Chapter 125

She couldn't help looking at Sister Wang.

Suddenly, the hand was held by a pair of big hands.

She lowered her head and saw Qi Feng's hand...

"Of course the news is fast. Of course I came to bless you and to see you. I heard that you were hospitalized and kept saying that I would come, but I never had time. I didn't come until today." Facing Qi Feng, Sister Wang was not so cold Alienated, and glanced at Wei Wan.

"Congratulations on your engagement," she said.

"No..." Wei Wan didn't know how to respond.

Qi Feng was very happy: "Of course I want to congratulate, and I have to prepare a red envelope..."

Seeing them laughing, Wei Wan suddenly felt a little bored, so she broke away from Qi Feng's hand and pulled her lips: "I'll go wash some fruit and come here, Sister Wang, sit down and talk to him. These days, he keeps saying I'm bored."

After speaking with a smile, Wei Wan took the fruit and went to the bathroom.

"Wan'er..." Qi Feng shouted behind him.

She didn't stop.

Leaning her back against the closed door, she breathed out and smiled wryly, she still felt uncomfortable even though she didn't want to.

Close your eyes.

a long time……

Listening to the voices coming from outside the door...

Wei Wan opened her eyes and looked through the frosted glass door, but she couldn't see anything. She withdrew her gaze, leaning against the door, holding fruit, just like that, jealous!
I have to admit that when she saw Sister Wang, Sister Wang and Qi Feng, she was jealous.

Eat Miss Wang's jealousy!
After a while, Wei Wan slowly washed the fruits on the plate, three big apples, bright red, and waited until she heard their voices before she opened the door and went out.

Look up, they are very close.

What Qi Feng said, in a very low voice, only vaguely heard the words "Of course I care"...

"How come it took so long to grow apples!" Seeing her, Qi Feng curled his lips, and Sister Wang just smiled coldly.

Wei Wan also smiled: "Come on, Sister Wang." She put the plate in front of Sister Wang and asked her to choose.

Qi Feng looked over, pretending he didn't see it.

Not his share.

Seeing him like this, Sister Wang handed him the fruit in her hand, unexpectedly he didn't pick it up and just grabbed her. For some reason, Wei Wan felt relieved, no longer feeling bored, and gave him the fruit plate.

Not long after, Miss Wang left.

"What happened just now?" He asked her suddenly, playing with the apple in his hand.

Wei Wan was startled: "What's wrong?"

"Jealous!" Qi Feng laughed like a fox who had successfully stolen.

In that closed and dark room again, Qin Tian waited until it was dark, and waited for a long time, but he did not wait for Wei Yue and Su Ai.

Staring at the TV, the hospital no longer locked down.

His face became more and more gloomy.

It looked hideous and terrifying.

until late at night.

Still no one came back.

Qin Tian pulled out the phone with a gloomy face, the phone was in a language not in the service area.

"Bang..." was the sound of the phone in his hand hitting the table.

Everything on the table fell to the ground...

Mother Wei stood at the door of the kitchen with panic and worry on her face.

Why don't they come back?
Is something wrong?
She shrinks back, not daring to think too much, let alone make the slightest sound to remind Qin Tian, ​​if, if...

But, will Qin Tian forget her?

of course not!

After waiting impatiently, Qin Tian sullenly walked towards Mother Wei by the kitchen step by step: "Come here!" He said coldly.

Mother Wei could only back away, waving her hands, her body trembling...

"Don't dare to be disobedient!" Seeing this, Qin Tian stepped over and walked in front of Mother Wei, grabbed her by the hair and walked to the balcony. down.

"What did you say they were doing?" He kicked, "Did they betray me?" His heart was twisted.

He only thought about Wei Yue and Qi Feng, and thought...they didn't come back, did they betray him, didn't listen to him, he has nothing now, those two women are sluts, he should have known that he shouldn't have let them go alone of.

He regrets it!
So when he saw Mother Wei, his depression of waiting exploded, and he kicked harder and harder.

His eyes were blood red and crazy.

Mother Wei had been kicked to the point of death, she was crying out in pain, she couldn't make any movement to retreat, she couldn't cry out, only bursts of pain accompanied her, Qin Tian didn't let her go, and pointed at Mother Wei again. Chest kick down.

"Pain..." In the night, a scream sounded.

"Go cook for me, don't pretend to be dead." No matter how hard he tried, even in anger, Qin Tian knew that he wouldn't really kick Wei's mother to death. Now that she is still there, he used He kicked Mother Wei who was lying on the ground without moving.

A cold and dark mouth.

Mother Wei's stiff body moved and trembled, as if she wanted to get up, but she couldn't get up, her whole body hurt.

"If you pretend again, be careful of me, get up!" He threw down another cold threat, kicked Wei's mother on the head, Qin Tian lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

Wei Yue...

Ai Su...

Don't betray me!

The dark road has no end in sight, and there is darkness all around. Where is this?Wei Wan opened her eyes, and found herself standing in the darkness, she couldn't see anything, the thick darkness covered her sight, she turned around, it was still dark.

Nothing but black mist.

Wei Wan was at a loss.

Looking at the indissoluble darkness in front of her eyes, she rubbed her forehead, feeling a slight chill on her body, and lowered her head to find that she was actually wearing a white nightgown.

Looking up again, thinking about it, she remembered that she was asleep.

Where is this?

Inexplicably, she was a little flustered, because she didn't know where this place was, and she was obviously asleep.

Could this be her dreaming?

Thinking of a possibility, she suddenly found that the darkness around her became thinner, and Mo Ming's panic became more and more intense, accompanied by various emotions of anxiety, she couldn't help frowning, biting her lip and pulling out the black mist in front of her eyes.

Suddenly she thought of Qi.

Where is Qi?

Isn't Qi supposed to be next to her?

But all around is darkness.

She pulled out the darkness in front of her eyes and rushed out, she was going to find Qi, where is Qi?
Where did Qi go?
For a moment, the world was spinning, Wei Wan closed her eyes, and then opened her eyes to find that she appeared at the door of a room again. She was holding the doorknob, as if she was about to push it open. She looked at the door. At this moment, the door Voices came from within.

They were all familiar voices, but she couldn't remember who they were?

One male and one female.

All so familiar!
"You really don't mind at all? She is no longer what she used to be, she has been raped, hehe... As a man, you really don't mind? If I were you, I would definitely mind. ..." This is the female voice that Wei Wan is familiar with.

"..." The man didn't answer.

seems to be silent.

"I know you mind. If you don't mind, you won't mention it or mention it..."


"And you have to know that it was that person who raped her. You and that person... didn't make an agreement. I don't know what the agreement was. But, do you really want to get engaged to her? She was divorced before. Yes, abandoned by men."


"You have to know with your status and status, what kind of woman do you want? A divorced woman who has been raped... Tell me, do you really not mind at all? You say ah……"

"I...mind, but..." This time, the familiar man's voice finally spoke.

It was the words that made Wei Wan who was standing outside the door feel sad.

The words 'I mind' hit Wei Wan's heart directly.

echoed in her ears.


It hurt so much that for a moment, she remembered who the owner of this familiar male voice was, it was Qi, Qi she was looking for...

Didn't he propose to her and ask her to be with him forever?
Said that she disagreed and would wait for her?
Is he waiting for her like this?
He said he minds!
Wei Wan felt dizzy, she knew, how could anyone not care?How could there be someone... Yes, she was divorced and raped, and she was still that man, so how could he not mind at all.

Her hand couldn't help pushing open the door in front of her, inside the door...

But it was completely different from what she thought...

A completely strange man stood inside, turned around to see her, and smiled. The smile was somewhat familiar. Then, he approached her, and the closer he got, the more familiar he became. When she was in a daze, he held her hand and said softly: "You are here, come quickly, let's get married..."

It was a familiar voice and a familiar person, and the strange face suddenly turned into Qi Fengxie's charming and handsome face in front of Wei Wan.

Wei Wan was stunned.

Pulled by him, walked forward.

Only then did she see that there was a church in front, and there were many people sitting below, but they were all strangers, and only Qi Feng was familiar with it. The priest above was flipping through the Bible, and they walked over holding hands and stood there.

The priest asked her if she would like to marry Qi Feng as his wife?
She wanted to speak and say yes, but she turned her head and looked at the man holding her hand, only to find that another woman appeared beside Qi Feng, a woman with a vague face, holding Qi's other hand.

Looking at her, he smiled proudly.

The posture is elegant and noble.

But Qi still held her hand, but wrapped around the woman's waist, and they swore an oath together, to the priest.

Wei Wan watched from the side, seeing that woman wearing a wedding dress and a silver-gray suit, matching so well, so... heartache!
Didn't he say he married her?

Who is this woman?
She couldn't get an answer, she wanted to pull Qi, wanted to pull him back, but three old people appeared behind her, blocking her, blocking her sight of Qi, the three old people, she knew Qi Uncle, they all stared at her fiercely and coldly.

With her status, such a woman actually wants to become their Qi family?It's just a delusion, a wimpy woman who has nothing but divorced, asked her to let go, if they asked for money, they smiled so contemptuously and disdainfully, took out a lot of money, and threw it at her coldly and disdainfully. On her body, she looked at the falling money, and then looked at Qi who was holding the wedding unaffected. Could it be that she was wrong?
Really shouldn't be selfish after being hurt again, want to grab something, think that nothing happened, and deceive yourself?Does she really not deserve happiness?

(End of this chapter)

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