Chapter 181

"Yeah..." At this moment, a baby's baby voice rang out on the phone, as if he was also echoing Xu Man's words.

Qi Feng's expression softened, and he was no longer so cold and stiff: "I'll be right back."

Do babies babble like this?
Looking at the building again, Wei Wan, Wei Han and Lin Su didn't come down after going up. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, and the car drove away.

The car slowly merged into the night market under the neon lights in the dark.

In the indistinctly intertwined mottled light, Qi Feng frowned, the expression on his face could not be seen clearly, only the cold light flashed on that handsome and evil face under the flashing light, and the There is boundless darkness.

after a long time...

The car stopped.

The popped cigarette butts and the diffuse smoke spread out in the narrow compartment, blurring everything. After a while, Qi Feng opened the door and got out of the car.

Looking at the apartment that was lit in the dark...he walked in.

In the apartment, Xu Man had been waiting for a long time, when she heard footsteps, she saw Qi Feng who staggered in, and waited for him.

After another year, Xu Man changed even more in Qi Feng's eyes, his face became more and more unfamiliar, and he couldn't find the slightest resemblance.

She held the child and looked at Qi Feng.

Having given birth to a child, her body has recovered very well, and she can't tell that she has given birth to a child at all, but she is even more charming, with the smell of a mature woman.

She was wearing a tight-fitting long dress, with loose long hair, a kind of lazy charm, coupled with a beautiful face, very touching, and the child in her arms was sleeping soundly.

She looks very delicate and cute.

The brakes are pleasing.

"Are you back? The child and I have been waiting for you for a long time, and you can see that the child is asleep." A gentle voice that seemed to be complaining came out of her mouth.

She raised her lips in a gentle and elegant smile.

Contains a delicate charm.

"Well, there's something wrong." Something flashed in Qi Fengxiemei's dark eyes, and he didn't say anything to her. There was another face in his mind, and he slowly settled down all his emotions and surging memories His eyes fell on Xu Man's figure, looking at the candlelit table beside her and the food on it.

The expression is cold and reserved.

It is the indifference that Xu Man loathes and hates.

After two people got married.

The longer we spend together, the more indifferent Qi Feng becomes.

Xu Man's indifference towards him has changed from loathing to loathing, and he loathes him so much that he can't stand it!
This indifference seems to be Qi Feng's way of dealing with her, and it will never change. She, Xu Man, is his wife, his wife, and the woman who will be with him for the rest of his life. Why did she work so hard and calculate everything before marriage? After marriage, if you please him like that, you will always get indifference.

What did she do wrong?
Reflecting the faint candlelight, Xu Man's expression also condensed from the flattering gentle and elegant tone at the beginning.

Looking at Qi Feng with his back to the gate, standing at the gate facing the autumn wind.

With a tall figure, he couldn't see the expression in his eyes clearly, only a faint figure, and a cold aura all over his body...

That's it for two people.


There is a tension in the air.


Qi Feng didn't know what he was thinking, so he stood at the door without moving.

Xu Man was holding the child, his hands tightened more and more.

The sleeping soundly child frowned slightly...

all of a sudden...

Between the two of them, a baby's cry suddenly sounded, passing through the two condensed air, and cutting the dark sky outside.

"Wow... woo woo..." The child frowned and cried!

Xu Man unconsciously tightened his hand and strangled the child, and the sleeping child was made to cry by the tightening force!
"It's cold, you should eat first." Qi Feng said lightly, amidst the loud cries of the child, he walked in step by step, walked up to Xu Man, looked down at the child, and hugged the constant hug in Xu Man's arms. The crying child couldn't be seen clearly all the time, and the cold expression softened a lot the moment he hugged the child, and softened a lot.

The child's delicate and cute little face is very similar to Xu Man, and also has a bit of resemblance...

"Give me the baby." He said as he hugged the crying child, and when he saw Xu Man who was trying to coax but was in a hurry, he took it and patted the child's small body: "Don't cry, don't cry." Cry...the baby won't be cute if it cries again..."

"Baby, don't cry, don't cry..."

Qi Feng patted the child while holding it, and shook it while holding the child.

The people standing around all lowered their heads, not knowing what Qi Feng saw through this child, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Xu Man saw it.

He also raised his lips.

She knows it!

As long as there are children, Qi Feng will...

Every time he faces the child, Qi Feng's expression softens.

You will receive unexpected rewards!
Xu Man knows that the child will be everything to her. Qi Feng likes and cares about the child very much. He will visit the child every day when he comes back.

She also knew that he had a child in another house, which she didn't know before and later heard that it was Qi Feng's illegitimate child.

She wanted to go several times, but Qi Feng refused.

She doesn't give up, she must...

So she takes the child with her every day, even if she doesn't like the child, she wants to let him know that she loves the child, they are the parents of the child, Qi Feng is the father, she is the mother, irreplaceable.

He will be with her, by her side, will not leave her, abandon her, or even abandon her!

The child is still crying.

But the crying has gradually subsided.

Qi Feng handed the child in his arms to the nanny who specially invited him back to take care of the child, but did not hand it to Xu Man, his expression was softer, and he said carefully and softly: "He is asleep, take him in and sleep first, outside at night It's already a little cold, and the wind is not good."

"Yes, sir." The nanny nodded after receiving it, and immediately went in with the child in her arms.

Qi Feng's eyes followed...

Xu Man looked at Qi Feng.

a while

"Qi..." Xu Man, who was sitting back at the dining table, gave Qi Feng, who was standing still, a look, his eyes flickering.

"Hmm..." Qi Feng withdrew his gaze and raised his eyebrows lightly.

He glanced at the cold food.

"You haven't eaten yet, I've been waiting for you to eat together, let's eat together." Xu Man's condensed expression was suppressed by her, she raised a gentle and charming smile, raised her head charmingly under the candlelight, looked He looked at Qi Feng, looked at him, and said slowly, with the taste of a gentle and virtuous wife and mother.

"Eat it, I've already used it, let's go first." Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, what was waiting for her was Qi Feng's words.

After finishing speaking, Qi Feng didn't stay any longer and walked inside.

"Qi Feng..." Seeing this, Xu Man's complexion changed and became bad, even...Qi Feng didn't look back, didn't answer, but just stopped.

His expression became gloomy again.

"Did you forget? Today is our second wedding anniversary... You said you would come back early to eat with me and the children, don't even accompany me today?" Xu Man's voice became angry and resentful , Disappointed, sad, grabbed Qi Feng's back straight.

"We have been married for two years, Qi Feng, but the number of times you come back..." Xu Man lowered his head and continued to speak, his voice faded in the wind.

Qi Feng's footsteps stopped for half a moment, his indistinct brows frowned, something flashed, he turned around, looked at Xu Man who stood up again, with his back to the candlelight, he didn't know what to think, so he walked back At the dining table, sat down: "Eat, I will accompany you."

guilt or...

The expression on his face and his voice softened a little.

Xu Man's eyes flashed.

"Okay! Qi..." She smiled and was happy, but there were still a few tears on her face. She walked in front of Qi Feng and suddenly hugged his shoulder.

Lean against him, ring tight.

"Qi, I'm so happy, I'm so happy that you are with me, I really want to be with you every day, you can accompany me every day...I miss you, I'm so scared when I'm alone at home...Only my child is with me, you're always busy... ..." In Qi Feng's froze body reaction, she said, Youyuan's voice was afraid of complaining: "Don't abandon me, please don't abandon me..."

Qi Feng stretched out his hand and tried to push it away.

In the end, he didn't push Xu Man away.

It's just that no one can see the expression on his face...

Those phoenix eyes saw the dark night outside the window at some point!
In another place, in Wei Han's apartment, there were also three people sitting at the table having dinner.

The mischievous and noisy Cheng Baobao was already sleepy after being fed. Without her joining in, the room seemed quiet. They had been poisoned by Cheng Baobao’s voice for a long time without her noisy laughter. Very used to it, there are only three people, Wei Han, Wei Wanlinsu, before the meal.

At this point, dinner is coming to an end.

All three of them ate enough.

"What are you going to do when you come back..." It was Wei Han who asked Wei Wan, Lin Su.

"Look first." Lin Su replied.

Wei Wan didn't speak, and she didn't seem to hear Wei Han's words, she didn't know what she was thinking, since she left the airport, she looked a little bit wrong, Wei Han and Lin Su asked her, she just said nothing, they didn't think too much Many, I didn't pay much attention to it, but I still feel a little dazed now.

Shensi does not belong!
"Wei Wan?" Seeing this, Wei Han frowned and turned to Wei Wan.


"Wei Wan?"


"Wei Wan, Wei Wan?"

She yelled several times in a row, until the third yell, Wei Wan seemed to recover from the state of being out of control, she looked a little puzzled, she looked at Wei Han in a daze, and met his pair of eyes. The deep black eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything flashed in her eyes, and she slowly came back to her senses.

Seeing Lin Su looking at her strangely, she raised her eyebrows lightly: "What's wrong?"

She asked this question out of her mouth.

Wei Han's gaze deepened.

Lin Su did the same, his eyes became even more strange.

"What's the matter, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly, is there something wrong?" Wei Wan glanced at the two of them and asked in confusion.

My heart lifted slightly, and my hands clenched tightly.

Is it her...

"No." Wei Han said coldly.

"No." Lin Su also shook his head.

"Really?" Wei Wan looked at them with a slight frown.

Just now she... what did she miss?
"What are you thinking? Why do you keep looking in a daze?" Finally, Lin Su asked Wei Wan.

(End of this chapter)

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