Chapter 173

Day by day, what should be forgotten will always be forgotten.

Glancing at the time, I can leave work immediately.

It's just that Lin Su's tone on the phone was a little strange, what happened?
Wei Wan thought about it and put it aside, and didn't pay much attention to it. Yesterday, Wei Han said on the phone that she would come and she would pick up the baby from the kindergarten early. She sighed. The relationship between Wei Han and Lin Su is still the same this year. Even she couldn't figure out what was going on with them.

Immediately away?

Nor is it.

It's not easy for her to intervene, she knows what Wei Han thinks about her, and Lin Su does too, it seems that it is really not what she thinks.


"See you tomorrow." After greeting her colleagues in gradually proficient English, Wei Wan got off work.


She stopped as she passed a newspaper and magazine.

It was a new magazine that just arrived today, and the person on it was a man who would avoid it for fear. After a year, he was still so charming and handsome, with more vicissitudes and indifference than when he left. More calm, and thinner.

It seems like something is dying.

Wei Wan was startled by this feeling.

what's wrong with her?
Why do you feel this way?

She stood in front of the bookshelf, looking at his face in the magazine.

She couldn't help reaching out her hand to touch it, but she took it back halfway. She likes books and reads, but she doesn't pay much attention to them at ordinary times, maybe it's deliberate. She avoids domestic news on purpose for a long time. It seems that she hasn't thought of him for a long time.

I saw it suddenly today, and I feel a little unclear.

Pick up that magazine and open it.

Nothing, nothing but about him, the Qi family, the Qi family merged with the Xu family...

Xu's...Xu Man?
With a twinkle in his eyes, Wei Wan picked up the domestic entertainment newspaper beside him, Wei Wan had thought about many possibilities, maybe he is very happy now...

But when I really saw him happy...

Just like now, Xu Man is pregnant.

Is he going to be a dad?

Wei Wan didn't know how she got to the kindergarten, but felt that everything was far away from her. After seeing him happy and knowing the news that he was going to be a father again, she felt no heartache, no pain, and some were in a daze.

The phone rang suddenly.

Wei Wan answered the phone in a daze.

"Where are you?"

It was Wei Han's cold voice, he asked her, a little anxious and faintly worried, what are you anxious about?

"Pick up the baby at the kindergarten." She said softly, the corners of her lips slightly raised, looking at the sky above her head.

"Wait for me there, I'll be right over, you..." said the cold voice, as if he hesitated for a moment.


"wait for me!"

"I see... Are you going to tell me that Xu Man is pregnant?" Wei Wan nodded and suddenly smiled, which was blurry.

"Wei Wan..." Over there, the cold voice suddenly became deep, and there seemed to be something mixed in it, so far away, so indistinct, under the mottled sunlight in the afternoon, Wei Wan felt that everything was real and illusory!

"He lived a very happy life..." His happiness...Happiness... Wei Wan narrowed her eyes, covered them with her hands, raised her head, the sun was no longer scorching hot, but the faint warmth seemed not to reach her heart , there is a corner of my heart that will never be okay.

That corner is cold, and the darkness slowly rots and rots under the sunlight that cannot shine in and nourish it!

"..." Wei Han didn't speak, and became silent all of a sudden.

Quietly, it seems that you can hear the low breathing.

You can also see his frowning eyebrows, and his worried black and cold eyes...


"Wei Han..." Wei Wan suddenly called Wei Han's name.

Soft voice, hoarse taste.


"Do you think he has forgotten me?"


"Do you think he is really happy?"


"He must be very happy, with a wife and a child..." But there will be no her, no more of her, no baby, she and the baby have left his life, not by his side, no longer with him In his life, he and her were so far apart, they no longer met each other, and they walked farther and farther...

One day, if you turn around suddenly, you will never see him again!
like now...

He had a home, a wife, another woman, and now that he had a child, she felt farther and farther away, she could no longer reach him, and the last corner of her clothes was slipping off.

Obviously he was the one who betrayed first, and she was the one who turned around first.

Don't meet each other, don't see each other again, stay away, why are you unwilling in the end?

"Wei Wan..."


"Don't think about him anymore, he..." Wei Han's voice was extremely low, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end, he said, "He may have his reasons, will be happy too... You and the baby will too!" His tone was very sure.

It is certain that she will be happy.

Wei Wan smiled: "Of course I will be happy, and of course my baby and I will." As for Qi Feng, he has no reason, this is what he told her.

He said nothing to her!

"Yes, wait for me, I'll be right over." Wei Han's voice seemed to be relieved, and it was no longer so deep.

Wei Wan heard it, smiled lightly, narrowed her eyes even smaller, put down her hands, and raised her head: "Don't worry, I won't think too much, but just now I know, I suddenly feel that time flies , so unreal, it turns out..."

It turned out that she was really that far away from that person.

Male marriage and female marriage are irrelevant!
He is a father and she is a mother, but...

Wei Wan smiled wryly.

Although it was bitter, there was no astringency anymore, it was like hearing that he and Xu Man had a child, and that he was going to be a father again, I just felt in a daze, but there was no heartache, no pain!


After disconnecting the phone call, Wei Wan bit her lip, let go, opened her eyes and waited.

The pain, the tears that should be shed have already flowed...

Kindergarten gate...

At this time, when it was time to leave school, the children were holding hands one by one, and the little one was carried out by the teacher. Wei Wan turned her thoughts away, didn't think about anything anymore, erased the darkness and trance in the corner of her heart, and regained her spirit. It is him, she is her, he has his new life, a new start.

So is she.

He shouldn't affect her anymore.

Wei Wan searched for her baby among the little buns rushing towards her...

The baby is over one and a half years old, and she gave her a name a year ago.

Cheng baby!
Baibai is plump and chubby, just like the round Chengzi. She is so cute, so she is called Cheng Baobao. Wei Han also nodded at that time, and fondled the baby's head. Lin Su also waved his hand and felt it. This name is especially suitable for her baby, Lin Su became the baby's godmother,

As for godfather.

Wei Han did it!

"Mom... Ma..." At this moment, a small, sweet, coquettish voice sounded.

At the same time, a little chubby little bun who stumbled and came out accompanied by a teacher ran towards Wei Wan. Wei Wan immediately laughed, raised her eyebrows and looked sincerely. Doting smile.

Her little bun, Baby Cheng, is here.

Yuanyuan's face is very similar to hers, and her mouth is like Qi Feng!
But her face still hasn't changed back, she still has a face that doesn't belong to her, she doesn't want to, she doesn't know why she suddenly doesn't want to change back.

Wei Han mentioned several times to take her to the hospital to see a specialized doctor, but she never agreed.

Seeing Baby Cheng rushing over, the chubby, innocent, blush, cute and invincible face smiled, but there was a trace of saliva in the pink mouth, that, that... Wei Wan's eyes flashed, she was so cute, she felt As cute as hell, her baby is still the cutest.

Crouching down, she stretched out her hands and waited.

Waiting for her baby to rush over.

Hug full.

"Mom... Ma..." Cheng Baobao was very happy, dancing and dancing excitedly as if seeing his mother coming to pick her up, and at the same time rushing over, giggling... a burst of laughter.

"Baby, my baby, Cheng baby!" Hugging the milky and slightly sweaty Cheng baby, Wei Wan deeply smelled the fragrance of her own baby.

He kissed and gnawed at that cute little face that he never got tired of seeing.

It seems that he has done exercise, and the little sweat on his body makes Cheng Baobao even more cute. His face is like a red apple, flushed, and his black pearl-like eyes are moving around, lively and lively. He flung himself into her arms coquettishly.

She seemed to be used to kissing and biting her mother, she frowned slightly, and turned her head away, as if she didn't like it, but she didn't dare to really move away, and carefully pulled Wei Wan: "Mom..."

The pitiful little face, Wei Wan immediately let go, but there was another burst of kissing.

"Baby, why are you so cute..." As she said, Wei Wan kissed again, all the sadness and trance disappeared, and she didn't know where she threw it.

"Mommy..." After kissing his mother again and again, Cheng Baobao suddenly pouted, although he didn't dare to stop, but he was dissatisfied: "No kiss, no kiss..."

Frowning small brows, seeming uncomfortable, arched and arched, in his arms.

"Really, why don't you just give me a kiss, little girl..." Wei Wan picked up the baby, rubbed her nose against Baby Cheng's nose, looked up at the teacher who accompanied Baby Cheng, and expressed a touch of gentle gratitude With a smile: "Thank you for sending Baby Cheng out, teacher."

This kindergarten, it should be said that the nursery teachers are very responsible.

Therefore, Wei Wan puts her baby here when she goes to work, and she is more at ease, and it is not far from her place of work.

"No, it's our responsibility, besides, our baby Cheng is very cute, come on, baby Cheng will meet the teacher again." The teacher also smiled, touched Baby Cheng's face with a smile, looked at Wei Wan and said.

"How cute is she, she's so naughty..." Wei Wan said as if she was dissatisfied, but her eyes were full of doting.

I also laughed when I said it.

"Baby Cheng is notoriously cute as we are, so let's talk about children being naughty."

"If it's bigger, it won't turn the world upside down." No matter how naughty, this little girl will really turn upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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