Wei Wan, his Qin family wouldn't go bankrupt.

It's all these people, it's all them!

He picked up a cigarette and reflected the light of the TV. Qin Tian's face was full of exhaustion and unshaven, his eyes were even redder and bloodshot, and he looked extremely fierce. He stared straight at the TV, making those red fierce eyes protrude.

Extraordinarily scary.

Especially in a dark room, under the light of the TV light.

And the clothes on his body hadn't been changed for a few days, and they were wrinkled beyond recognition.

He has not been out for many days.

Ever since the Qin Corporation went bankrupt, Su Ai has always been outside...

Touch the lighter.

He lit another cigarette and let the red spark ignite. He held the lighter tightly and took a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand. The smell of smoke filled the dark and closed room. Soon, the smell of smoke became stronger and stronger. Looking at the cigarette butt that fell to the ground.

Until the end of the report on Qin's on TV.

Qin Tian still stood stiffly.

His body, which was obviously upright, slowly became slumped, and he leaned on the sofa in the darkness.

Can't see anything in the dark.

Only his gasping breathing could be heard.

I can only hear the sound of him smoking cigarettes incessantly...

long time...

In this dark room, time seemed to stop flowing, and breathing also stopped, until the sound of the door opening sounded, and the gloomy man dormant in the darkness did not move. He was still smoking a cigarette and breathing heavily.

Standing up, staring at the door.

Soon, there was a ray of light in the dark room, as well as the sound of footsteps, several footsteps came in one after the other.

Lights on.

The lamp was turned on, and a ray of light from the outside light leaked into the dark room, allowing people to see clearly the man standing in the dark at the door, bloodshot eyes, tired and tired, the man staring at them, Qin Tian, ​​finally knew that he was back?

He stared at them fiercely with red eyes.

And who are the few footsteps coming in?
Su Ai walked in front.

The glamorous face can no longer see the brilliance and brightness it once had. It is like a bead covered with dust. It is getting darker, tired, pale, and full of eyes. It seems that I have experienced too much and I am getting old in an instant. .

Following her were Wei Yue and Wei Mu.

The same bloodshot, the same tired and pale.

Wei's mother has aged a lot, it seems that in a short period of time, within a few days, she is even older than before, her black hair is a little more weathered, and her stern face has more and more bruises. Wrinkles and bitterness.

The light is not there.

Wei Yue is okay, although he is pale, he still has his own sweetness and charm.

Standing there, the three women suddenly raised their heads and saw Qin Tian who was guarding the door with a gloomy face and bloodshot eyes. Su Ai tried her best to smile and walked up.

"Are you back?" To Su Ai, Qin Tian eased his expression, but when he saw Mother Wei and Wei Yue, his face immediately sank.

"En." Su Ai and Qin Tian stood side by side, nodded, straightened his clothes for him, then turned around and looked at Wei Mu and Wei Yue together.

It made them shake their bodies, and under Qin Tian's gloomy gaze, they leaned together and shrank together, not daring to look directly.

Afraid of Qin Tian's eyes.

Mother Wei lowered her head, and so did Wei Yue. Tears welled up on her pitiful and frightened face, but she didn't dare to fall. She didn't dare to look at the faces of her brother-in-law and Su Ai. She was afraid, and she didn't dare to cry.She remembered that she was crying yesterday and was slapped by her brother-in-law, and there are still marks and pain on her face.

The brother-in-law said that he told her not to cry in front of him in the future, saying that if she cried again, she would be beaten to death, and he was not allowed to call him brother-in-law again.

But he is obviously her brother-in-law.

Why can't he call her? Did he not recognize her?

How could brother-in-law treat her like this?
Not only scolding her but also beating her?
She was afraid, she remembered that her brother-in-law was so fierce yesterday, as if he wanted to beat her to death, she didn't dare, didn't dare to cry.

It has been many days since I left the underground club, and it has also been several days since I was thrown out of the hospital.

After a quarrel with the equally terrifying Su Ai at the entrance of the hospital, she was so angry that she wanted to find her brother-in-law. In the end, Mommy couldn't persuade her. Ai drove away.


Unexpectedly, it was completely different from what she thought.

The brother-in-law is so ruthless and cold, and he is no longer a brother-in-law. Not only did he not listen to her and drive away Su Ai, but also kept them.

She should be happy at first, because her brother-in-law must still care about her, so she was allowed to stay, but before she could be happy, that Su Ai started ordering her, ordering her to do this and that, scolding her behind her brother-in-law's back, scolding her so badly , she was too angry to talk back to her, Su Ai actually beat her, she was so angry that she said she was going to tell her brother-in-law, but she proudly told her that her brother-in-law would not listen to her.

Later, she didn't believe it, and she was really angry and ran to tell her brother-in-law.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the brother-in-law not only didn't help her, but hugged and comforted her as before, and even scolded her.

Call her a slut.

No, she is not!

She shook her head like crazy and cried, but her brother-in-law was still cursing, and even slapped her in public, in front of that Su Ai, telling her to listen to Su Ai in the future, otherwise, Su Ai would not beat and scold her, He will kill her too!

That slap stunned her.

Brother-in-law hit her again...

Because of that Su Ai, my brother-in-law changed his mind, he didn't have her in his heart anymore, changed, there was only that Su Ai, and he wanted her to die.

Looking at such a brother-in-law, Wei Yue's heart turned cold.

so cruel...

I hate it!

For the first time, Wei Yue found that she had nothing. She thought her brother-in-law loved her, but his brother-in-law didn't love her anymore. What should I do?And Qi... But, she can't get in the hospital, her sister is with Qi, she will definitely not ask her to see him, and the master is gone...

They all stayed away from her!
Here, Wei Yue shrinks back cautiously, and so does Wei Mu.

Over there, Qin Tian withdrew his ferocious eyes from staring at them and looked at Su Ai, frowning and asking, with a hint of expectation: "How is today, did you go in? Are there still people guarding? Did you gain anything?"

Facing Su Ai, Qin Tian's expression was much more normal. He still needed her, and she was the only one who was still standing by his side.

No matter what it was for, Qin Tian still believed in Su Ai.

"No, I heard that Qi Feng has woken up, but there are still people guarding the hospital, and no one can get in." Su Ai shook her head, frowned, and glanced at the patient who was so frightened by her torture that she saw her. The Weiyue mother and daughter shrank back: "I don't think they are useful."

"Is it useless?" Qin Tian said, and put his eyes on Mother Wei and the others again, his blood red eyes flickered: "If it is really useless, then there is no need to keep it, now that Qi Feng is awake? Didn't say what happened? Why was he admitted to the hospital suddenly?"

"No, there is no news, it's just a guess, it's not correct." Qin Tian's expressionless words made Wei's mother and Wei Yue tremble, and they huddled and stood next to each other.

What do you mean there is no need to keep it?
The hearts of the mother and daughter froze for a while.

he wants……

"Then wait a few more days and try. I don't believe they will keep sealing off the hospital to prevent people from entering. We must find a way." With bloodshot eyes coldly looking at Wei Yue and Wei Mu who were trembling with fright, Qin Tian sneered.

"Yes." Su Ai also saw how they were pale and trembling with fright.

He glanced at Qin Tian.

What I saw was endless cold-blooded ruthlessness and ice-coldness.

Unlike him before, this Qin Tian may be the real him.

Su Ai doesn't mind.

As long as it is him!

Wei Yue and Wei Mu are like two fish waiting to be slaughtered, being stared at by Su Ai and Qin Tian, ​​the swirling light inside makes their bodies tighten even more.

They have a more sensitive intuition for the mother and daughter who have been in underground clubs.

These two days, Su Ai would take them out every day.

Go to the hospital where Qi Feng was hospitalized.

Trying to take them in, what do they seem to be planning?
"Go and cook." Suddenly, Su Ai said to Mother Wei who was bowing her head and shrinking her body, then looked at Qin Tian and persuaded: "Go take a bath, no matter what the situation is, I will accompany you , we still have to wait for that person..."


Qin Tian has no expression.

He glanced at Su Ai coldly.

"Hurry up." Then, seeing Wei's mother shrinking her body, Qin Tian frowned, followed by another cold voice.

"Yes!" Mother Wei shook her body, immediately pushed Wei Yue away and walked towards the kitchen.

Qin Tian's eyes were blood red, which was still terrifying.

Wei Yue was the only one left, shrinking his body, under the eyes of Su Ai and Qin Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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