Chapter 154

She didn't know why she suddenly thought of her!
Is it...

"You said that you, Mr. Qi, are getting married today?" Wei Wan asked again, holding her palms tightly, and staring at the counter lady, her heart stopped beating. She bit her lip, as if holding on to the last ray of hope. Misheard.


"Yes..." The counter lady replied naturally, and even gave her a suspicious look.

"Your Qi is always called Qi Feng, right?" Wei Wan felt that she couldn't breathe anymore.


"Isn't he married? Why is he still married now?" The affirmation made Wei Wan almost collapse.

Qi that really you?

Are you really going to get married?
"Our ex-wife of the president passed away a long time ago. It's normal for Qi Feng to remarry! Miss, don't you know that the ex-wife of the president passed away several months ago. This time it's Qi and Xu's marriage. Our new president's wife is Miss Xu Man, haven't you heard of it?"

"No." Wei Wan was speechless, and her whole body was in a trance, crumbling.

"This marriage has been going on for a long time in City B..." the counter lady was still talking, with that suspicious look in her eyes...

Wei Wan wants to cry and laugh, she has passed away a long time ago... Hehe...

She couldn't see anything, she just felt that suddenly there was nothing, her whole body was in a trance, she couldn't stand still, everything in front of her eyes was blurred, her heart hurt like a needle, sore and weak.

So she worked so hard for so long, suffered so much, tossed and turned for so long, and endured so much, is this what she got?

Lover marry another?

The person who supported her happiness and kept her going all the way became someone else's?

Broken all at once?

Her happiness, her home, her husband gone?
This is not what she wants!

Wei Wan wanted to shake her head, but her body was too heavy for her to move.

Or was it because of her hesitation, anxiety, hesitation, and entanglement that she got this result?Is it her fault?She shouldn't have hesitated like that.

Wasting so much time for nothing?

It became like this!
Wei Wan also knew that she was too hesitant, if she had gone to see them earlier, there would not have been so many things and so many misunderstandings.

Four days ago, when she met Qi Feng and Xu Man, she should have revealed her identity.

Or find Lin Su, Wei Han and the others!

Maybe nothing will happen now.

Is it her contradiction that caused all this today?
However, in just a few months, Qi Feng is going to marry another, even if she is too hesitant, she is too entangled and missed the time, but why did he change so quickly?
Xu Man?

Is it the woman who looks like her?

Thinking of what she saw a few times, Wei Wan smiled bitterly, in fact, everything seemed to have been foreshadowed!
Since she was taken away by Si Luo.

From her face was replaced.

Since she met Xu Man at the banquet.

The appearance of Xu Man, the change of Qi Feng...

There were no tears in her eyes, but they were still blurred, dry and painful. Wei Wan raised her hand, trying to rub her sore eyes, but the newspaper she had been pinching fell down and landed on the counter in front of her.

She didn't know that the side of the newspaper that she had been pinching in the palm of her hand so that no one saw it was presented to several pairs of eyes in the hall.


"Hey, miss, miss, didn't you buy a newspaper?" How could you not know?The lady at the counter saw the woman who appeared in front of her eyes. Ever since she heard that Mr. Qi got married, her complexion became very bad. Several people looked at each other, guessing that this so-called friend might be a woman whom Mr. Qi had provoked before. Suspicious, she glanced at the newspaper that had fallen from Wei Wan's hand on the counter, her eyes lit up, and she let out a little surprise.

It also brought back Wei Wan's trance-drenched thoughts.

Wei Wan regained her senses and looked ahead, everything that was blurred in front of her eyes slowly became clear again.

Just a deep pain in my heart.

The tingling pain of clenched palms...

All kinds of complex contradictions, painful and sour emotions...

She raised her head and looked at the counter lady with her dry eyes, and saw that she had bought it four days ago. At that time, she was in a trance because she saw Qi Feng. I fell asleep when I was tired, and I didn’t read it even when I was sick. I was going to read it on the road today, but I didn’t. I didn’t read the newspaper until now when I was reminded.

And this time...

"Miss, you see Mr. Qi in your newspaper... here..." The counter lady saw her raised her head, and immediately showed her her finger.

However, there is no need for her to point, Wei Wan saw what she wanted and should see the moment she looked at the newspaper.

That's on the side facing them.

A big photo, above is Qi Feng and a woman.

Xu Man!

Looking casually from a distance, the woman with Qi Feng looks like Wei Wan, and Wei Wan thought it was her, but it wasn't her, it was Xu Man, who was dressed very similar to her before, no Jing Yihui thought it was the same person.

It's just that the temperament of the body is different.

In this photo, Xu Man seems to be deliberately imitating.

She looks more like herself than the real person Wei Wan has seen her in!

And next to this photo, there is another photo in the newspaper, which is... that is also Qi Feng and a woman, the two are hugging each other sweetly and happily, Wei Wan's eyes flashed, her palms were clenched tightly, and her teeth were clenched. Lip, this is her.

It was a photo taken when she and Qi Feng got married.

She was wearing a cheongsam and was hugged by Qi Feng. The two of them were very close, their faces were touching, and they both smiled happily.

One evil, one gentle.

Comparing the two photos, Qi Feng has changed a lot. The original peacock-like ostentatious smile seems to have settled and changed in more than half a year, and has become the gloomy and cold image in the current photo. .

If you don't look carefully, you will think it is two people.

Half a year, is this his change?
Or was it the accident that Zuo Si told her?

So she must come to Qi Feng and Wei Han yesterday?

She herself was late and missed the time!

Below the two photos is a large line of words: "Qi Feng, the president of the Qi family, will... marry the daughter of the Xu family, Miss Xu Man..."

The words in this line are large and obvious, and they are just folded under by the newspaper.

No one saw even the paper and photos!
Wei Wan stared at it.

Staring straight at the two photos side by side, looking at the small words below, they all said that Xu Man resembles her, Qi Feng's former wife Wei Wan, the blurred one is really similar, she looks at it herself I can't tell the difference.

"In this case, the new president's wife really looks like the former president's wife. I used to think they looked a little familiar, but now I look at it like this, and the more I look at it, the more I look like it..." Suddenly the counter lady let out a low voice and muttered to herself. When the people around heard it, they all gathered around, looked at it, and nodded.

Several people pointed and pointed.

The voice is very low.

Just look at each other.

"It's really similar, but it's not because Mr. Qi is..." No one behind said.

But all understand.

"Could it be that Ms. Xu is the wife of the ex-president? It's just that something happened. Everyone thought..." The other two counter ladies also came over and looked at the two photos and started guessing, discussing in a low voice. Sour, bitter and astringent.

Also embarrassing!
looks like?

Just because of the resemblance, she can be replaced, can be replaced, she is such a position in Qi Feng's heart, a person who can be replaced by others, as long as there is someone who looks similar?What about those affectionate ones?

Are they all fake too?

It can also be easily replaced, replaced?

Wei Wan wants to tell them loudly that she is nothing like that Xu Man, she is not her!
She did cry, maybe it was too long of depression, maybe it was too painful, too tired, her voice came out of her mouth, with unspeakable pain, tiredness, and helplessness, she looked at the guessing people around her. Several people: "They are not alike at all, she is not her!"

she said aloud.

He pointed at the women in the two photos, pointing, his fingertips trembling.

For a moment, everyone was stunned. Hearing Wei Wan's voice echoing in the hall, they stared blankly at Wei Wan, with sympathy, suspicion, and doubt in their eyes... Newspapers coming.

She turned abruptly.

left the hall.

Behind them, there was more discussion after a quiet moment, and those people started talking about their own gossip and guesses, including her!
Apart from a wry smile, Wei Wan smiled astringently.

To them, it was gossip and chat, but to her, it was the biggest and most painful change!

She squeezed the newspaper tightly in her hand, this time, she had to read it carefully.

Are you married?

marry another?

Wei Wan's eyes are painful and determined, and her back is absolutely determined!
Standing on the side of the road, she hailed a taxi, and then reported the address she got in the newspaper.

The address where Qi Feng and Xu Man held their wedding.

I don't know if it's too late...

It was a large hotel in City B, not the one where she and Qi Feng got married and entertained guests, otherwise...

She really didn't know what to say!
Similar people, similar weddings...

Does that Xu Man not mind at all?
"Please hurry up, I'm in a hurry." After sitting down, Wei Wan glanced at the watch on her wrist, it was 11:30.

"Okay, sit still." After the driver answered, he stepped on the accelerator immediately, and the taxi quickly shuttled on the streets of City B, while Wei Wan leaned back in the chair, she closed her eyes... the corners of her eyes slowly, Slip down a drop of tears, maybe it's too late!
And does Xu Man really not mind?

From the many discussions and speculations after the news of the marriage, the similarity between her and Wei Wan's looks, the comments on substitutes and substitutes, to the comments of netizens on the Internet, and what he heard intentionally or unintentionally, Qi Feng is very concerned about this wedding. After she knew that the wedding was arranged by Qi Feng himself for more than a year and a half, Xu Man kept her dissatisfaction in her heart.

At first it was just dissatisfaction.

When I heard him calling the dead woman's name again and again.

When he saw the woman's photo in his wallet and office.

Xu Man was not only dissatisfied.

It is an indescribable hatred, she designed step by step to get to where she is today.

On the day of her marriage with the Qi family, and at the position of the wife of the president of the Qi family, why should that dead person occupy Qi Feng's heart even if he is dead?
(End of this chapter)

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