Chapter 159

He waited for her.

She showed up, albeit late.

I didn't expect that she was her. It turned out that she had come back long ago. He had seen him before, but he didn't recognize him, and he didn't dare to recognize him. Now that he was like this, he knew she would hate him, so let's keep hating him. At least she came back, she Still, even if they go farther and farther in the future, even if they meet again in the future, it will be nothing, even if she hates him to death, he is happy to see her.

Seeing her standing in front of him well.

Nothing happened, and their children!
But despite this, it hurts him to think of her hating him...

Holding the corner of the stone sculpture tightly, Qi Feng stood for a long time, until his whole body gradually became cold in the autumn wind, until his whole body became stiff, until he really couldn't find her, until the pain on his face disappeared, what? There was nothing left, so he turned around step by step and walked into the hotel.

At the door, he met the thin one among the three elders of the Qi family who came out.

Qi Feng stopped and looked at him, something flashed in his deep eyes, and the thin old man was startled.

"It's time to go in." After calming down the surprise in his heart, the old man moved his mouth and said.

The old face was stern.

Qi Feng didn't say anything, and didn't answer, he looked away, passed him, went in, passed by, he dropped a sentence: "I know what to do, I don't need you to teach me!"

The voice was extremely cold.

Suppressing something.

Looking at Qi Feng, the shrewd eyes of the thin old man flickered, and he felt a little uneasy. Did he know what they did?

After thinking about it, the old man's bright eyes flashed, and he shook his head, "Impossible, that person wouldn't say what they did, he wouldn't know... After denying it, the shrewd eyes on his old face pulled one." place, and then follow Qi Feng in.

Shortly after……

The wedding banquet continued, but a red sports car drove Qi Feng out of the parking lot. In the autumn wind, everything was blown away, and he drove away alone.

No one knew where he went.

Diagonally opposite the hotel not far from here, the black car left everyone's sight, and parked in a place where they couldn't see it on the other side of the hotel.

Wei Han and Wei Wan sat in the car.

Wei Wan cried.

The peace and composure in the hotel lobby was torn apart. The moment she turned around, the tears couldn't stop streaming down, dripping one by one, across her chin, slipping down, falling into the dust, flying .

She didn't bother to try, so she could only raise her head, retaining her last strength and determination.

It was all she had now, the last thing she held in her hands.

Qi Feng...

Qi Feng and her are completely over.

Even though she knew it was too late, it was too late, but after he gave her the answer, she still felt pain in her heart, the pain was so painful that she couldn't breathe, it hurt even more than when she divorced Qin Tian, ​​and it hurt even more than the double betrayal at the beginning .

She knew that after she promised Qi Feng and married Qi Feng, she really loved this man.


After walking all the way and experiencing so much, the result is actually like this?

Wei Wan felt both pain and hatred.

He hated the injustice of fate, Qi Feng, and himself.

Up to now, I can't say whose fault it is, there are hers, and there are his, maybe they are all wrong.

Wrong again and again until today.

Maybe she shouldn't believe in love anymore, the first time was Qin Tian, ​​this time it was Qi Feng, why did she encounter such betrayal every time?
again and again?
Is it because you didn't love at first, so your heart is changeable?

Or does love not last long?
People are fickle?

No matter how much she struggles, no matter how much she pays, is this the end result?
Wei Wan was unwilling and didn't believe it, but it was the truth.

The moment Wei Wan stepped out of the hotel, Wei Wan almost couldn't stand and collapsed. When facing Qi Feng, no matter how firm she was, no matter how decisive she was, no matter how decisive she was, but... when she turned around, she burst into tears. Han helped her, helped her to get into the car, she was crying, crying very sadly, wanting to cry out all the pain, all the resentment, all the hatred, all things together, to vent out.

If you cry, that's fine.

If you cry, it won't hurt, don't hurt, don't hurt anymore!

She said she would not forgive.

She will not forgive.

For the rest of my life, never forgive again, never forgive Qi Feng!

Wei Han looked at Wei Wan, kept looking at her, watched her cry, watched her hurt, he clenched his hands into fists and put them on the steering wheel, it was also hurting, his eyes hurt, his heart felt the same pain, he raised his head, Looking at the hotel diagonally opposite, the cold light flickered in his eyes.

Suddenly he pushed open the door.

Like going down.

He clenched his hand tightly: "I'll go find him."

He said that he didn't want to see Wei Wan cry, he didn't want her to cry.

"Don't...don't go, Wei Han, don't..." Hearing the sound of driving the door and Wei Han's words, Wei Wan grabbed Wei Han's hand and shook her head at him, no need.Now, she decided to let go.

go away.

Since she decided to never forgive and turned away, she didn't want to see Qi Feng again.

There are already answers to what should be said, what should be done, and what you want to hear.

Why bother?
It's better not to see each other.

Only sorrow is left!

There is no need for her and Qi Feng to meet again!

From now on, she is her and he is him.


The child, she raises it alone, belongs to her alone, and he didn't even ask about their child, Qi Feng, he is really ruthless, Qi Feng, she will forget him from today, completely net.

"Thank you, Wei Han." Holding his hand, Wei Wan said with tears streaming down her face.

"You..." Wei Han seemed to be sighing, looking at her with deep black and cold eyes, it was because of Qi Feng's incomprehension, displeasure, and anger, because of her heartache for her, for her, for her, for her tears...

"It's really not necessary." Wei Wan shook her head again, affirming to Wei Han.

She really doesn't want to see Qi Feng anymore.

She is a rational and calm person, she should cut it off, even if it hurts to death, she will cut it off, even if it is like cutting flesh, she believes that one day, she will be well, no more tears and heartache for it, she believes ...

There is no one in the world who cannot live without it.

One less person has no real impact on anyone.

Saying that you can't leave, you can't live without it, it's just a momentary moan, who really can't live.

Qi Feng is an example.

Without her, wouldn't Qi Feng live well?
With a new home, a new wife, she is nothing.

Therefore, Wei Wan believes that even without Qi Feng, she will still live well!
"Wei Wan..." Wei Han looked at her and wanted to say something, Wei Wan shook his head.

half an hour...

The car door was closed, and Wei Han sat back: "Wei Wan, you are too stubborn, sometimes you should be weak when you should be weak, you should...shouldn't you say it like that, and you shouldn't... If you really don't want to... Why do you have to do this...I believe that Qi Feng loves don't have to be like this...there is such pain here..."

"Shouldn't you turn around and leave? Then what should we do, stay and let him and Xu Man cancel the wedding?" Wei Wan was laughing and crying, tears and laughter intertwined.

Poignant, tearful.

Wei Han turned his head, his dark eyes surged for a while, as if something was about to come out, but finally calmed down.

"But I can't do it, Wei Han, since he decided to betray our marriage and marry someone else, we have no future, no possibility, he should also know, it's not that I came back late, it was a mistake at the beginning, He turned his back too early, you said I don't turn around, what should I do, if I don't leave, what should I do?" Wei Wan asked him, and she was also asking herself.

Is she really wrong?

"Or do you want him to change his mind?"


"Ask him to turn back?"

"..." Wei Wan kept asking, but Wei Han remained silent.

"Or stay with him?"

"..." Wei Han finally turned his head back, seeing Wei Wan's upturned head to prevent the tears from falling, pretending to be strong, a burst of heartache, his hands loosened and clenched, clenched and loosened, finally, he He hugged Wei Wan.

"Cry, you are not wrong, you are very strong, you have always been so strong, so strong that it hurts, it is Qi Feng's fault, it is he who failed you." Wei Han hugged Wei Wan and buried her head in him in the arms.

make her cry.

Cry heartily.

He will be with her.

by her side...

"No, it's my fault too, Wei Han. Actually, I wanted to ask him to cancel the wedding, and I wanted him to... I was so jealous that I wanted to destroy everything, but my rationality told me that I should let go. Since he doesn't want me, he won't wait for me, and I shouldn't be nostalgic, so I let him go, so I walk away gracefully." Keep the last bit of self-esteem, don't try to keep me, and cry when turning around chicly!
"I know, I know..." Wei Han understood, he knew how painful she was, and he wished he could kill Qi Feng at that time, how could he, how could he become like this?Hurt Wei Wan like this?Didn't he ever love her like that?What the hell happened?
He did not believe that Qi Feng would be such a heartless person.


At the moment, Wei Wan's pain was witnessed by him. He couldn't understand Qi Feng, and he didn't forgive him for doing so.

Wei Han hugged Wei Wan tightly and let her cry.

Wei Wan cried.

Wei Han's company.


Wei Wan didn't cry anymore, Wei Han still hugged her, and she didn't come out of Wei Han's arms, at this time, she needed such warmth, otherwise, if there was no Wei Han today, Wei Wan wouldn't dare to think about it, wouldn't dare What would happen to her!
or die?

She didn't know, but she would never be like this now, with a little warmth in her cold heart.

The cry faded away.

Wei Wan is not a woman who sinks into fragility and weeping. She is smart, decisive, strong, and stubborn. She has advantages and disadvantages, but once she makes a choice, even if she regrets it in the future, she will not say much. Now she chooses to leave Qi The wind is really leaving.

Cried, hurt, buried everything.

The happiness and pain of the past will all be gone with the wind.

She don't want to remember, remember.

Wei Wan calmed down.

Wei Han's eyes also loosened.

"Wei Han, do you think Qi Feng will be happy?" Wei Wan, who had calmed down, suddenly asked Wei Han. She smelled the cold breath on Wei Han's body, but Bing felt the pain in her heart.

"..." Wei Han didn't answer, he didn't know how to answer, happiness?not happy?He looked down at the woman in his arms, looked at her messy hair, reached out to help her straighten it out, then pushed her away so that her eyes met his: "Why do you ask that?"

(End of this chapter)

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