Chapter 141

Even if it's just the same face, it's not exactly the same, but as long as he can see her, he can treat her as her, he knows that Wei Han and Lin Su are worried about him, he can't fall, he still has a lot of things to do Do it, drink poison to quench your thirst.

When he saw Xiao Ru who was following Si Luo, he thought it was her for a moment.

So familiar feeling.

Just like when she was still with him.

But still not her.

He couldn't find any similar traces on Xiaoru's body, not even Xu Man's similar face, the feeling of that moment came and went so fast that he couldn't grasp it in time, and he couldn't confirm it.

Who is she?

Maybe he's gone mad!
She was long gone, but he didn't believe that there would be no her in this world.

Holding the woman with the same face as Wei Wan in front of him, in a daze, can he come back as her?By his side?He has never left, and he and her are still so happy and beautiful?

Xu Man, who was stared at by Qi Feng, blushed more and more.

That boldness and confidence turned into the charm of a little woman.

Alone, there is a bit of Wei Wan taste.

She wanted to speak and asked what he was looking at?
But under his seemingly infinitely affectionate gaze, he was speechless...

"President Qi..." Why did he keep looking at her?Does she really look like his wife that much?Xu Man is smart and rational, she knows that the melancholy in this man's eyes seems to contain many things.

"Call me Qi Feng." Qi Feng's charming phoenix eyes raised, showing a long-lost evil charm.

Immediately, Xu Man's heart skipped a beat.

He looked so good-looking when he smiled.

"Okay, Qi Feng..." She called out immediately.


Qi Feng suddenly hoped that this dance could go on forever.

His Wan'er is still there!

The wine is hot, laughing and laughing, wine and beauties, dancing and dancing, talking and laughing, eating and eating, the banquet reaches its climax, but she can't eat any more, her back is facing the hall, carrying a full The plate that she ate up, separated everyone, and stood alone on the small balcony in the corner of the hall.

The night wind blows over and blows on her face, it's autumn again...

Laughter came out loudly.

She closed her eyes.

The corners of the mouth rise.

In the blur, no one could see her expression.

Turning around, through the curtain, she could see Si Luo hidden in a corner of the hall. He had been surrounded by people for a long time, and seemed to be talking with people. The devilish smile continued, and men and women surrounded him. , His laughter spread far and wide.

Wild and wild.

A little familiar smile.

There is a chill of a little impression.

Even if she was beside him, she would have been squeezed away a long time ago. As if feeling her gaze, Si Luo looked over, smiled at her, and turned his gaze back.

His side is very lively, he doesn't need her.


She could also see Qi Feng and that Xu Man surrounded by people on the dance floor, they kept embracing and dancing, she could see the shy smile on Xu Man's face, and she could see that, slowly in front of Qi Feng A faint smile spread across his expressionless face.

Melting into his evil and charming phoenix eyes, it pierced her heart, dazzling.

She didn't understand why she felt so sad seeing him dancing with Xu Man, and even felt so sad that she wanted to cry.

Looking up, she wanted to force back the sour feeling.


A finger touched it, and there was a tear on the fingertip.

So sour, so astringent.

He doesn't need her either!

"Why are you crying?" Suddenly a voice rang out, and a figure came into her eyes. She was startled, and looked at the person walking by, Wei could he be here?will come here?Is he talking to her?

She was stunned there.

"Why are you here alone?" He asked again, his eyes fixed on her.

She stagnates: "Are you talking to me?"

"It's just you here," he said.

Who else to talk to but her?

She also understood, and smiled in embarrassment: "Mr. Wei, why are you here?"

She was curious.

Before, she felt that Wei Han didn't like her, otherwise she wouldn't have stopped Qi Feng.

"It's too stuffy inside, come out to get some air." In fact, Wei Han didn't know why he came out. Here, he just followed her with his eyes, watching her coming here alone, standing here, alone, silently, In such a brightly lit hall, her back was unexpectedly lonely and lonely.

It seems to be hiding something.

It actually made him feel uncomfortable, so he walked over involuntarily, and when he came back to his senses, he came to his senses, and he was already standing in front of her and opened his mouth.

Weird, eerie feeling.

He shouldn't feel this way, it's obviously a strange woman, and Wei Han sneered in his heart, she is Si Luo's woman, she is that man's wife, how can she be lonely?lonely?It shouldn't be his concern if anything.

It is Si Luo who should be concerned, not him!
A cold light flashed in his eyes, Si Luo...

How amazed he had been when he saw Throw in a wheelchair, and he had the day too!
Qi Feng's shot was worth it.

"Oh..." For some reason, after hearing Wei Han's words, she was a little scared. She had been scared since the first time she saw him. She wiped her eyes with her hand, let the air dry, and there were no more tears.

At this time, his gaze was also so cold and cruel.

She unconsciously took two steps back, and even retreated into the corner.

It seems that I am not afraid anymore...

Seeing her actions, Wei Han frowned.

"Why aren't you in there?" He randomly asked her a question, she seemed to be afraid of him?Is he that scary?

this woman...

He pondered, staring at her, this careful fear made him think of someone.

actually feel...

"I don't want to stay inside." To his question, she answered him directly, even though she was faintly afraid of him, she felt that she was speaking psychologically to him.

"Why don't you want to stay in there?"


"Will Mr. Si not accompany you?"

"He's busy!" Very busy.

Too busy to take care of her.

"Never seen you before."

"I haven't seen you either." She looked up at him.

Wei Han suddenly choked for breath.

"..." His heart tightened because of her answer. He walked through the crowd in the hall and saw Si Luo who was talking and laughing wildly in the corner, surrounded by people, and then saw the dance floor. He looked away from Qi Feng and Xu Man who were embracing and dancing.

"Go in," he said.

He felt that he shouldn't stay any longer, and shouldn't have come because of the loneliness of that look.

Should not be here.

It's even more wrong to find this simple woman just for...!

Yes, she looks too innocent, Wei Han is a little worried, can she really tie Si Luo?
He turned first.

She looked at Wei Han's back, stretched out her hand, wanted to grab something, opened her mouth, and wanted to scream, until he got farther and farther away from her, she called out: "Wei Han..."

The figure in front suddenly paused in her voice.

The body seems stiff.

Turn around slowly.

But she regretted her impulsiveness after calling out, how could she want to stop him?

She couldn't figure out what she was thinking at that moment, what was she still calling him for?
Seeing that Wei Han turned around and looked at her with such burning eyes, she swallowed her saliva: "I'm sorry, I...I, go slowly!" In the end, she only said the reason hesitantly, and she called him to stop. reason.

Wei Han ignored her and just looked at her: "You called me just now?"

he asks.

She looked at him and nodded.

"Scream again!" For some reason, he hurried back in front of her, reached out and clasped her shoulders, his eyes locked on her tightly, so dark, so cold, so excited, so bottomless, as if Looking at her, it seemed to be looking for something through her.

She suddenly sank into his eyes, and said unconsciously: "Wei Han..."

After the words fell, she woke up suddenly and saw that Wei Han's eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

He even reached out and touched her face.

She was startled and waved his hand away without thinking: "Mr. Wei, please respect yourself."

She is angry.


Unexpectedly, Wei Han curled his lips and smiled: "It's very similar, it's really similar!"

What is it like again?She frowned, why did she keep hearing them today, he and Qi Feng said they looked like, who did he look like?Is that Wei Wan?She is a little unhappy, why do you say she looks like someone else?She is what she is.

She was about to speak.

"But why doesn't the face look alike at all, it's not her after all!" He lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

She felt that she... She turned around and wanted to leave, but he suddenly clasped her arm tightly, preventing her from walking.

"Let go of me!" she yelled.

But the loud music and the noise covered her voice, and no one could hear her.

Wei Han pulled her and didn't say a word, just pulled her and watched...

She shrank her body: "Let go..." She wanted to struggle, but was held and pressed by him.

After a while, he finally looked at her deeply and said, "As long as you tell me who you really are, I will let you go!"

As his words fell, Wei Han's eyes became sharper.

Well, you can penetrate into her heart.

Her hands and feet were shaking.

she looks at him...

"Xiao Ru, why are you hiding here?" At this moment, behind them, a voice, Mo Mei's laughing voice sounded, and Si Luo appeared behind them in a wheelchair being pushed by Zuo Si: "Is that right?" I ignore you because you are jealous, huh? Be good, come out quickly, hey, Mr. Wei is here too."

At the end, he seemed to see Wei Han and let out a hush.

The expression is flawless, without a trace of affectation.

It was as if it was real, only to find out that Wei Han...

When she heard Si Luo's voice, on the contrary, there was no joy, but a creepy feeling. The charming smile in Si Luo's words made her feel chilly, and she shrank even more inside. Wei Han looked He glanced at her, let go of his hand, and turned to face Si Luo: "Boss Si."

"I didn't expect to see Mrs. Zun here." He said again: "You should apologize to Mrs. Zun. You seem to have neglected Mrs. Zun..."

It is also cloudless and green, with a natural expression.

Obviously he was still holding her back before.

After finishing speaking, Wei Han started to leave, and then, as if remembering something, he stopped and looked at Si Luo again: "Oh, I forgot to tell President Si, Mrs. Zun reminded me of someone."

(End of this chapter)

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