Chapter 146

"What's the matter?" Seemingly displeased with her disobedience, he frowned.

"I suddenly sighed." She said with her back to him.

"Sigh?" His voice gradually turned cold: "Did you remember something?"

Her eyes flashed, and she seemed to be able to hear the change of his breathing. Turning around, she still had a smile on her face, and approached him: "No, I just felt a sigh suddenly. Maybe I saw that Miss Wei during the day, she told me, Said her sister..."

She didn't finish speaking, but Si Luo's expression turned even worse.

"What else did she say?" His eyes became sharp, unpredictable, and cold and cruel. Looking at her, the cold and cruel eyes that he had only seen during the day flashed across...

"She didn't say anything, she just told me that she also has an older sister named Wei Wan, who was the Wei Wan mentioned by Qi Feng and Wei Han when we went to the banquet, and it should be her, that Wei Yue Miss also knows Qi Fengweihan, why didn't she go in that day." She seemed curious and looked at Si Luo curiously.

"Wei Wan..." Si Luo's eyes tightened suddenly.


She opened her mouth reflexively, startled.

Hands behind the back, tightening.

"What else did she say? You think right, Wei Wan, Qi Feng Wei Han mentioned, Qi Feng's wife, as for Wei Yue is indeed Wei Wan's younger sister, but she should have told you, and you should too. You can see the relationship between the two sisters, why? Are you so curious?" Lifting her chin, Si Luo said, the devilish light in his eyes melted, so deep.

Is it a test, is it an inquiry?
Perhaps he also noticed that she had changed.

at the earliest?
It was just a moment ago.

Her change!

"Well, I'm curious what kind of woman can get that Qi Fengweihan and your love!" She looked at him honestly, met his probing gaze, without hiding anything, there was no twinkle in her eyes, and she was calm.

Like and not like.

She is not her!

Seeing her like this, Si Luo was confused for a moment.

"Are you still Xiaoru?" He stroked her chin with his hand and asked softly, as if he was afraid that he would scare her away if he was not careful.

A chuckle was his answer.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you ask like this?" She opened her blank eyes, a little puzzled and puzzled, her head approached him, with pure curiosity in her eyes, Si Luo blinked, and clasped the hand holding her chin: "Why do you say I love Wei Wan too?"

"Miss Wei Yue said."

"It's her again!" Si Luo smiled coldly, and gave her a sideways look: "Are you jealous?"

Maybe the more I think about it, the more I think it is, the trace of inquiry on Si Luo's face disappeared.

"No..." She answered quickly, bit her lip, and didn't start.

Just like this, Si Luo smiled.

"It's still my little Ru."


"Come here," he said.

He reached out to her again.

She was sitting on the side of the bed, caught by his big hand, and pulled her into his arms. When she tightened her body, she heard his low, wild and enchanting laughter above her head: "We should go to sleep, dear!" Xiao Ru, come on, turn off the light."

As he spoke, he pressed the light switch with his hand.

next moment

The room was dark.

There are no lights.

She lay on the bed, and she could feel another person's body, heat and breathing under the quilt, and then, a pair of big hands wrapped around her and hugged her, her stiff body, relaxed, and then, a hot body Too much to come up.

She was also pressed on the bed by Si Luo, his firm body pressed her, with a plundering and unexplained complex aura, he kissed her, and pressed her body with his big hands, hugging her: "Don't Afraid! I will take my time, Xiaoru..." She seemed to feel her trembling.

She closed her eyes.

Hands clenched and stinging.

He kissed her lips, as well as her face, using both hands and feet, with great skill, but she bit her lip, her closed eyelids kept trembling, trembling, as if something could not be decided, but it had to be decided Same.

at last……

"Hold me..." Si Luo hugged her, let her hold her, and spread her legs.

She shook hands again.

She could hear the change in him.

It is the change of the body, but also the change of the voice and breath. It seems that under the light, Si Luo, who said that he was her husband during the day, would spoil and spoil her, disappeared. He had been lying in the dark for a long time. the beast.

Crouching, keeping her predator locked.

Ruthless, cruel, and cold all rushed towards her!

He might have figured it out already.


Not today, not moving back so suddenly!

Feeling that he was about to tear her clothes cruelly, she finally let go of her tightly clenched hand, and then, with a stab, the next moment, in this dark room, there was a muffled sound, and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Accompanied by a sinister and demonic voice: "What? Stop pretending?"

"..." There was no sound.

There was the sound of another heavy object falling to the ground.

"Don't want your child anymore?" In the suddenly lit room, as Si Luo's voice fell, he looked down at her on the bed.

And she, Wei Wan, fell under the bed.

Looking at him, his eyes were full of hatred.

"Hate me?" He laughed and laughed, looking at Wei Wan who fell to the ground clutching her chest.

"That's not my child!" She said, her eyes suddenly looked at the closed door: "When did you find out?"


Wei Wan smiled wryly, it turns out, but...

She looked up: "It's still too late."

"What?" Si Luo frowned, suddenly felt something was wrong, and was about to reach out to hold Wei Wan, but at this moment, the door opened from the outside.

The door opened from the outside, and a person walked in.

It was Zuo Si who had gone and returned.

Seeing him, Wei Wan's eyes flashed, and she slowly tried to stand up, feeling some pain in her body, she gritted her teeth and endured, while Si Luo sat on the bed, her pair of magical eyes tightened, and those eyes stared fiercely at Zuo Si , Then, his sharp eyes swept towards Wei Wan: "Zuo Si, what are you doing here?" He clenched his hands into fists, and there were veins throbbing on his forehead.

Seems to have guessed something?
Wei Wan's phrase 'too late'

Zuo Si's departure and return...

He stared at Zuo Si and then at Wei Wan...

them?The two of them...

After Zuo Si came in, he walked towards Wei Wan directly under the different gazes of the two of them. In front of him, he hugged Wei Wan.

Turn around and leave.

This time, Si Luo didn't know what Zuo Si was going to do, his guess became true, this Zuo Si actually wanted to betray him?I don't know when we hooked up with Wei Wan, and now we want to take Wei Wan away?
He remembered that he had warned Si Luo not to betray him last time!
If he betrays him, he will show no mercy to the betrayer. He promised, and said at the time that he would not betray. He never thought that now in front of him, he would not only betray him, but also take Wei Wan away. Si Luo wanted to understand for a moment Finally, he stared at Zuo Si, and suddenly, the magical light in his eyes gathered together, melting into a mass of pitch black, with sharp eyebrows: "Zuo Si."

He spoke again.

The voice was dangerously low and cruel: "Are you going to betray me?"

"..." Zuo Si didn't answer, nor did he look at him.

Si Luo's eyes were darker, darker and more dangerous, and narrowed into a slit: "Let go of her, let go of her and I'll act as if nothing happened, you are still you, and the person next to me... Now you are worth it for a woman? Think about it carefully, how long have you been with me, just a woman, as much as you want..."

"..." Zuo Si remained unmoved.

"I'll say it again, for the last time, Zuo Si, are you really going to betray me and take her away?" Si Luo's hand clenched.


"Then don't blame me..." Seeing that Zuo Si didn't answer, Si Luo just hugged Wei Wan and went out. He stretched his hand under the pillow to draw his gun, his face was distorted, gloomy and cold, cruel and crazy Absolutely, but, the next moment, his expression changed.

Great change!

Si Luo felt under the pillow with his hand, and even lifted the pillow with a sullen face, but he couldn't find what he was looking for, the pistol he put under the pillow.

His face sank more and more.

It was livid and completely distorted.

Needless to say, he watched Zuo Si put his gun under the pillow before, and it was indeed there, but now it is not there, so it means...

"Zuo Si, how dare you..." He suddenly turned his head to look at the door. Unexpectedly, Zuo Si stopped at the door with Wei Wan in his arms. Looking at him calmly, he understood what it meant to be too late.

"Where's my gun?" He smiled terribly and distortedly, his eyes turned into the most terrifying and dangerous black, his hands rested on the bed, and he clenched his fists.

"I'm here." Zai Si remained silent, and Wei Wan answered him at this moment.

"You?" Si Luo snapped when he heard the words, and squinted at her coldly and dangerously, sweeping past Zuo Si who was still calm, gentle and indifferent.

"Yes, here I am. Let's see if it's what you're looking for!" After Wei Wan finished speaking, she took out the hand that had been hidden under Zuo Si's big hand, and in her hand lay a pistol impressively. ,black

The color is cold, with a faint smell of gunpowder.

But I imagined that this gun, Si Luo's pistol, must have passed through a lot of gunpowder under his hands.

Must have been stained with a lot of blood.

Seeing the pistol in Wei Wan's hand, Si Luo's eyes shrank suddenly, and instantly turned to Zuo Si: "Very good, so you have betrayed me a long time ago, good, very good, you two, Wei Wan, Zuo Si ..."

It turned out that when Zuo Si helped Si Luo take a bath, he took off the pistol and put it under the pillow, and then took it out and gave it to Wei Wan.

Therefore, Si Luo understood at a glance that Zuo Si had betrayed him as early as that time!
No!maybe earlier...


Zuo Si remained silent.

The expression remains unchanged.

Holding Wei Wan in his arms, he left without stopping.

"He didn't betray you!" It's just... Wei Wan's eyes flickered at Si Luo's words and the hateful look he gave Zuo Si, and when she left, she left such a sentence, a sentence Ling Siluo laughed, and Mo Mei laughed cruelly and coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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