Chapter 202

"Surprised? Si Luo has to say that you have done a good job. Everything is leak-proof. I will not doubt it at all, and I can't find anything. I have never doubted it. If there is no child..." Qi Feng paused at this point , I don't know what to think of, the expression on his face changed.

"Child?" Si Luo frowned.

"Yes, if it wasn't for Xu Man's pregnancy, I would never have doubted it, but she is."

After these words were uttered, something flashed in Siluo Momei's eyes.

The same goes for Wei Han, the clarity in his dark eyes is getting deeper and deeper.

Even Lin Su frowned.

"Do you know why I doubt it? Because after Wei Wan got pregnant, I had a vasectomy!" Qi Feng smiled charmingly and looked at Si Luo and Xu Man, with a very light tone: "So no matter what happened that night I can't make Xu Man pregnant, but she is pregnant, and..."



Qi Feng actually performed a ligation for Wei Wan?


He was suspicious because Xu Man was pregnant?
Looking at Qi Feng's eyes, Wei Han and Lin Su are very complicated.

"You actually did it for a woman, for a woman..." Si Luo's eyes tightened suddenly.

Not knowing what he was thinking, he took a deep look at Qi Feng, the two men, Si Luo slid the wheelchair under him to turn around, the people behind him immediately stepped forward, pushed behind him, and walked towards the door together.

"I'll wait for you!" he said.

Qi Feng didn't speak, but also walked towards the door.

When the two men passed by Xu Man who was lying on the ground, Qi Feng looked at him with pity, and left without leaving his footsteps or turning his head. His men also followed, and Si Luo stopped for a second. Leave without saying anything.

"Brother...Brother..." The words "Brother" came out of her mouth lightly.

Lin Su was stunned.

Although Xu Man's voice was small, it was still audible.

And she kept shouting, looking at the direction where Si Luo and Qi Feng were leaving.

elder brother?elder brother?
Xu Man actually called Brother Si Luo?
How can it be?

how come?
Si Luo and Xu Man...

Wei Han didn't see much surprise in his eyes.

His eyes were deep.

He took out his mobile phone and stared at Qi Fengsiluo's back.

"Wei Han, take someone to pick up Wei Wan and the child." At this time, Qi Feng's voice came from a distance, Lin Su and Wei Han glanced at each other, and then at the entire hall, everyone who was supposed to leave was gone The only ones left were them, Wei Yue, and the person who grabbed the quiet little boy and held Xu Man down.

Even Qin Tian disappeared without knowing when.

Nobody noticed.

Wei Yue curled up, crying and laughing alone, muttering to himself like crazy.

Xu Man crawled on the ground, calling out to her brother...

"Where are they going and what are they doing?" After a while, Si Luo and Qi Feng had disappeared. Looking at the entire hall, Lin Su asked, looking at Wei Han, who was just disconnecting from his cell phone, squinting his eyes. I don't know what's going on in Shen Ling.

"It's over!"

Wei Han only said these two words.






"Wei Han, what are they going to do? What is a settlement? They... Qi Feng..."

"Let's go."

Wei Han's eyes were dark, he didn't answer Lin Su's question, but also walked towards the door.

"Wei Han, you...where are we going?" After being stunned for a while, Lin Su followed, but, where are we going?
"Save Wei Wan and Cheng Baobao."


Wei Han and Lin Su walked out of the hall together.

"Wei Han, how could it be? How could that Xu Man belong to Si Luo...they..." Walking through the garden, the clock struck midnight, everything was silent and dark, it was the darkest and deepest time of the night .

On the boulevard, several black arrogant cars shuttled to unknown places.

This night is destined to bleed.

Wei Han and Lin Su left.

At the entrance to the garden, a person is waiting there.

Under the thick black and pale street lights, Wei Han and Lin Su saw him at a glance, Wei Han frowned, but Lin Su rushed over, as if someone who had been waiting appeared and heaved a sigh of relief: "I have been waiting for you for a long time ... You're here? How's it going?"

After seeing Wei Han and Lin Su, the man said, "Follow me!"

"Zuo Si?"

Wei Han immediately frowned. The person standing at the entrance of the garden who seemed to be waiting for them turned out to be Zuo Si, and Lin Su and Zuo Si looked at Lin Su who was rushing towards Zuo Si, a flash of light flashed in his dark eyes. light, condensation.

He reached out to grab her, but he didn't.

Lin Su had already rushed to Zuo Si's side.

"Lin Su, you?"

He looks at them.

"Wei Han, Zuo Si will help us." Hearing Wei Han's voice, Lin Su seemed to have recovered from the excitement and looked back at Wei Han. She smiled shyly and left Zuo Si's side. turn around.

Looking at Zuo Si.

"Help us?" Wei Han still frowned.

What happened in front of you, Lin Su and Zuo Si, when did they get together?

Wei Han's dark eyes were deep.

"Yes, Zuo Si promised me and promised to help us. Let's go to Wei Wan first. She was taken away by Si Luo. I don't know what's going on now. Although Si Luo promised to exchange people, but..." Wang Wang looked Zuo Si looked at Wei Han again, Lin Su pursed his lips and said, he didn't know what he thought of, his eyes flickered at Zuo Si, then, worried and anxious, he pulled Zuo Si to turn around and leave, but he didn't answer Wei Han right away. question.

One is that it is important to find Wei Wan now.

Even if a person like Si Luo agrees to the exchange, who knows what will happen, it is better to find Wei Wan and Cheng Baobao as soon as possible.

Regarding this point, the three of them, Lin Su, Wei Han and Zuo Si, understood and understood it just by thinking about it.

Second, Lin Su himself didn't know how to answer.

She and Zuo Si...

She remembered the scene when she found Zuo Si at the reception, the conversation between them...

At that time, the reception in the hall was reaching its climax.

Wei Wan went to the garden, saying that she wanted to be alone. She and Wei Han watched from a distance, by the window sill in the hall. They saw Qin Tian appearing and pestered Wei Wan. Wei Han frowned worriedly. Ben Yi was about to rush out, but Si Luo stopped him.

Later, when Wei Han came back, Si Luo didn't know where he went. Qin Tian, ​​Wei Yue, Qi Feng, and Xu Man were also missing.

In the whole reception, there were only her, Wei Han, and Zuo Si.

She went to Zuo Si.

This is her decision!

The last decision made in that chaos.

Under the bright lights in the hall, Zuo Si was sitting in the corner, separated by the bright and gray light, the whole person was silent and indifferent as if blending into the whole darkness, no one could see the expression on his face clearly, the expression in his eyes Emotions.

Cold and indifferent.

There is no slight fluctuation in the whole person, like a squatting stone statue, lacking vitality.


Lin Su felt a little uncomfortable, unspeakably uncomfortable, and she walked forward.

She wants to see him.

I need to find him!
"Zuo Si, I have something to tell you, come with me..." Lin Su said straight to the point, standing in front of Zuo Si, facing him in the dim light, holding back the tension in his heart, too It has been a long time since we have been face to face like this, the separation for too long, the strangeness caused by too long time, and the feeling that we are getting farther and farther away from each other.

After she finished speaking, she turned around, behind her, unexpectedly, he followed her out.

At that moment, hearing the footsteps behind her, Lin Su couldn't tell what she felt in her heart. She clenched her hands tightly, dazed, excited, nervous, and let go...

Tilting his head slightly, he looked behind him.


He seemed to have been waiting for her.

Waited for her for a long time.

Just waiting for this day, waiting for this moment, she walked up to her firmly and told him to follow her.

Without hesitation, Zuo Si got up and followed behind her.

In the garden on the other side...

There is no Wei Wan here, no one else, only her and Zuo Si.

She looks at him.

And he kept watching her.

She hasn't looked at him for a long time. She looked at him, looking for those familiar things.

The last time we met, the last time we were together...

It was when she and Wei Wan were tied up, in that underground club destroyed by Wei Han, at that time...

Thinking, Lin Su thought a lot, and there were various emotions in her eyes.

At that time, when we met a few years later, she and him were together for a very short time. He changed a lot, silent, indifferent, but the only thing that remained the same was that he was very good to her, except for Si Luo, that short time For a long time, they seemed to be back in school, he was still him, she was still her, they were together, and later...

He let her go.

Let her be taken away by Wei Wan Wei Han in a coma.

Goodbye, he is him, she is even stranger to him.

He is from Si Luo, she is for Wei Wan...

Everything between Si Luo and Wei Wan...

She and Zuo Si, they can only make eye contact for a short time each time, and then they separate, and there will be nothing more.

Lin Su also knew that it was impossible for her to be with him, and she always wanted to forget, remember, never recall, always trying not to get stuck, trying to save herself from him, to be free, but every short meeting, she Fallen again.

Do you love so much that you can't forget, can't let go?

Even if it's hate, stranger, that love, that love, that person can't erase it in my heart?

Could it be that even if she died, she couldn't forget it?
Some people say that it only takes one second to fall in love with someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone, to forget until the last moment of life!
Maybe she is!
Some people say that there is a kind of love that cannot be taken away even by death. If people have reincarnation, as long as they love each other, they will meet each other. meet.

Because some people can only love one in their life.

Only love one person.

Lin Su loves Zuo Si, and her love for him has exhausted all her life's love and energy, and she is unable to love again.

She thought, maybe in this life, she will wait, even knowing that they are impossible.

She didn't do it for him, only for her love.

If there is an afterlife, in the afterlife, she will forget him!
"Help me!" Looking at each other, too many fragments flashed in Lin Su's mind, and after a while, she spoke.Looking at him, suppressing the emotions in the eyes, everything in the mind... Facing him, facing his cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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