Chapter 166

on the plane...

After reading the text message, Wei Han stared sharply at the outside of the aircraft cabin, as if he was looking at something and also saw something, his cold face tightened, and the spirit that had finally relaxed tightened again under the sudden text message.

So is Wei Wan.

She lowered her head and held the phone without looking at it. She looked at the cute and innocent face of the baby in her arms who didn't know anything, and kissed her tender and lovely pink face, which made her look away. She frowned a little, as if she was unhappy, Wei Wan took a look and found that she was looking at Wei Han and screaming, and her kiss blocked her sight.

No wonder she giggled when she kissed her, but now she frowned.

It seems that the baby really likes Wei Han very much!

Holding the baby tightly, Wei Wan buried her head on the baby's body, sniffing the strong milky scent, she closed her eyes, and let go of the tension brought by Si Luo's text message, as well as the uneasiness and uneasiness. Don't be afraid, don't rush, and don't panic.

It's just that Si Luo wants to see Wei Han.

Others didn't show up, maybe...

Didn't know she was with Wei Han, didn't wasn't as bad as she thought!

They are friends, a text message...

There is still room for everything!
Raising her head, she turned her gaze to Wei Han.

Facing Shang Weihan's turned eyes.

"Are you going to see him?" In fact, Wei Wan wanted to ask Wei Hansiluo if he knew?But she opened her mouth, but what she asked was not. She thought about it, even if she asked, Wei Han might not know what this man Si Luo was thinking?
"Yeah." Wei Han nodded, his cold expression eased: "I have to go."

have to go?

When Wei Wan was still puzzled, the radio on the cabin suddenly sounded, matching the voice from the airport far away: "Sorry, passengers, the departure time of this flight will be delayed by half an hour due to an accident... Please wait a moment..."

The blurry and inaudible broadcast that was far away before rang in my ears at this time.

Everyone waiting on the plane heard it.

They all frowned, but they got used to it. It's quite normal for the plane to be delayed or delayed, but it didn't rain or thunder, so there was nothing wrong with waiting for half an hour, but...

Wei Wan understood what Wei Han meant.

That man actually...

is it him?
She looked at Wei Han, but before asking, he seemed to know what she was going to ask, took a deep look at her, and nodded: "Well, it's him!"

Such an arrogant, unscrupulous thing can only be done by one person.


Sure enough it was him!

Wei Wan also looked out of the cabin, but she couldn't see anything, only the empty airport. Who was he aiming for?
"Where is he?" she asked Wei Han.

Shiro is here?still?

Where are you going to meet him?

Take off in half an hour... Hehe, he really is!Wei Wan smiled mockingly.

She kept telling herself in her heart: now as long as the baby is by her side, as long as the baby is good, she doesn't care about anything, and she doesn't have to be afraid of him!But the baby... She still has to leave, the baby is still too young, if she has something to do, what will the baby do?
It's not good to stay in City B after all.

Wei Wan became more determined to leave, she wanted to find a quiet environment to bring up the baby.

"He's here, you wait here for me." I don't know what to think, a cold light flashed in the dark eyes, Wei Han's gaze was withdrawn from the outside, and fell heavily on Wei Wan's body, staring at her His eyes cleared: "Don't go anywhere, just wait for me here."

He thought he was worried about what he wanted to confess, but he still said those cold words, but Wei Wan knew that he was worried about her.

It's just that she was also worried about him.

"You..." She looked at him worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's okay, it's just that he wants to see me, it's nothing, I have known him for a long time, maybe there is something wrong." He pursed his lips, as if to comfort her, don't let her worry, but how could Wei Wan do not worry?

That's Slo...

If she hadn't known and hadn't been through so much 'torture' maybe she wouldn't.

But after she experienced so many tricks that Si Luo personally used, after she knew what kind of man he was, how could she not be worried?
At this sensitive time, he wants to see Wei Han...

"Don't think too much, Wei Wan, you think too much, he doesn't necessarily know that you are with me." Wei Han doesn't know what Wei Wan is thinking, he also has his worries, Si Luo probably He knew that she was with him, and if he knew him, he knew that person no less than Wei Wan.

However, if he really wants to do something, he has to ask him if he agrees.

Wei Wan is the woman he wants to protect!

He doesn't allow it, that man...

It's just that he was a little worried about leaving Wei Wan here!
"Give me the phone, I'll make a call." Wei Han took the phone back from Wei Wan's hand, he looked at her who was still looking at him worriedly, now that the plane has not taken off, you can make a call, he dialed a number, The phone was connected very quickly.

"You bring someone over here." After glancing at Wei Wan and looking at his baby, Wei Han opened his mouth, stretched out his fingers and gently touched the baby's tender, pink and cute little face, his heart palpitations, very Softly, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

After hanging up the phone, he turned to Wei Wan: "I'll call someone over, don't worry, it's fine, trust me, you just have to wait here."

His eyes were cold and determined.

He looked at her steadily.

Wei Wan nodded.

She knew that he was not only worried about her, but also worried about her.

"Okay, I'm going to see what's up with him. I'll be back soon. When I come back, we'll go." Holding his mobile phone, Wei Han saw the three people he called outside who followed them. man.

"Hmm..." Wei Wan watched Wei Han turn around and walked outside.

She hugged the baby, looked down at Wei Han's small face that was also staring at Wei Han, her eyes flickered for a while, after that, she must...

"Wei Han..." she called him.

From behind him, looking at his back, hugging the baby tightly, biting her lips, she wondered if her decision was right?

"What?" Wei Han turned around when he heard the sound, frowning slightly.

Wei Wan looked at him, opened her mouth, stood up holding the baby in his eyes, walked towards Wei Han with the small bag, and stood in front of him: "I thought about it, I decided to go with you, I know What are you worried about, I will follow you, he should know that I am with you."

It is impossible to hide.

It's better for her to be with him than to stay here alone, not to mention...

" can't." Wei Han directly refused Wei Wan's request, his brows furrowed even tighter, and his whole face tensed up.

She goes with him?

"Wei Han..."


"I must go, he must know that we are together."

She felt uneasy staying here.

Wei Han persistently refused, and Wei Wan was equally persistent.

He has his worries, she has hers.

"Don't be willful, Wei Wan." He said coldly.

"I didn't. You should know that it's even more unsafe for me to stay here." And the baby, this is Wei Wan's biggest fear when she decides to go with Wei Han. She can feel at ease with Wei Han!
Even if there was anything, she wouldn't panic like that.

After the words fell, Wei Han stared at her like this.

She met him firmly.

half an hour...

Wei Han's eyes flickered, and he turned away.

"Wei Wan!" He suddenly called her.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Wait, follow me, I won't let him hurt you." This is his promise, he said, turned around suddenly, and started walking towards the hatch again, but took the bag in her hand , help her hold it, keep your back straight and tough!
Knowing that he agreed, Wei Wan agreed to let her go with her!
It wasn't that she was being unreasonable or willful, she made the decision after thinking about it.

Maybe it's right, maybe it's wrong!
She chose the way to make her feel at ease, even if it was wrong!

There were tears in his eyes, but he was slightly moved. He said that he would not let him hurt her...

This sentence is so familiar, once upon a time, she also heard someone say it...

The two got off the plane, walked through the boarding passage, and the boarding gate. The three men brought by Wei Han also stood there. a channel.

VIP channel.

Wei Han's pace was not fast, and he matched Wei Wan's pace with her bag in his hand.

Wei Wan looked at him, then at the bag in his hand.

It's a bit funny, and it doesn't match his diamond elite in a suit at all. She stretched out her hand and wanted to take it back and carry it by herself, but Wei Han refused and motioned for the baby in her arms.

It's still funny just to watch.

A big man, or a big man as cold and cold as Wei Han, carrying a woman's bag...

Two people in front.

Three men followed behind them.

They ended up in the VIP room...

At the door, Wei Han's footsteps stopped, the door of the VIP room was closed, and he couldn't see inside, but Wei Wan knew he had arrived...

"Here?" she asked him.

"En." Wei Han glanced at her, "Si Luo is inside." He said.

She got it!

"Bang bang bang..." Wei Han knocked on the door.

Then, the door opened from the inside, and there was an unfamiliar man. Wei Wan vaguely saw that it was Si Luo's subordinate, not Zuo Si. Si Luo's side, now...

She wanted to ask... She still couldn't see inside, it seemed very big inside, when seeing Wei Han, the strange man stretched out his hand to compare: "Boss Wei?"

Wei Han coldly nodded.

They were invited in.

The three men were stopped outside the door and did not follow them in.

"Here we come..." Inside, a charming voice seemed to raise his eyebrows.

Wei Wan's footsteps faltered, and Wei Han shook her hand.

Inside, at a glance, Wei Wan saw a person. At that moment, the look in her eyes changed, her complexion also changed, her heart sank, astonished, shocked... mixed with other things.It's not Siluo, it's not far from Siluo.

(End of this chapter)

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