Chapter 121

"Very sweet..." Qi Feng said with a smile, then half-closed his eyes.

very sweet isn't it?

Wei Wan also finds it sweet!

"Haven't decided when to see them yet?"

There was a toothpick beside her to pick up an apple, Wei Wan lowered her head and asked faintly.

There was surprise on Qi Feng's face, and he smiled bitterly: "You know?" I still know, Wei Wan is sometimes too smart, so smart that she can't hide it even if she wants to.

"Yeah." Wei Wan nodded, "You should see me."

She also overheard the conversation between Wei Han and him.

For her sake, he wanted to protect her, and he has always refused to meet outsiders, especially the older generations of the Qi family...

She knew he seemed to be for her, but she didn't want that.

"I'll see you, don't worry, nothing will happen..." He comforted her, stroking her head.

"Hmm..." Is it really going to be okay?

"Miss Han..." Shen Ling thought for a while, Wei Wan opened her mouth again, not knowing what to say, she felt those slender hands holding her hand and biting her With the piece of apple in her hand, she felt his gaze on her even more.

"Wei Wan..." he called her.

She looked up.

He still looked at her, and the slender hand that was holding her hand was clenched and placed on his lips, caressing, moving slowly, she felt his warmth and temperature.

"I knew you heard it, give me a little time, and I'll tell you everything. What I can tell you now is that the child in Han Wei's stomach is not mine. I'm not lying to you, but I'm sure. During this time, The result of the awakening has come out, the person with Han Wei is not me, nor Wei Han, but another person..." Qi Feng said very cautiously to her.

Wei Wan looked at him for a long time, then nodded.

After so much, since he and Han Wei had nothing, and since he said he would tell her everything, she waited for him.

The two looked at each other.


"Tomorrow, Sister Wang said she would come to see you." Letting go, Wei Wan mentioned to Qi Feng that after Qi Feng got better these two days, she went to work with Wei Han, the real assistant to the president.

"Hmm..." Qi Feng responded, raised his head, and looked at her: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing..." Wei Wan shook her head seeing his expression.

"Then... I still want to eat, feed me!" Qi Feng blinked evilly, and Qi Feng began to act like a baby again!

"it is good!"

Taking a look, Wei Wan laughed.

After that, the atmosphere between the two became harmonious again.

The man with a cold face waiting outside the door leaned his back against the door. Hearing the laughter inside, he slightly curled his lips, his dark eyes flashed, and he didn't go in.

Looking up, he closed his eyes, no one could see his eyes clearly.

But this day, after being quiet for a long time, the hospital that had been blocked for a long time finally became noisy. Of course, Su Ai Weiyue, who had been guarding outside the hospital for many days, also found a chance...

Qi Feng's ward was full of people at this time.

Wei Wan was squeezed out of the ward step by step. She stood at the door and looked at the faint smile on the face of the person in the innermost place. She seemed to sense her, raised her eyebrows evilly, and met her eyes.

She turned her gaze away, and behind her was Wei Han.

"Go sit over there and wait."

"it is good."

She heard him say and nodded.

Sitting in the corridor outside, with the wind blowing, Wei Wan stroked the hair next to her cheeks, squinting her eyes, not knowing what to say, she was worried about the man in the ward...

"Have you decided?" Suddenly, Wei Han asked.

"Yeah." Seeing Wei Han's cold but caring words, Wei Wan nodded lightly.


"You..." Wei Han wanted to say something, but stopped again, and finally turned around, looking at Wei Wan: "I hope you guys will think about it carefully, if you choose to make it public, you will face very difficult things, the Qi family A few old guys..."

"It doesn't matter, since I have made up my mind, I will bravely stand by his side." Wei Wan cut off Wei Han's words, and the expression on her face became firm and strong.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Once she decides, there is no way out, and she will always stand side by side with that person.

"Actually, you don't need to..." Wei Han seemed to want to persuade him.

"At the beginning, I didn't think it was necessary. I didn't know Qi's situation at first, and I didn't know his situation in Qi's family. It turns out..." Wei Wan shook her head, stopping Wei Han from persuading him, and looked at him from afar. In that ward, Qi Feng's ward, the light in his eyes was bright, as if he wanted to laugh, but couldn't.


"It turns out that he has been working hard to be with me."

"...He really... has been working hard for you!" Wei Han's dark eyes flashed, and he looked away.

"So I don't blame him, I don't blame him..." I don't blame him. When she was kidnapped by Si Luo, she didn't show up when she was waiting for him to rescue her. Don't blame him, he was taken underground for the second time After the club, he didn't rescue her in time, don't blame him, he was one step late that day.

No wonder he was always late, always after she was hurt.

Don't blame him!

Wei Wan's eyes flashed, she looked at Wei Han, and looked at his cold profile, it was not easy for him.

She always thought that they who were born in aristocratic families must be much happier than ordinary people like them. They have everything they want, since childhood, have they not?You can decide a lot of things arbitrarily, and you can get things that ordinary people can't get in their lifetime without too much effort.

It turned out that when they enjoyed the rights that ordinary people did not have.

They are destined to bear more things than ordinary people.

The more responsibility you bear!
Such as family!

While gaining, the rights that should have been lost are also lost.

Such as certain freedoms, such as worrying too much when making decisions...

"..." For a moment, Wei Wan was lost in thought, and Wei Han didn't know what he was thinking.

for a while
"Mr. Wei..." "You..." Both of them came to their senses at the same time and spoke at the same time.

Glancing at each other, the two smiled at the same time.

"You speak first!" Wei Wan said first.

"I just want to tell you, Wei Wan, sometimes, don't look at the surface of things, maybe sometimes it seems that he may let you down, but he also has his helplessness, just like Si Luo, I don't know
What happened that day, I know you must have been hurt in Siluo, don’t blame Qi Feng for not coming to rescue you in time, back then, he had an agreement with Siluo, that’s all I can say, the content of the agreement, I Think he'll tell you one day! "

It can be said that Wei Han's words hit Wei Wan's thoughts that were too late to fully retract.

There was a moment of worry in his cold and cold eyes, worried about her and Qi Feng.

Wei Han is really a good friend.


"Are you happy?" Promised?have no choice?Wei Wan didn't know why, looking at such a cold man, it seemed that a man who never cared about others cared about her as much as Qi Feng worried about them. Beside them, the man guarding them, Wei Wan felt touched, it turned out that such a cruel man was not cruel, she suddenly wanted to know if he was happy?It is rare to see him smile all the time.

Are you asking him or Qi Feng?
are they happy
Are they really happy that they have everything and can get everything they want?
Wei Wan thought of that evil and handsome face, every time she saw him smiling at her, so ostentatious and evil.

And Wei Han in front of him...

In fact, he also laughed, very faintly.

She really wanted to know if they were happy or not!
"..." Wei Han was stunned for a moment, with a cold expression on his face, and looked at her, as if he didn't expect her to ask such a question.


What is happiness?

He looked at Wei Wan, does it matter whether you are happy or not?

No one ever asked him if he was happy soon.

She was the first one, and Wei Han's eyes were deep in an instant. From childhood to adulthood, from his birth, he understood what he had and got, and he also understood what he had to bear in the future. Whether he is happy or not is not important!

"Mr. Wei..." Wei Wan was taken aback when she saw Wei Han's cold expression, and felt that she shouldn't have asked such a question, and she felt a little regretful.

I wanted to say something, so I changed the subject.

Wei Han, on the other hand, was startled, and said, "Why do you ask that?"

Wei Wan didn't know what to say, she asked, and she asked just because she thought of it.

Ask her why, she can't tell why.

"Is President Wei happy?"

"Happy? So what if you're not happy soon?" Wei Han smiled, hooking his thin lips, in front of Wei Wan, it seemed to be a mockery, and it seemed to be a sneer, but after all, he smiled again: "What about you? Are you happy?"

Wei Wan opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

She is happy now, and she was happy in the past.

However, when she opened her mouth to answer, Wei Han stood up and turned his back to her: "Let's go, those people have come out."

After speaking, he walked towards the door of Qi Feng's ward.

Looking at his back.

Wei Wan suddenly felt that it was cruel for her to ask him if he was happy just now. Does he need to be happy?

Everyone needs happiness.

However, his back is so cold and aloof, and also lonely!
In an instant, people in Qi Feng's ward rushed out.

Wei Wan also stood up, looked at the people pouring out, took a deep breath, took a deep breath, finished arranging her clothes and hair, and went there.

Seeing her appear, those who came out all looked over.

Wei Wan waited on the side, waiting for them to pass by.

Wei Han was also in front of her.

"Be careful..." There were too many people rushing over, they all bumped into them. Wei Wan took a step back and was knocked aside. Fortunately, Wei Han turned around to protect her, and her hands were held by a pair of big hands, pulling her to him next to her so she wouldn't get hit.

Wei Wan lowered her head.

"Is there any injury?" A deep, cold voice filled with concern and worry rang out.

When she looked up, she saw that his face was still cold, and his hand was free from his palm: "Thank you, Mr. Wei."

She left his protection. At this time, all the people who poured out had left. She turned around the door of the ward and went in. She didn't hear footsteps for a while, and she didn't look back. In the ward, there were three old people standing aside, who heard her With the sound of footsteps, they all turned and looked over.

Three old people, one fat, one thin and one middle-aged.

They were all wearing Chinese tunic suits, their faces were stern and shrewd, especially the aged eyes in the deep wrinkles, they were so radiant that they couldn't tell they were old at all. Against the silver hair, they were obviously old enough to retire. exuding pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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